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41. Anatole France [Yves Frisch] Translate this page Anatole France (1844-1924) Prix Nobel 1921. Les Dieux ont soif. ..Il yadans les hommes des caractères que les révolutions ne changent pas. http://yves.frisch.free.fr/francea.html | |
42. Anatole France Famous Quotes -ThinkExist Anatole France. French writer, member of the French Academy and NobelPrize for Literature in 1921. 18441924 An education which http://www.thinkexist.com/english/Author/x/Author_762_1.htm | |
43. A. France : Filles Et Garçons : Scènes De La Ville Et Des Champs (1915) Translate this page France, François-Anatole Thibault, dit Anatole (1844-1924) Filleset garçons Scènes de la Ville et des Champs (1915). Saisie http://www.bmlisieux.com/archives/fillgars.htm | |
44. A. France : Nos Enfants : Scènes De La Ville Et Des Champs (1887) Translate this page France, François-Anatole Thibault, dit Anatole (1844-1924) Nosenfants Scènes de la Ville et des Champs (1887). Saisie du http://www.bmlisieux.com/archives/noenfans.htm | |
45. HEATHS MODERN LANGUAGE SERIES (in MARION) Boston DC Heath Co., c1910. CLEVELAND/Foreign Lit. CALL NUMBER Fr122.78 32413 Book Available/Notes. France, Anatole, 18441924. http://js-catalog.cpl.org:60100/MARION?T=HEATHS MODERN LANGUAGE SERIES |
46. Anatole France 1844-1924, Anatole France, quiritratto da vecchio, fu il modello principale di Bergotte nella Recherche. http://www.marcelproust.it/gallery/france.htm | |
47. QuoteGallery.com _ Home Quotations by Author Anatole France, Anatole France (18441924)French novelist and Nobel laureate. View all quotes by Anatole France http://www.quotegallery.com/asp/apcategories.asp?author=Anatole France |
48. Gamasutra - Features - "The Game Proposal: Part One, The Basics" [12.20.02] If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France Jacques Anatole Thibault (18441924). http://www.gamasutra.com/features/20021220/ahearn_01.htm | |
49. Gamasutra - Features - "The Game Proposal: Part One, The Basics" [12.20.02] thing. Anatole France Jacques Anatole Thibault (18441924) If a millionpeople say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole http://www.gamasutra.com/features/20021220/ahearn_pfv.htm | |
50. Anatole France, Famous Quotation/Quote By Anatole France (click for more quotes by Anatole France or booksby/about Anatole France). (18441924). Source Crainquebille, 1902. http://centre.telemanage.ca/quotes.nsf/quotes/ab0a9b4b0e86582985256981006d1f2b | |
51. MUNDO / PERSONAJE Translate this page Anatole France, (1844-1924 ). Anatole France nació en la ciudad deParís, el 16 de abril de 1844. Estudió en el Colegio Stanislas http://www.iea.gob.mx/efemerides/efemerides/biogra/afrance.htm | |
52. France Anatole France, French (18441924). Penguin Island. http://www.hugeprint.com/authors/F/France.htm | |
53. Uppslagsverket Nationalencyklopedin, Ne.se - Sök Artikel 1. France, Anatole France Ljudinspelning, Anatole,pseudonym för Anatole FrançoisThibault, 18441924, fransk författare och kritiker, nobelpristagare i http://www.ne.se/jsp/search/search.jsp?t_word=Anatole France |
54. Anatole France - Zitate, Aphorismen & Bonmots Translate this page Autor Anatole France. Zum Autor Französischer Schriftsteller, 1844-1924.Es liegt in der Natur, vernüftig zu denken und unlogisch zu handeln. http://www.unmoralische.de/zitate2/Anatole_France.htm | |
55. Ancestry.com - Anatole France Yes No. Thought for Today 3/29/1999 Archive Anatole France. To know isnothing at all; to imagine is everything. Anatole France, 1844-1924. http://www.ancestry.com/library/view/news/thought/2398.asp | |
56. Thais - The Novel By Anatole France Anatole France (18441924) was the son of a parisian bookseller, to whoseshop literary men came not just to buy but to dip, read and discuss. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/1985/anat.html | |
57. Anecdote Cross Bearer? France Stains Jackets Awa When I wear the sash, it will cover the stain on my jacket. France, Anatoleborn Jacques Anatole Fran§ois Thibault (18441924), French critic and http://anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=6787 |
58. Kirja Kerrallaan. ilmestyi ensimmäisen kerran 1909 Anatole Francen (18441924) kokoelmassa Les septfemmes de la Barb-Bleu (Siniparran seitsemän vaimoa). France oli kriittinen http://kirja.lasipalatsi.fi/kauppa/proosa.html?more=183 |
59. Literature 1921 Nobel Foundation guide to the writer, whose real name was Jacques Anatole Thibault, features a bio, a photo, and France's acceptance speech. Anatole France. (penname of Jacques Anatole Thibault). France. b. 1844 Anatole France. Biography. Banquet Speech. Swedish Nobel Stamps http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1921 | |
60. ABU - AUTEUR Anatole France http://abu.cnam.fr/BIB/auteurs/francea.html | |
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