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Hemingway Percy: more books (15) | ||||||||
41. I12483: Agnes Of Aquitaine (____ - ____) _ _ _ Eliza Hemingway _James Dow HOME. Samuel Percy Hooker. http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~wdwrth/Master/d0000/g0000255.html | |
42. 404 Not Found The Dancing Mania Heine, Heinrich Buch Der Lieder De Beurs Lacht De FransePers Franse Toestanden Hemingway, Percy Gregorio Hemphill, Scott http://www.globusz.com/authors_h.html | |
43. Insomniac Bookstore Memories of Charles Dickens With an Account of Household Words and All the YearRound and of the Contributors Thereto by Percy H. Fitzgerald Ernest Hemingway. http://www.neuronic.com/insomniac_bookstore.htm | |
45. Famous Author Series Henry James; Mark Twain; William Faulkner; Ernest Hemingway; William Blake; WaltWhitman; F. Scott Fitzgerald; John Steinbeck; Percy Bysshe Shelly; Herman Melville;Jane http://www.mkn.org/Handbook/splash_assets/html/F/FamousAuthorSeries/famous_autho | |
46. The World Of Hamspread Shortly after the launch of this campaign, Percy is returned to the relations windfallsin Allied Chemical history, revered author Ernest Hemingway reveals in http://www.alliedchemical.com/hamspread/ads/50.html | |
47. ESU Scotland - American Studies Library Criticism. 2/HEM/0718, Hemingway Selected Letters, Carlos Baker (ed),Criticism. Criticism. 2/PER/0589, Walker Percy, Harold Bloom (ed), Criticism. http://www.esuscotland.org.uk/litcrit.htm | |
48. ESU Scotland - American Studies Library 1/HEM/0071, The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway, Ernest Hemingway, Fiction.1/HER/0072, Blues, John Hersey, Fiction. 1/PER/0535, Lancelot, Walker Percy, Fiction. http://www.esuscotland.org.uk/fiction.htm | |
49. Interview With Madison Smartt Bell MB Yes, and again, this is a big Walker Percy theme, this sense ofestrangement. It never will be dead. Hemingway created that mode. http://www.webdelsol.com/msbell/msb-vew2.htm | |
50. Am. Writers papers; includes a biographical essay illustrated by material from the collectionand an inprogress catalog of Hemingway materials) ( John Walker Percy, http://www.litterae.net/americanwriters.htm | |
51. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print Comments The mystic and legendary British explorer Colonel Percy Harrison Fawcett Sailingto Hemingway's Cuba by Dave Schaefer Synopsis The color, mystique and http://www.powells.com/usedbooks/TravelWriting.56.html | |
52. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print Bysshe Shelley by Percy Bysshe Shelley Publisher Comments Percy Sysshe Shelley ByLineErnest Hemingway Selected Articles and Dispatches of Four Decades by http://www.powells.com/subsection/PalmeBookAnthologies.2.html | |
53. Autographed Books List 8245AW, Hemingway, Ernest signed Bibliography of Ernest Hemingway wrtitten byLouis 8435-BUN, Percy, Walker Lancelot signed 1977 1st edition, $595.00, Book. http://www.vintage429.com/Books.htm | |
54. Bipolarity, And The Grey Matter In Between individuals as a crutch for creating an artificial sense of self worth is evidentin the lifestyles of Ernest Hemingway and members of the Percy clanall of http://innerspace-unltd.net/writing/biography.html | |
55. English And American Literature 4. Gissing, George. 5. Harte, Bret. 6. Hemingway, Ernest. 7. James, Henry. 8. James,Henry. Shakespeare, William. 148. Shelley, Percy Bysshe. 149. Sherburne, Edward. http://www.yushodo.co.jp/english/rare2/eibei/ | |
56. Wordiness Weblog Archives: (Post)modern Fictional Metareality Four-day Forecast, Stupid people or fans of Arthur C. Clarke or Percy Shelly need not apply. Perhapsit'll be a Hemingway evening, er, morning no, I'm not that lucky. http://www.wordiness.com/articles/article46.html | |
57. George Antheil Papers are Luis Bunuel, John Cage, Alexander Calder, Aaron Copland, Jean Cocteau, SalvadorDal', George Gershwin, Percy Granger, Ernest Hemingway, Paul Hindemith http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/indiv/rare/guides/Antheil/main.html | |
58. University Of Delaware: FOUR DECADES OF LIBRARY SUPPORT work of the British romantic poets, notably Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley T. Farrell,Charles Henri Ford, Kimon Friar, Jane Heap, Ernest Hemingway, James Leo http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/exhibits/udla/lit.htm | |
59. UVa Library: Subject Guides: English: 20th Century Ernest Hemingway Home Page A collection of sites devoted to Hemingway and essays. WalkerPercy WWWsite From the archive of the Walker Percy Papers. http://www.lib.virginia.edu/subjects/English/eng-twentieth.html | |
60. American Political Novel Does Percy agree with Hemingway about the limits of speech and communication?How would he formulate the problem, and how does his novel address it? http://www.fordham.edu/politicalsci/profs/Nichols/apn.html | |
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