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21. Saxo Grammaticus - Acapedia - Free Knowledge, For All Friends of Acapedia Saxo Grammaticus. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. SaxoGrammaticus was a Danish mediaeval historian of whose life little is known. http://acapedia.org/aca/Saxo_Grammaticus | |
22. SAXO http//arildhauge.com THE DANISH HISTORY OF SAXO Grammaticus Saxonis GrammaticiHistoria Danica The Danish history of Saxo Grammaticus Saxonis Grammatici http://home.enter.vg/arildhaugesrunes/e-saxo.htm | |
23. Saxo Grammaticus Saxo Grammaticus c.1150c.1220, the first important Danish historian. SaxoGrammaticus. c.1150-c.1220, the first important Danish historian. http://www.slider.com/enc/47000/Saxo_Grammaticus.htm | |
24. Saxo Grammaticus Vademecum in opus Saxonis et alia opera Danica compendium ex indice verborum. A medieval Latin dictionary. http://www.rostra.dk/latin/saxo.html |
25. The Danish History, Books I-IX Presents translations to all nine of the books written by "Saxo the Learned" in the thirteenth century. Includes a selected bibliography. The Danish History, Books IIX. by. Saxo Grammaticus ("Saxo the Learned") http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/OMACL/DanishHistory | |
26. Saxo Grammaticus, Gesta Danorum Saxo Grammaticus Gesta Danorum Indholdsfortegnelsen bygger på Winkel Horn 1898 og på J. Olrik 190812. http://www.kb.dk/elib/lit/dan/saxo/lat/or.dsr | |
27. Saxo Grammaticus (Nordic Authors Presented By Project Runeberg) Saxo Grammaticus, (11501220), historian, Denmark. Project Runeberg has published the following works by this author Read more about Saxo Grammaticus in The Danish Royal Library maintains a Saxo Grammaticus homepage. for some Latinized versions later rendered by Saxo Grammaticus. Saxo's Gesta Danorum (History of the Danes), which http://www.lysator.liu.se/runeberg/authors/saxo.html | |
28. Middelalderforeningen Saxo Grammaticus Denne side er opbygget med rammer, hvilket din browser ikke kan vise. Klik her for at komme videre Uden rammer Billedgalleri Forum Home Links Om Foreningen Saxo Grammaticus v/ Peter JuelHansen Godthåbsvej 2 8700 Horsens tlf 75628870 http://members.tripod.com/~SaxoGrammaticus | |
29. Det Kongelige Bibliotek - Elektroniske Værker - Saxo Grammaticus (ca. 1200) Saxo Grammaticus. (ca. 1200). Trekantfronton Saxo Grammaticus. Gesta Danorum,den latinske tekst. Genvej til Hvad, hvor, hvornår? http://www.kb.dk/elib/lit/dan/saxo/ | |
30. The Danish History Of Saxo Grammaticus The Danish History of Saxo Grammaticus From "The Nine Books of the Danish History of Saxo Grammaticus", translated by Oliver Elton (Norroena Society, New York, 1905). http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/saxo | |
31. PROJECT GUTENBERG OFFICIAL HOME SITE -- Listing By AUTHOR Saxo Grammaticus. http://promo.net/cgi-promo/pg/cat.cgi?&label=ID&ftpsite=ftp://ibiblio.or |
32. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Index - Grammaticus, Saxo INDEX What is PG Etext Listings. Etexts by Author Grammaticus,Saxo G Index Main Index The Danish History, Books IIX. http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_grammaticus_saxo.html |
33. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Grammaticus, Saxo INDEX What is PG Etext Listings. Etexts by Author Grammaticus,Saxo G Index Main Index The Danish History, Books IIX http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/grammaticus_saxo.html |
34. Saxo Grammaticus (Nordic Author Biographies) for some Latinized versions later rendered by Saxo Grammaticus. Saxo's Gesta Danorum (History of the Danes), which http://www.lysator.liu.se/nordic/authors/saxo.html | |
35. Danmarks Riges Krønike Illustrationer. Saxo Grammaticus Danmarks Riges Krønike er illustreretaf Gudmund Hentze. Det var ikke muligt at indsætte samtlige http://www.lysator.liu.se/runeberg/saxo/ | |
36. Project Gutenberg Author Record Project Gutenberg Author record. Grammaticus, Saxo. Titles. Danish History, BooksIIX, The. To the main listings page. Main Project Gutenberg Web page (online). http://www.ibiblio.org/gutenberg/authors/grammaticus__saxo.html | |
37. Saxo Grammaticus' History Of The Danes THE HISTORY OF THE DANES, BOOKS IIX. by Saxo Grammaticus ( Saxo theLearned ). Although there are actually 16 books in Saxo's History http://www.heathenry.org/lore/saxo/ | |
38. Saxo Grammaticus' History Of The Danes, Preface HISTORY OF THE DANES, PREFACE. by Saxo Grammaticus ( Saxo the Learned ).Forasmuch as all other nations are wont to vaunt the glory http://www.heathenry.org/lore/saxo/book0e.html | |
39. The Danish History Of Saxo Grammaticus, Preface Sacred Texts Index Northern European Index Index Next The Danish Historyof Saxo Grammaticus Preface. Forasmuch as all other nations http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/saxo/saxopref.htm | |
40. Saxo Grammaticus: Online Books Classical Authors Directory G Authors Saxo Grammaticus Online Books Forum. Siteincludes links to editor reviewed directories about Saxo Grammaticus. http://authorsdirectory.com/biography_online_book_portrait_picture/g_authors_sax | |
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