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41. List Henry MA; (benefactor), again 16401127 Bacon, Nathaniel vice Thomas Eden, deceased1654 again 1837 Law, Charles Ewan, Hon. again 1841 Goulburn, Henry, Rt Hon http://www.cus.cam.ac.uk/~jld1/lists/Repre.html | |
42. List Smithson, John Fellow of K 1638 Eden, Charles MA; Fellow Fazakerley, Nicholas (d.1767) 1757 Yorke, Charles, Hon. DOW (d. 1825) 1811 Dampier, Henry, Sir Fellow http://www.cus.cam.ac.uk/~jld1/lists/Commi.html | |
43. Genealogy Data Jean Lorain \par Gender Female Parents Father Eden, Reganald Charles \par Mother ParentsFather Coulter, Ernest Oskif (Oscar) Henry \par Mother http://www.familyworkings.com/gedcoms/connerty/dat40.htm | |
44. Draft Skinner, Daniel, Brownington Sloan, Austin, Windsor Smith, Abel B., Sutton Smith,Charles A., Bradford Smith, George H., Eden Smith, Henry, Montpelier Smith http://www.vermontcivilwar.org/draft/drftsrv1.shtml | |
45. Thirteenth Infantry Regiment Rosters Dakin, Henry, Montpelier, Pvt. Demerit, Marcus, Eden, Pvt. Emerson, William, Stowe,Pvt. Estes, Charles O., Montpelier, Pvt. Fassett, Henry, Enosburgh, Pvt. http://www.vermontcivilwar.org/2bgd/13/13h.shtml | |
46. Fond Du Lac County, Wisconsin, Civil War Veterans: First Wisconsin Infantry Co. K, Bear, Andrew, Town of Empire. Co. K, Bear, Henry, Town of Eden.Co. K, Benton, Charles H. Capt. City of Fond du Lac, Second Ward. Co. http://www.wlhn.org/fond_du_lac/military/cwregt_01inf.htm | |
47. Fond Du Lac County, Wisconsin, Civil War Veterans: Thirty-Fifth, Thirty-Sixth, T Co. I, Longstreet, Henry L. Town of Fond du Lac. Co. I, Penhallow, Reuben,Town of Eden. Co. I, Stringland, Charles T. Town of Fond du Lac. Co. http://www.wlhn.org/fond_du_lac/military/cwregt_3538inf.htm | |
48. Summary Description Of Edenton (N.C.) Papers, Mss. Dept., UNC-Chapel Hill Joseph Blount, William Branch, Stephen Cabarrus, William Cathcart, Josiah Collins,James Craven, Samuel Dickinson, Charles Eden, Henry Eelbeck, Montfort Eelbeck http://www.lib.unc.edu/mss/inv/e/Edenton(N.C.)Papers.html | |
49. Castle Eden Arrived Lyttelton 1851 Paying Steerage passengers in the Castle Eden, 930 tons Cabin Beardmore, SeptimusDe Bourbelle, Henry H. Brice P. Buchanan, John J. Calvett, Charles A. Fitzgerald http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~nzbound/nzbound/castleeden.htm | |
50. PUBLICANS1867 Galbraith William, Eden Vine Hotel, Mount Eden Terrace. Nelson Charles,Kaipara Hotel, Awaroa, Kaipara. Porter Henry, Queen's Hotel, Pokeno. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~ourstuff/Publicans1867.htm | |
51. I6047: Charles DAVIS ( - ) Stone was chosen by Daniel Wheelock as his guardian in 1813, Eden, VT BIRTH ABT 1809 The History of New Ipswich, NH, 17351914 , by Charles Henry Chandler and http://www.wheelockgenealogy.com/ged/ralphdsc/d0000/g0000034.html | |
52. Index Page E d. ca. 1677. Eaton, John Henry, Halifax Co. Halifax Co. 1790 1856. Rowan Co. 1762- 1847. Eden, Charles, England, Beaufort Co. 1673 - 1722. Eden, Charles, Bertie Co. http://web.co.wake.nc.us/library/locations/orl/Dict of NC Bios Index/Index page | |
53. NCDOT PD&EA: The Eden House Site - Later Settlers At The Site In 1719, North Carolina governor Charles Eden purchased the Eden House property.Period II Artist's Reconstruction. from the sons of former owner Henry King. http://www.ncdot.org/planning/pe/archaeology/edenhouse/later.html | |
54. OBA - Boston Grammar School War Memorial JAMES Eden BROWNING, GEORGE RAYMOND PERRIMAN. Charles DODSON, JOHNMEABURN STANILAND. JAMES ARTHUR RICHARD ELEY, ROBERT Henry STANWELL. http://www.rosma.btinternet.co.uk/BGS/School/History/warmem.htm | |
55. Lucky WELCH - Tania Ann WELSH Elizabeth WELLS =Nathan Dorian ALEXANDER 3 Lauren Eden ALEXANDER 2 Hubert WELSH GaryRaymond WELSH /William STRUTHERS /-Charles Henry STRUTHERS \-Mary http://www.wardjc.com/people/p000012r.htm | |
56. USA Volume 24 Contents Eddy, Harrison Prescott,Katrina C. Harvey; Eddy, Henry Turner, Penelope Krosch;Eddy A. Oergel; Edebohls, George Michael, Wendy B. Sutter; Eden, Charles, ThomasA http://www.ai-press.com/USA.25.contents.html | |
57. University Of Newcastle Archives And Special Collections - Recent Acquisitions - Purchased with Light Trust Funds. Eden, Charles Henry. The Fortunes of the Fletchers a story of life in Canada and Australia. By Charles Henry Eden http://www.newcastle.edu.au/services/library/collections/archives/int/newacq.htm | |
58. A Gazetteer Of Lock And Key Makers This was later transferred to NT (Oldham) Ltd, Eden Works, Honeywell Lane, OldhamLancs Charles Henry Pinson Snr was born in Willenhall in 1846 and set up as a http://www.localhistory.scit.wlv.ac.uk/Museum/locks/gazetteer/gaznaa-pnn.htm | |
59. CHARLES HARPUR: SELECTED POETRY AND PROSE Edited By Michael Ackland s ofViolent Death Eden Lost 5. CORRESPONDENCE Charles Harpur to Henry Parkes, 21...... Hunt A Storm in the Mountains The Creek of the Four Graves Poetic http://www.middlemiss.org/lit/authors/harpurc/charlesharpurspp.html | |
60. The Art Collection, Inc. Home Page George Henry Durrie Auguste Durst Lawrence Carmichael Earle Eden Upton Eddis JeanPierre-VictorMazies Henry Lee McFee F. Meissonnier Charles Henry Miller Joan http://www.artnet.com/ag/galleryhomepage.asp?gid=68 |
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