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61. Sérignan Du Comtat - Provence Web Translate this page Devant l'église, la statue en bronze du célèbre Jean Henri Fabre (1823-1915),assis canne bien en main, rappelle que ce célèbre entomologiste a vécu dans http://www.provenceweb.fr/f/vaucluse/serignan/serignan.htm | |
62. Sérignan Du Comtat - Provence Web In front of the church is the bronze statue of Jean Henri Fabre (18231915),sitting with his walking stick in hand. The statue http://www.provenceweb.fr/e/vaucluse/serignan/serignan.htm | |
63. Hessischer Rundfunk - Hessen Fernsehen - Hauptsache Kultur! - Jan Fabre - Parrot Translate this page Konstanten. Das hat Tradition in der Familie Fabre Sein Stiefgroßvaterwar der Insektenforscher Jean Henri Fabre (1823-1915). Mousonturm http://www.hr-online.de/fs/hauptsachekultur/themen/030208thema4.html | |
64. BioDirectory.Net - Biological Sciences Search Engine url www.math.utah.edu/~heidi/evol0.html. Fabre, JeanHenri Casimir ( 1823- 1915 ) The life and work of this entomologist. ETetxs and Gallery. http://www.bioinformatics.vg/cgi-bin/odp/index.cgi?base=/Science/Biology/History |
65. Invertebrates Jean Henri Fabre, Fabre's Book of Insects Hailed by Darwin as 'The Homer of Insects,'famed French entomologist Jean Henri Fabre (18231915) devoted hours of http://www.mindbird.com/invertebrates.htm | |
66. Liens Histoire History Links Navigation Plus Jean Henri Fabre - sa vie son oeuvre - Biographie,frise chronologique (1823-1915), manuscrit et album de famille - Textes http://www.navigationplus.com/navigue/art-hist.php | |
67. Books Regarding Nature And Field Guides, Ecology And More. This slender, elegant volume presents a series of brief natural history essays byFrench entomologist Jean Henri Fabre (18231915), who delighted in observing http://www.planet-pets.com/booknatr.htm | |
68. Ãæ¿ì 01/25 ? (1908~1950). 01/25 ? (Jean Henri Fabre /18231915).08/07 6 ? ? ? http://stagbeetles.com/info.php | |
69. SearchUK - Finds It Fast! evolution. Fabre, JeanHenri Casimir ( 1823 - 1915 ) - The life andwork of this entomologist. E-Tetxs and Gallery. Biochemistry http://www.searchuk.com/Top/Science/Biology/History/ | |
70. Biographies - Faataniki To Fazlul Fabre, Henri (18821984) French engineer, aviation pioneer - France B577. Fabre,Jean Henri (1823-1915) French entomologist, author, poet, educator. http://www.philately.com/philately/biofafa.htm | |
71. Fabre, Jean Henri. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. Fabre, Jean Henri. (zhäNäNr ´ fä´br ) (KEY) , 18231915, French entomologist and author. http://www.bartleby.com/65/fa/Fabre-Je.html | |
72. Fabre Jean Henri Translate this page Fabre, JEAN HENRI, (1823 - 1915), livres et documents disponibles. AVECNOS PARTENAIRES SAVOIR LA COTE DE L'ARTISTE ACHETER DES LIVRES NEUFS, http://www.nanga.fr/f/fabre.htm | |
73. Fabre, Jean Henri Fabre, Jean Henri , 18231915, French entomologist and author. He is knownfor his observations on insects and his study of their behavior. http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0818101.html | |
74. Tucson Pima Public Library /All Locations 1995 1 21 Fables Spanish American Juvenile Literature 2000 1 22 Fables Spanish JuvenileLiterature 1979 1 23 Fabre Jean Henri 1823 1915 Juvenile Fiction 1997 1 http://infolynx.ci.tucson.az.us:90/kids/1899,2126/search/df/df/13,1039,5000,B/br | |
75. Fabre Translate this page Fabre57R.jpg (4610 octets). Jean Henri Fabre (1823 - 1915). photo archivesdépartementales de l'Aveyron. BIOGRAPHIE Né dans une famille http://perso.wanadoo.fr/col.sacrecoeur/fich_pers/fabre.htm | |
76. Fabre, Le Miroir Aux Insectes Translate this page Jean Henri Fabre (1823 - 1915) fut de ces érudits locaux attachés àcultiver leur légende et à s'assurer une lignée de disciples. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/jocelyn.bezecourt/tort.html | |
77. P7 21/12/1823, Saint-Léons 12238 Aveyron; Décès 11/10/1915, L http://www.claude.barret.net/FABRE/fabre3/Fiches/D10/P8.htm | |
78. The Baldwin Project...Bringing Yesterday's Classics To Today's Children Jean Henri Fabre. (1823 1915). 1917, Insect Adventures. 1918, TheStory Book of Science. For a short biography of Jean Henri Fabre for http://www.mainlesson.com/author.php?author=fabre |
79. 1Up Info > Fabre, Jean Henri (Zoology, Biographies) - Encyclopedia Related Category Zoology, Biographies. Fabre, Jean HenrizhäN äNr ´ fä´br Pronunciation Key, 18231915, French entomologist and author. http://www.1upinfo.com/encyclopedia/F/Fabre-Je.html | |
80. List Of Correspondents Fabre, Jean Henri Casimir (18231915). French entomologist and sciencewriter who worked on insect behaviour. (DSB.) 1880 12398 http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/Departments/Darwin/corresps/flist.html | |
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