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21. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Titles > B There is no description available for this text. Author Eden, Charles Henry KeywordsAuthors E Eden, Charles Henry; Titles B. Battle Of Life, The, 1996. http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat=Ti |
22. OzLit@Vicnet - Australian Writers Out Of Copyright EDMUND; DUNCAN, WA; DUNDERDALE, GEORGE; DUNLOP, ELIZA HAMILTON; DYSON,EDWARD; Eden, Charles Henry; EDMOND, JAMES; ELLIS, HAVELOCK; EMERSON http://home.vicnet.net.au/~ozlit/freetext.html | |
23. OzLit@Vicnet Australian Authors Index:- E Also see Policy, References and Lists. EADEN, PR (nd; EAGLE, CHESTER (1933;EARLS, NICK (1963-; EBURY, SUE (nd; Eden, Charles Henry (1839-1900); http://home.vicnet.net.au/~ozlit/ozlite.html | |
24. GENUKI: Jubilee Swansea, Volume 1 Byrne,Leo,Australia,32, Cawker,Richard Garnut,,30. Chalk,Henry,-,46, Chanter,ThomasHenry,-,18. Eden,AF,-,17, Eden,Charles Hamilton, Durham,17. http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/wal/GLA/Swansea/JubileeSwansea1.html | |
25. Athenaeum Author Index: E., A.L.O. To EYTON, Rev. R.W. Eden, Robert; EDERSHEIM, Rev Mrs. EISDELL, JS; EISENBERG, John; ELton.-; ELAM, Charles;ELCHO, Lord; ELEY, Henry; ELGIN, Earl of; ELINOR, Aunt; ELIOT, GFS; ELIOT, George; http://www.soi.city.ac.uk/~asp/v2/authors/authe.html | |
26. Names4 Moreton Dyke R. Hart Dyneley Charles Eagles Erra Eagles John Easter Martin HoweJohn Easthope George Eaton Eaton Henry William Eccles James Eden James Eden http://www.geocities.com/heartland/river/5630/names4.html | |
27. Cantshipb Cole, Charles, 21, Carpenter, Cressy. Collett/ Corlett, Sarah Isabella, 21, Servant,Castle Eden. Collins, Sarah, 24, Castle Eden. Collis, Henry, 24, Farm Labourer,Isabella http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/barbgreg/cantshipb.html | |
28. Cantshipsd Clara, infant, dau. Gibson, Isaac, 24, Farm Labourer, Castle Eden. Gilbert, Charles,34, Labourer, Travancore. Elizabeth, 36, wife. Charles, 12, son. Richard, 9, son.Henry, 6, son. http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/barbgreg/cantshipsd.html | |
29. STUART MSS. de Lacerda; Joao da Anunciada; Jose Antonio de Alava; George Eden, earl of baron Cowley;John Wilson Croker; Timothy Abraham Curtis; Henry Charles Dickens; Sir http://www.indiana.edu/~liblilly/lilly/mss/html/stuart.html | |
30. Descendants - Aqw06.htm - Generated By Ancestral Quest Charles Edwin , Charles Frederick , Carl Frederich , John ) was born 22 Oct 1915in Buffalo, New York. Ruth married Henry AGLE on 4 Jan 1938 in Eden, New York. http://www.buffnet.net/~macdowel/metz/aqwg06.htm | |
31. Descendants Of Henry Drews - Desc06 - Generated By Ancestral Quest 68. William Hahl Metz (Jennie C. Hahl , Christina Brinkman , Maria Drews , Henry) was born 22 Feb 1926 110, M, i, Walter Charles Metz Living Paul's Eden, New York http://www.buffnet.net/~macdowel/drews/desc06.htm | |
32. Untitled Arromosket Indians Charles Eden to JAMES BAKER of CT, cons. 8 pounds VA money,200 A on ss Back Creek, adj. Pamlico Sound; wit THOS LOWTHER, Henry GIBBS, Jr http://www.rootsweb.com/~nchyde/CURRDEED.HTM | |
33. Bprobate.html minors) Barton, Charles Henry Barton, Reuben Bartram, Henry W. Barttell Vincent Baughman,Charles R. (minor) Baughman, Frank, Charles Eden (minors) Baughman http://www.rootsweb.com/~iapottaw/ProbateB.html | |
34. Conditional Pardons 1842. MCLEAN ANGUS 01071842 RED ROVER LINCOLN Henry 01071842 MARY COX JOSEPH 01071842 CLYDEFRANK Charles 01071842 LAYTON HULL OR HALL RALPH 01071842 Eden HALL OR http://www.standard.net.au/~jwilliams/tascon11.htm | |
35. Conditional Pardons 1842. BARDASTER ALLEN WILLIAM 07011842 ROYAL GEORGE DUKE Charles 07011842 Henry PORCHERMCDONALD LADY OF THE LAKE FAULKNER JOHN 07011842 Eden FOSTER JOSEPH http://www.standard.net.au/~jwilliams/tascons9.htm | |
36. 600000 People Connected With European Royalty Husband William Eden Evans Gordon Major, Sir, Mp 4 5 George's, London,England 7 2 M Charles Henry GordonLennox Duke Of Richmond 4 5 7 9 http://www.e-familytree.net/f4097.htm | |
37. 600000 People Connected With European Royalty Died Buried 4 Apr 1803 Bath Abbey Spouse Robert Eden ( - ) 1 Spouse RobertEden Sir (1741-1784 8 M George Henry Calvert 1 9 M Charles Baltimore Calvert 1 http://www.e-familytree.net/f1840.htm | |
38. In The Town Of Eden Charles Schmitz (Eden Fire Dept.); Deputy Supervisor Mary Lou Pew , Liaison. DRAINAGECOMMITTEE Andrew Reilly, PE; WENDEL Duchscherer Engineer; Scott Henry http://www.edenny.org/structure.html | |
39. Frederick Calvert, Sixth Lord Baltimore And Henry Harford While there, he and Eden were the houseguests of Dr Four year's later, in 1806, Henrymarried Esther Ryecroft. They had two sons, George and Charles, and three http://www.thatharfordsite.com/history/maryland/frederick_calvert.htm | |
40. NZSG : Strays & More Service - Names Beginning With E EASDALE, John Newton EASON, Thomas Henry EASSON, James EAST ECCLES, Annie MN ECCLES,Charles Vernon ECCLES Alfred EDELSTEN, James Samuel Eden, Charles Lionel Eden http://www.genealogy.org.nz/services/strays-liste.html | |
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