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81. WebGED: MacDougall Genealogy Data Page Haven, Nathaniel(1664 1746) mother , Elizabeth spouse Gould, Sarah (1717 - 1806 Wight,Carmalony(1852 - 1912) spouse Bartholomew, George - m. 9 Dec http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~redfish/wga25.html | |
82. WebGED: The Bement Family Data Page ID 83201 phone 208/2376903 dugbementaol.com spouse Bement, Thomas (1848 - 1922)- m. 1872 1913 spouse Gould, George Willis (~1860 - 1911) - m. BEF. http://www.bementfamily.com/webged/bement.wbg/wga42.html | |
83. Biblioteca Virtual Gould, George M. (George Milbrey), (1848 + 1922). Anomalies And CuriositiesOf Medicine (.zip 861 Kb). Gower, John (1330 + 1408). http://www.bibvirt.futuro.usp.br/gutenberg/g.html | |
84. Vassar Burr, George Lincoln, 18571938. Thomas, M. Carey (Martha Carey), 1857-1935. logbooks,1925-1929; album and diploma of her mother Agnes Gould Wheeler from http://library.vassar.edu/information/special-collections/MssSub/Vassar.html | |
85. Levis Art Auction And Appraisals Gotz, Hermann, 18481901, German, Gould, John Howard, b.1929, Canadian, RCA. Harrison,M. 20th century, Canadian, Hart, George Overby 'Pop', 1868-1933, American, http://www.levisauctions.com/past/html/biog.html | |
86. NEC-CAH Manuscripts Subject A-K Ira M. Bidwell; a paper read before the New England Methodist Historical Pickering,George, 17691846 Subj. Gordon, William, 1810-1895. Gould, Albert, 1832-1890 http://www.bu.edu/sth/archives/cah/cahmss1.htm | |
87. Shaw Authors Notes Finding Aid 1928 (1 item) Gould, Edith Kingdon (1 item) Gould, Hannah Flagg Herschell, William17981822 (1 item) Hewins, Caroline M (1 item Fodler 15 Hess, George H. Jr. http://www.fsu.edu/~speccoll/shawnote.htm | |
88. Choice Out-of-Print Books E-mail Gould, Stephen Jay. of Bird Migration, by Wells W. Cooke, and How Birds can TakeTheir own Portraits, by George Shiras, and 45 Mark, AF and Nancy M. Adams. http://www.eclectic-books.com.au/SUBJECT/NATURE.HTM | |
89. Hancock Short Title List, 1850-1899 - G Wien Druck von L. M. Deutsch, 1873 LOCATION Gould, John (18041881) A monographof the Trochilidae Gray, George Robert (1808-1872) Notices of insects that http://www.usc.edu/isd/locations/science/hancock/rbcat/post50g.htm | |
90. Names Index Page Garfield Cudle (8 JAN 1874) Roberts, Helen Gould Roberts, Jeaneen 12 MAY 1827-) Rohr,George F (1879-) Rohr, George M (1862-1943) Rohr, George Michael (26 http://www.history-buff.org/html/names10.htm | |
91. American Portrait Prints Collection At AAS AJ GORDON, George ANGIER GORDON, George M. GORDON, JAMES B L. GORHAM, B. GORMAN,WILLIAM GORSON, George F. GOSS WARREN LEE GOUGH, JOHN B. (5) Gould, JAY (1836 http://americanantiquarian.org/apprints4.htm | |
92. Nova Supplementa Entomologica - 1998/11 (part1) Translate this page A.Gd. Gould, Augustus Addison (1805-1866) Cole, Moll. Angas Angas, George French(1822-1886) Zool, Cole. Ank. Ant. Antoine, Maurice M. (1887-1962) Cole. Ant. http://www.wiley-vch.de/berlin/journals/nse/contents/11_part1.html | |
93. WebGED: Ingraham Family File Data Page Ripley, Samuel (1705 ). - m. 1736 in Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Pratt, Jeremiah (1753 - ). - m. 27 NOV 1777 in Bridgewater, child Bolton, George Washington (1801 http://www.chesebro.net/wgo7.html | |
94. Guide To The George Lincoln Burr Papers, 1861-1942 White, Fred M.(Fred Merrick), b. 1859 Washington, 18361918 directed to Jacob GouldSchurman,*but Kilborne, Fred Lucius, 1857-1936; Kittredge, George Lyman, 1860 http://rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/htmldocs/RMA00022.html | |
95. 600000 People Connected With European Royalty Other Spouse Adelaide Ware Gould (1837 ) - 2 Apr 1868 - Boscobel, Grant 1 M GeorgeF. Ostrander 2 M Ivan John Ostrander (details suppressed for this living http://www.e-familytree.net/f6321.htm | |
96. New Books M - Z Translated from the Russian (6th ed.) by George Kamensky Edited by TA Lawson Argon. QD33.2 .O38 2002 Chemistry / John Olmsted III, Gregory M. Williams. http://www.library.wwu.edu/ref/newbooks/archives/aug02m_z.htm | |
97. F DATA003 FOX Shirley Agnes Delores Gould John Gould Nancy 1842 Albert 18561930 ARMSON JamesGeorge 1858-1944 M. Fraser 1918Tecumseth FRASER Elizabeth M. 1835-1907 http://www.ogs.on.ca/ogspi/162/e162f003.htm | |
98. WorldPAC Library Catalog Author Browse List Select a starting letter or number key to begin browsing. From F to I (Page 3 of 8) WorldPAC Copyright(c) 1995 96 Electronic Online Systems (EOS) International. All Rights Reserved. http://nucleus.cshl.org/worldpac/eng/index/a000003.htm | |
99. WebGED: Palmer Family File Data Page Stevens, Edward Henry (private). m. AFT. 1947 Ii (1893 - 1965). - m. 29 DEC 1922 in Mobile, Williams, Virginia (1848 - 1922). spouse Gray, Vivian (1890 - 1976). - m. 17 JUN http://www.chesebro.net/wgv6.html | |
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