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21. Electronic Frontier Foundation Action Center To be able to modify the following letter » Subscribe to the EFF Action Center» Log in to your Personal Action Center Need some advice on how to edit? http://action.eff.org/action/index.asp?step=2&item=2421 |
22. EFF "Intellectual Property - Open Licenses" Archive Electronic Frontier Foundation page on licenses, includes EFF Open Audio License (OAL). http://www.eff.org/IP/Open_licenses/ | |
23. Equipped For The Future Special Collection Home Page The EFF Special Collection is maintained by the EFF Center for Training and TechnicalAssistance at the Center for Literacy Studies, University of Tenessee. http://www.nifl.gov/lincs/collections/eff/eff.html | |
24. Equipped For The Future Special Collection - About The EFF Initiative Top of page. Impact of EFF. The number of states and programs using EFFcontinues to grow. From EFF Homepage. Updated March7, 2003. Contact http://www.nifl.gov/lincs/collections/eff/about_eff.html | |
25. EFF Media Advisory: EFF Wins Partial Victory In Ford Case (Jan. 10, 2002) Press release on dismissal of trademark claims against jaguarcenter.com, jaguarentusiastsclub.com, vintagevolvo.com, and others, and denying in rem jurisdiction. http://www.eff.org/IP/Internet_address_disputes/Ford_v_GreatDomains/20020110_eff | |
26. EFF's (Extended) Guide To The Internet - Table Of Contents EFF's (Extended) Guide to the Internet. by Adam Gaffin with Jörg HeitkötterEFF's Guide to the Internet License Distribution Policy. G'day, folks! http://www.cosy.sbg.ac.at/doc/eegtti/eeg_toc.html |
27. EFF's (Extended) Guide To The Internet EFF's (Extended) Guide to the Internet (This is Version 2.3, publishedin September 1994). and The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). http://www.cosy.sbg.ac.at/doc/eegtti/ |
28. EFF "Legal Cases - Steve Jackson Games V. Secret Service - Phrack Case - Operati The Electronic Frontier Foundation records of the famous raid on the roleplaying company. http://www.eff.org/pub/Legal/Cases/Legion_of_Doom_Jolnet/ | |
29. Main http://www.eff-franchise.com/ | |
30. International EFF Supporter Meetup Day International EFF Supporter Meetup Day. in 26 Days. WHAT. EFF Supportersin Join other EFF Supporters near you! US Residents, enter http://eff.meetup.com/ | |
31. EFF "Net Culture - Humor" Archive Long list of funnies that explore the nooks and crannies of Net culture includes tales of hacker Barbie, the crypto subpoena hoax and the cyberpasse manifesto. Also find parodies based on Dr. Seuss and Edgar Allan Poe. http://www.eff.org/pub/Net_culture/Folklore/Humor/ | |
32. EFF Weblogs (Blogs) Recent News; EFF BPDG Blog; EFF Newsletter; Internships; EFF Topics; Radio EFF; ContactUs; Calendar; Media Resources. EFF Privacy Policy. Search Blogs Only EFF Weblogs. http://blogs.eff.org/ | |
33. CuD "Illegal" Archive Illegal was a big cracker zine in the years 19871989. http://www.eff.org/pub/Publications/CuD/Illegal/ | |
34. EFF "Legal Cases - Church Of Scientology" Archive Documents related to Scientology's lawsuits against critics and Internet providers. More specifically, deals with freedom of speech, of the press, and of association. 1994present. http://www.eff.org/Legal/Cases/Scientology_cases/ | |
35. EFF-Austin Works to protect digital rights and freedom. Includes news and meeting information.Category Regional North America Organizations...... EFFAustin is co-sponsor of an evening event during South by Southwest in Austin,and we'll be set up at the trade show - drop by, have a chat, sign up for http://www.effaustin.org/ | |
36. Electronic Frontier Foundation Action Center Calls on readers to submit comments opposing the technology mandates of the CBDTPA before the April 22, 2002 deadline. http://www.eff.org/alerts/20020322_eff_cbdtpa_alert.html | |
37. EFF-KULT Translate this page EFF, KULT, Netzwerk, Clan, Counterstrike, CS, Half-Life, Broodwar, Vaihingen,Enz, Lanparty, zocken. Ihr Browser unterstützt leider keine Frames! http://www.eff-kult.de/ | |
38. EFF "Privacy, Security, Crypto, & Surveillance" Archive The Electronic Frontier Foundation's collection of articles relating to issues of Privacy. These range from proposed and enacted legislation to resource lists for activists. http://www.eff.org/pub/Privacy | |
39. EFF TTT EFF True Type Translator. What is EFF True Type Translator? EFF TrueTypeTranslator, or !EFFTTT is the first ever translator of TrueType http://www.eff.co.uk/effTTT.htm | |
40. EFF "Hakim_Bey" Archive A small archive at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. http://www.eff.org/pub/Misc/Publications/Misc/Hakim_Bey/ | |
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