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Durham Andrew E: more detail |
81. HurricaneWarning.net --- Hurricane Opal 1995 the massive wind destruction caused by Hurricane Andrew in south Duke University Press,Durham, North Carolina. Enter your email address below, then click the http://www.hurricanewarning.net/opal.html | |
82. Muse 03 Jan 1835 Thomas Durham (26) 2.3 MELVINA b ca 1812; ad Bedford Co TN (31); unmarried4.2 MARTHA E DAVIDSON, b Andrew M. Morrison (29) in Benton Co AR 1860 4.4 http://www.homestead.com/KentuckyPioneer/Muse.html | |
83. Www.sci.utah.edu/siag-sc/newsletter/9601.txt cs.unt.edu Email szymansk@cs Box 90129 Durham, NC 27708 VA 22903 -From Andrew Lumsdaine Date http://www.sci.utah.edu/siag-sc/newsletter/9601.txt | |
84. PIOS Update (Sorry About The Delay) There ar= e always bounds (communication link bounds, their bounds, device bounds )No File System?! Andrew Thornton AJ.Thornton@Durham.ac.uk http://lists.tunes.org/archives/tunes/1994-October/000038.html | |
85. Burr Oak Cemetery, St. Joseph Co., MI Duecker, Andrew Fred Row 22, Sec 7, buried 10 March 1973 Dunham, Merle E ..Lot2, Sec 6, lot 2, sec 6 Durham, Alan C Row 19, Sec 7, Grave 7, 29 June 1987 http://members.tripod.com/~tfred/cemburrd.html | |
86. Your Spectrum 07 - Letters Page Spoof letter about what happens if Willy waits on the Bow till 1145pm, which inspired the route to Category Games Video Games Jet Set Willy Series Jet Set Willy...... that I took home issue 4 and prepared to enter Andrew Pennell's Dumps of Distinctionprogram Mad Milmps, Durham. LD HL,TABLE 87 ADD A,A 87 ADD A,A 5F LD E,A 1600 http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~jimg/yr07/yr07_17.htm | |
87. Sig11hun Szilveszter fordította (Szilveszter.Juhos@Durham.ac.uk nem vállalnám a kockázatot)(Andrew Eskilsson mpt95aes megnézni, a hiba megszûnike. Vigyázz, hogy http://linux.vv.hu/faq/sig11-faq/sig11hun.html | |
88. Project Gutenberg Barrington, E., pseud. AKA Beck, L. Adams (Lily Moresby Adams), died L. Adams (Lily Moresby Adams), died 1931 AKA Barrington, E., pseud. Clarke, Marcus Andrew Hislop, 18461881 http://www.surfsteve.com/gutenberg/authors.htm | |
89. Citation Ivor Durham , Karsten Schwans 88 Eric Jul , Henry Levy , Norman Hutchinson , AndrewBlack, Finegrained Wulf 74 W. Wulf , E. Cohen , W. Corwin , A. Jones , R http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=74865&dl=ACM&coll=portal&CFID=11111111&CFT |
90. The Sharp Family - E. Tappan Adney (revised) Hollis C., Hayden E., twins, b. June 23, 1900 at Back Bay, New Brunswick, son of Andrewand Esther Hill, Maine, married 1 January 1921 at Durham, Maine, Gladys http://personal.nbnet.nb.ca/halew/Adney.htm | |
91. NC Architecture - Published Survey Books and Historic Inventory, Durham, NC City of Durham.1982 Brown, Marvin A. and AndrewJ. Carlson Historic Sites Inventory Region E (Alexander, Burke, Caldwell and http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/archives/architects/Survey_Books.html |
92. Watts' On-line 9/18/1889 Rosa Z. Watts Jesse E. THompson 11 Watts - Viola B. Skinner 7/30/1890Andrew R. Watts Becoming associated with W. Duke of Durham, North Carolina in http://www.wattsline.org/gen/watts/newsletter19.htm |
93. Bibliography (Chaucer General) -- Derek Pearsall 78 AJ Piper Ker Studies Libraries of monks of Durham In Parkes Scribes Scolar 78 AndrewWatson Ker Studies Tho of Ps.51 from London Thornton MS E. Wilson RES 41 http://icg.harvard.edu/~chaucer/bibliography/b11-mss.htm | |
94. E Early Australian Voyages Pelsart, Tasman, Dampier (Pinkerton, John) (.zip 101 Kb) Early Kings Of Norway (Carlyle, Thomas) (.zip - 96.12 Kb) The Early Short Fiction Of Edith Wharton Part 1 (Wharton, Edith) (.zip - 106 Kb) The Early Short http://www.bio2000.hpg.ig.com.br/e.htm |
95. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Titles > E Top Level Texts Project Gutenberg Titles E Keywords Authors B Bacheller,Irving, 18591950.; Titles E ; Subject American literature. http://webdev.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat |
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