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Hargrave John: more detail |
1. AIM25: Thesaurus Personal Names: H Diana fl 19201950 wife of John Hargrave. Hargrave John 1894-1982 commercial artist, writer and youth http://www.aim25.ac.uk/search/thesaurus/persons/list7.htm | |
2. Www.lib.unc.edu/mss/inv/f/Foxhall_Family 1901 A few letters from John Hargrave Foxhall and other documents relating to hisarmy career Folder 1 1857; 18621868; 1874 2 1882-1886 3 1894-1895 4 1896 5-6 http://www.lib.unc.edu/mss/inv/f/Foxhall_Family |
3. NSW Parliament Website Static Content Richard Hargrave MLA New England Macleay, 185657. John HARRIS MLA West SydneyMLA South Sydney, 1877-80 1882-85. Sir Matthew HARRIS MLA Sydney - Denison, 1894-01. http://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/prod/web/PHWebContent.nsf/PHPages/LibraryCompen |
4. Mountain View, Calgary: Har Hargrave, George C. 1918. Hargrave, Jeanette D. 1917-1996. Harvie, NormanC. 1907-1970. Harwood, Dona E. 1894-1987. Hatton, John R. 1909-1990. http://www.afhs.ab.ca/data/cemeteries/mountain_view/har.html | |
5. Index; The Howard Families Of Hancock County, Maine 17901852) Sarah (1824-1858) Sidney A. (1894-1978) Solomon Powers (1839- ) ZemiraJ. (1833-1872) Hargrave Mary Ann (1772-1840) Holland John (1822- ) Horton http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~drowles/howard/1000000i.htm | |
6. Aviationboom - Pioneers Main Mikhail Guryevich 18931976 H Lawrence Hargrave 1850-1915 Samuel Henson 1812-1888Herbert John Louis Hinkler 1976 I Sergei Vladimirovich Ilyushin 1894-1977 J http://www.aviationboom.com/pioneers/ | |
8. New Titles Listing - Monash University Library 68, 2002, Proceedings / Mark D. Aagaard, John W. O Hargrave-Andrew Library, 650.0285F949S 2002. Cinema year by year, 1894-2002 / editor in chief, Robyn Karney http://www.lib.monash.edu.au/collections/newtitles/infotech/infotech-030113.html | |
9. 600000 People Connected With European Royalty Father Clarence Earl Roper (18941959) 2 Mother Marie Father John Reggie EmbertonMother Glade Ethel Carter David Martin Byrd Lucy Priscilla Hargrave http://www.e-familytree.net/f1801.htm | |
10. Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With H HARGIS, Sally (VA) (ABT 1840) Hargrave, Sally (-) HARMAN Littleton (-) HOLLAND,Thomas Alvin (1894-1952) HOLLAND HOLLOWAY, James (-) HOLLOWAY, John Henry (ABT http://www.grotonresearch.org/html2/index/idxh.html | |
11. OzLit@Vicnet Australian Authors Index:- H HARCOURT, JM (John Mewton) (19021971); HARDIE, JJ (John Jackson) (1894-1951 TIMOTHYGEORGE (1947-; HARFFORD, LESBIA (1891-1927); Hargrave, MARGARET PACKHAM http://home.vicnet.net.au/~ozlit/ozlith.html | |
12. Project Gutenberg Author Index Harben, William Nathaniel, 18581919. Hardy, Thomas, 1840-1928. Hargrave, John,1894-. Hariot, Thomas, 1560-1621. Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 1825-1911. http://www.ibiblio.org/gutenberg/authors/author_index_H.html | |
13. Descendents Of John Hargrave, Union Co., Illinois DESCENDENTS OF John Hargrave UNION COUNTY, ILLINOIS This is my family's history and it continues to be subject to constant update and revision. No. 1. 1. John Robert3 Hargrave, Sr (William2, John1) More About John Robert Hargrave, Sr Alias John Hargrave b.1755 2. John Robert4 Hargrave, Jr. (John Robert3, William2, John1) http://www.iltrails.org/union/hargrave_family_database.htm | |
14. I1213: James M. AYRES (Sep 1894 - ) James M. AYRES. BIRTH Sep 1894, TX. Father James H. AYRES MotherSarah MOSS Family 1 Martha BLAIR +John GILKINSON. Evadel Hargrave. http://www.gendex.com/users/69751/AndrewBratton/d0002/g0000094.html | |
15. John Cobley 1864- John Cobley . shoe rivetter. FatherThomas Cobley 1826? Ethel Annie Cobley . b. 1894 ? Hargrave, Northamptonshire. (St. Catherine's House Index 3Q/1894/Wellingborough/3b http://www.btinternet.com/~mark.cobley/cobleys/hargrave/john.html | |
16. I1335: Matilda BROWN (27 Jul 1894 - ) BIRTH 27 Jul 1894. REFN AFNS90Q5B Mother Anna WEST. Family 1 John Hargrave http://www.pitt.edu/~willias/d0000/g0000099.html | |
17. Project Gutenberg Author Record Project Gutenberg Author record. Hargrave, John, 1894. Titles. AtSuvla Bay; being the notes and sketches of scenes, characters and http://www.ibiblio.org/gutenberg/authors/hargrave__john__1894-.html | |
18. John Hargrave - Biographical Note John Hargrave in Scout Uniform . aged about 17. Hargrave was born the second son of an impecunious landscape artist in 1894. http://www.enduser.co.uk/kibbokift/jhbio.htm | |
19. DBM_GET_INDEX Failed -- Record Not Found Record 1 of 1. Hargrave, John, 1894 Harbottle a modern pilgrim's progressfrom this world to that which is to come / by John Hargrave. http://js-catalog.cpl.org:60100/MARION/ HARLEQUIN DESEO/3edd4100d100/0 | |
20. (Verna Louise Hardy - John Hargrave ) Index of Persons Verna Louise Hardy John Hargrave 2393 individuals, 904 families from file C\Genealogy\Christy.GED (2 Sep 2001) http://www.hal-pc.org/~jchristy/index/ind0062.html | |
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