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Fa-hsien Ca 337-ca 422: more detail | ||||||
21. Gopher.quux.org70/Archives/gutenberg/authors.txt 18561918 Epictetus, circa 55-135 AD European Union Evans, Chris Evans, Mary Anne,1819-1880 AKA Eliot, George, 1819-1880 Fa-hsien, ca. 337-ca. 422 Fabre, Jean http://gopher.quux.org:70/Archives/gutenberg/authors.txt |
22. HL Evans, Mary Anne, 18191880 AKA Eliot, George, 1819-1880 Fa-hsien, ca. 337-ca.422 Fabre, Jean-Henri, 1823-1915 Fairless, Michael, 1869-1901 AKA Barber http://digilander.libero.it/lazzi/cur.html | |
23. Authors C-F Fahsien, ca. 337-ca. 422 Fabre, Jean-Henri, 1823-1915 Fairless, Michael, 1869-1901AKA Barber, Margaret Fairless, 1869-1901 Farjeon, Eleanor, 1881-1965 Farnol http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/c-f.htm | |
25. CBS HOMEPAGE 422. Fahsien, ca 337-ca 422; A record of Buddhistic kingdoms being an accountby the Chinese monk Fa-hien of his travels in India and Ceylon (AD 399-414) in http://ccbs.ntu.edu.tw/CBS-bin/KeyWordSearch.pl/ Fa-hsien, -- ca. 337-ca. 422. - | |
26. Project Gutenberg: Authors List Eye Witnesses. Fahsien, ca. 337-ca. 422. Fabre, Jean-Henri, 1823-1915.Fairless, Michael, 1869-1901 AKA Barber, Margaret Fairless, 1869-1901. http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
27. PROJECT GUTENBERG ETEXTS AUTHORS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Union Evans, Augusta J. (Augusta Jane), 18351909 Evans, Chris Evans, Mary Anne,1819-1880 AKA Eliot, George, 1819-1880 Fa-hsien, ca. 337-ca. 422 Fabre, Jean http://www.sign-lang.uni-hamburg.de/fb07/GermS/Project-Gutenberg-Authors.html | |
28. Autumnmist.homeip.net81/E-Books/-%20PROJECT%20GUTENBURG%20AUTHORS.TXT Augusta J. (Augusta Jane), 18351909 Evans, Chris Evans, Mary Anne, 1819-1880 AKAEliot, George, 1819-1880 Eye Witnesses Fa-hsien, ca. 337-ca. 422 Fabre, Jean http://autumnmist.homeip.net:81/E-Books/- PROJECT GUTENBURG AUTHORS.TXT |
29. New Books History And Geography - Library University College LOcaTION = Boole q1. 915.1. Fa-hsien, ca. 337-ca. 422. The pilgrimageof Fa Hian / from the French ed. of the Foe koue ki of MM. http://booleweb.ucc.ie/news/newbooks/new900.htm |
30. Project Gutenberg Evans, Chris. Evans, Mary Anne, 18191880 AKA Eliot, George, 1819-1880.Fa-hsien, ca. 337-ca. 422. Fabre, Jean-Henri, 1823-1915. Fairless http://www.surfsteve.com/gutenberg/authors.htm | |
31. European Travel Accounts Of Asia - Bryn Mawr College Library London J. Murray, 1824. DK755 .C66 1824. Fahsien, ca. 337-ca.422. Foe Koue Ki; ou, Relation des royaumes bouddhiques voyage http://www.brynmawr.edu/Library/SpecColl/Guides/travel/asia.html | |
32. Yale Day Mission Collection (Microfilm) Title List - A-C - ATLA Fahsien, ca. 337-ca. 422. Record of the Buddhistic kingdoms translated fromthe Chinese. London Trubner, 1877. 129 p. 0593. Fernando, Solomon. http://www.atla.com/products/titles/titles_yale_day_a-c.html | |
33. Records For Buddhism -- China. (LC) (in MARION) Buddhism China. (LC). Records 1 to 7 of 7. Fahsien, ca. 337-ca.422. Travels of Fah-hian and Sung-yun, Buddhist pilgrims, from http://vax1.memphis.lib.tn.us/MARION/@BUDDHISM/947310002000/0 | |
34. Travels Of Fah-hian And Sung-yun (in MARION) Author Fahsien, ca. 337-ca. 422. Beal, Samuel, 1825-1889. Yang, Hsüan-chih,d. 555? Mission of Hwui Seng and Sung Yun. Published http://vax1.memphis.lib.tn.us/MARION/AAE-9620 | |
35. Title DS6 H7913 1969, Siyu-ki, Hsuan-tsang ca. 596-664 Fa-hsien ca. 337-ca.422 Yang Hsuan-chih d. 555? Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner Co. 1969. http://www.hfu.edu.tw/~lib/search/4/e/sea4e900907.html |
36. Knihovna Mìsta Plznì - Katalog LANius F.,Christiane,1962 Fa-hsien,ca 337-ca 422 Fabbri,AM Fabel,Karel,1939- Faber,StephanieFaber,Vladimír Fábera,Miloslav,1912-1988 Fabian,Frantiek,1929 http://lanius.kmp.plzen-city.cz/kfsautfb.htm | |
37. Marmot Library Network /Marmot 1 18 F Murray Abraham 2 19 FNGN 1819 1 20 FPB 1976 1 21 F Productions 1988 1 22 FScott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby 1986 1 23 Fa Hsien ca 337 ca 422 1965 1 24 http://www.millennium.marmot.org:90/kids/1899,1901/search/af/af/13,1682,5000,B/b | |
38. Project Gutenberg Titles by Hardy, Thomas, 18401928 Judson And The Empire, by Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936Julius caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War, by caesar, Gaius Julius, ca. http://www.ncsu.edu/it/open_source/pg-titles.html | |
39. CBS HOMEPAGE ¤£¤ÀÄæ¦ìÀ˯Á ¥§t'Buddha and Buddhism' ¥Ø«e¸ê®Æ®w¦@ ¦³µ§¸ê®Æ, ²Å¦X±ø¥óªº¦@ ¦³2734µ§ http://ccbs.ntu.edu.tw/CBS-bin/KeyWordSearch.pl/Buddha%20and%20Buddhism | |
40. Free History EBooks, E-Books At HerMilitary.com herMilitary.com Book Club offers free ebooks, military discounts on top subjects such as family, military history, women authors, and more http://www.hermilitary.com/bookclub/historyebooks.htm | |
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