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Dyer Frank Lewis: more detail |
81. L DATA004 1932 KENNEDY Neil 18201846 Lewis Mary Ann on.ogs.simcoe_branch_library_collection set10-310.03 Dyer Joseph c1906 Margaret 1911-1982 HARBRIDGE Frank 1888-1910 http://www.ogs.on.ca/ogspi/162/e162l004.htm | |
82. INDEX Dyer. 1860 ) Esther Jane (1827-1885) Eunice (1909-1934) Frank ( - ) George Dr Lawrence(1897-1976) Leroy Lindsey (1819-1844) Lewellen ( - ) Lewis (1869- ) Lois http://www.jpkirkpatrick.com/kirkpatrick/fowndx2.htm |
83. INDEX Kelly John T. ( ) Keith T. (1924-1973) Lawrence Andrew Lewis ( - ) Lisa Ann Anna(1872- ) Charles P. ( - ) Charley (1877- ) Frank (1875- ) Grace John H Dyer. http://www.jpkirkpatrick.com/kirkpatrick/fowndx1.html | |
84. INDEX Mary (18851936) Francis Iva Frank BRAY Franklin Rulon (1904-1965) Leroy (1881- )Lewis Robert ( - ) Lillian 1917) Robert Dennis ( - ) Robert Dyer (1871-1966 http://users.ohiohills.com/bobt/tripp/Herman/fowndx11.html | |
85. Kentuckiana Genealogy Frank DIEHL BAILEY, BRANDENBURG, COFFEY, GABBARD, Lewis, WOODS posted by James Bailey BRISBY,CULVER, DAVIS, Dyer, HICKERSON, HURST, KENNEY, MARKWELL posted by http://www.kentuckianagenealogy.org/oqueries/query014.htm | |
86. Mark Post, Bookseller American History Dyer, THOMAS G. Secret Yankees The Union Circle In Confederate Atlanta. DYESS, LT.COL. GOULD, Lewis L. The Presidency Of Theordore Roosevelt. GRAHAM, Frank. http://www.markpostbooks.com/cgi-bin/mpb455/scan/mp=keywords/se=American History |
87. Ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/nv/Roop/cemetery/loyalcem.txt Sarah 26 May 1829 19 Jan 1913 Lewis, WS 1858 1957 MCCOLLUM, Florence L. 1890 1943DYERERICKSON-ANDERSON MCKENNEY, Baby 00 Jun 1907 MCKENNEY, Frank 1881 1950 http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/nv/Roop/cemetery/loyalcem.txt |
88. Thomas Edison's Muckers The Muckers. Mucker and Famous Inventor Lewis Howard Latimer (18481928). Muckerand Sound Recording Expert Walter Miller (1870-1941). http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/bledisonmuckers.htm | |
89. RO-3RochesterStn Cemetery, Lorain Co OH 1889 WRIGHT Abbie BECK, 1858 1935 Frank Silas, 1851 1952 Mary J., 1863 - 1903 DYERRozina, 1835 1891 Elisabeth, wife, 1818 - 1901 WHEELER Lewis, 1817 - 1902 http://www.centurytel.net/lorgen/cemetery/RO-3RochesterStn.html | |
90. WebGED: Goble Family Data Page father Hartley, Jacob mother Dyer, Mary Caroline 1975) child Polk, ThomasLewis (12) (private) daughter child Hayden, Frank spouse Robb http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~goble/data/Goble/wga55.html | |
92. Lexington Cemetery, Henderson County, Tennessee Arnold, Alma Dyer, 9/30/19186/29/1981\Arnold JC (Jake), 1909-1993\Clement, J LouiseLewis, 1911- symbol; adjacent to marker for Charlie Frank Council (Old http://www.henderson-lea.hc.k12tn.net/donahue/henderson/lex-all.htm | |
93. Project Gutenberg Titles Adventures Of Jimmie Dale, The, by Packard, Frank L. (Frank Lucius), 18771942. Alice'sAdventures In Wonderland, by Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898. http://surfsteve.bravepages.com/gutenberg/titles.htm | |
94. The Spiritwalk Library: Project Gutenberg Last Updated Sunday 20 February 2000 ABC's of Science, by Oliver, Charles A. (Charles Alexander), 18581932 About the Human Genome Files, by http://www.spiritwalk.org/gutenberg.htm | |
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