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Durham Andrew E: more detail |
61. Rec.arts.int-fiction (before 1997), By Date Lots of Downloads From ab651@freenet.Durham.org (Tim rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu (ChristopherE. Forman). Re Inform Criticism From Andrew C. Plotkin erkyrath+@CMU http://bang.dhs.org/if/raif/pre1997/mail18.html | |
62. Rec.arts.int-fiction (before 1997), By Date From Aquarius SI.Langridge@Durham.ac.uk . Re Zork TV ceforma@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu(Christopher E. Forman). Re From Andrew C. Plotkin erkyrath+@CMU.EDU . Re http://bang.dhs.org/if/raif/pre1997/mail19.html | |
63. Paalen, Wolfgang 1943 Totem Art, Dyn The Journal Of The Durham Andrew Paull and the Early History of British Columbia Indian Organizations Pierce,Joe E. in Russia's American Colony, S. Frederick Starr, ed. Durham, NC Duke http://vaughan.fac.unbc.ca/anderson/bib/nwcbibp.html | |
64. Encarta World English Dictionary: Experts Professor David Cooper, University of Durham (Philosophy). Andrew Horton, CerwyssOwer and Susan Shephard contributor, A Dictionary of Briticisms (volume E). http://www.collegedictionary.net/Features/team.html | |
65. Occasional Paper No. 6 - Section 1 He was publisher of Cowper, E. Darwin, Priestley, Thomas Paine, etc. Othersinclude William Strahan, Andrew Miller and Thomas Durham. http://www.ucalgary.ca/library/SpecColl/OccPaper/section1.html | |
66. Untitled 13 +0000 (GMT) Lines 1048 Approved ng.boalch@Durham.ac.uk www.mirror.ac.uk/micros/arch/riscos/e/e062 MOSML 1.42 - Moscow ML port by Andrew Hunter from http://www.pasteur.fr/infosci/FAQ/acorn/faq/part3 | |
67. I.O.O.F. Cemetery - Dahlgren Deem, Nora E. 1881, 1925, November 28, 1910, February 7, 1997, m. December 23, 1920;(w/o J. Andrew). Durham, John M. October 10, 1843, November 10, 1973, Pvt Co K 13 http://www.carolyar.com/Illinois/Cemetery/IOOF/DahlgrenD-G.htm | |
68. THE ASSOCIATION FOR KOREAN MUSIC RESEARCH Robert C. Provine President rc.provine@Durham.ac.uk April on the Panel in the FallNewsletter.) Andrew Killick also Her email address until January 31, 2000 is http://www.wam.umd.edu/~provine/akmrnsl6.htm | |
69. Multimedia & Internet Dictionary Mazzotta, The Worlds of Petrarch, Durham Duke University Luigi Porta, Roberto Scazzieri,and Andrew Skinner, eds Monroe E. Price, Media and Sovereignty The http://www.kaigisho.ne.jp/literacy/midic/data/p/p293.htm | |
70. Index Of Descendants Of Abner Wight Frederick D., 22; Frederick Durham, 22; Muriel (Wight), 22. Amanda (Winslow), 12;Amanda Malvina, 19; Andrew, 22, 24; A., 3; Catherine, 28; Charles E., 12; Charles http://www.rootsweb.com/~nystlawr/html/body_index_of_descendants_of_abner_.html | |
71. Oregon Composers Tarsus Music, MMB Music, Pioneer Press, Red River Music, HoneyRock Recordings TarsusMusic Email wsaul Andrew M. Sauerwein (1963- ) Durham, NC Visiting http://libweb.uoregon.edu/music/orcompL.html | |
72. SOE Faculty Durham Intermediate, Southlake, Texas (June July 1996). Dishnow, Ruth E. ElectronicEncyclopedia Helps Prepare Andrew Carnegie Award Selection Committee, 1999 http://b3308-adm.cl.uh.edu/School_of_Education/soe/faculty/cox.htm | |
73. Connecticut Bio's Of The 1800's Introduction and index of names found in the publication "Illustrated Popular Biography of Connectic Category Regional North America Genealogy Resources...... A, Stamford Marggraff, EC, Watertown Markham, EA, Durham. Warren Sibley, PB, BrooklynSimonds, William E, Hartford. William C, Hartford Smith, Andrew T, Hartford http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ct/county/fairfield/ctbios.html | |
74. Macfie Married Durham 26th August 1933 Alice Maud Mary Hunter (born Sunderland9th December 1878). d. Mary Andrew Macfie. e. Jessie Beattie Macfie. http://www.kittybrewster.com/ancestry/macfie.htm | |
75. Sherrill Family Cox 2. Isaac b.1776, m.(1795)Mabel Durham 3. Alexander b Moore children 1. BabelPickney b.1850 2. Andrew Philo b twin) 3. Eliza A. B.1851 4. Martha E. b.1853 5 http://members.aol.com/mysherrills/ | |
76. 1917-18 Registration Cards Re: Seward Co. KS - S Registration Cards for A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T Schmidt, Andrew R. 17 Nov 1887, W, Durham KS, Seward KS. http://skyways.lib.ks.us/genweb/seward/library/regcards/s.html | |
77. HKBU Library : New Books & AV Items Durham, NC Duke University Press, 2000. Corporation/British Open University ;directed by Andrew Martin. of Latin American artists / Raysa E. Amador G{226 http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/~lib/new/dec/ddc800.html | |
78. Voyages In Time ~ Family, Friends & Places - Smythe Of Wiltshire of the Smyth family, originally of Durham and Rosedale Smyth of Essex and BerkshireThe Smyth/e Smith families Ashford = Alice Judd (d/o Sir Andrew Judd, Lord http://www.zipworld.com.au/~lnbdds/home/smythwilts.htm | |
79. IWPC'02 Accepted Papers Wong, University of Alberta Contact Andrew Walenstein (walenste Carlini, Dipartimentodi Informatica e Sistemistica Università Knight (CR.Knight@Durham.ac.uk http://www.ai.univ-paris8.fr/iwpc02/acceptedPapers.html |
80. Quick Reference Guide To The Chicago Manual Of Style And Turabian Harnack, Andrew and Eugene Kleppinger. Durham Duke University Press, 1998. NC Branson,Farrar and Company, 1863), 103, quoted in Emmy E. Werner, Reluctant http://www.library.wwu.edu/ref/Refhome/chicago.html | |
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