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81. Book People: Additions To The IPL Online Texts Collection 2-4-00 asp Dewey Subjects 842 French Drama LC Subjects Napoleon I, Emperor of the French,17691821Drama Dumas, Alexandre, 1802-1870Translations, English Dumas http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/bplist/archive/2000-02-06$1.html | |
82. Alexandre Dumas Bibliography Fantastic Fiction, Click here to visit our sponsor. Home Awards Etexts Newreleases Top 250 Authors Series Years. Alexandre Dumas France (1802 1870). http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/authors/Alexandre_Dumas.htm | |
83. Innovative Library /All Locations Nearby AUTHORS are Year, Entries. Diuma A 1802 1870 see Dumas Alexandre1802 1870, 1. Diuma Aleksandr 1802 1870 see Dumas Alexandre 1802 1870, 1. http://www.iii.com:90/kids/10,156/search/aDiValentin, Maria Messuri, 1911-/adiva |
84. Innovative Library /All Locations 1901, 1. Diuma A 1802 1870 see Dumas Alexandre 1802 1870, 1. DiumaAleksandr 1802 1870 see Dumas Alexandre 1802 1870, 1. Diuma http://www.iii.com:90/kids/10,156/search/aDiValentin, Louis/adivalentin louis/-5 |
85. Alexandre Dumas > Son Oeuvre > Bibliographie Critique Translate this page Le secret de Monte-Cristo, Editions France-Empire, 1999 Henry Lecomte L., AlexandreDumas (1802 -1870), sa vie intime, ses uvres J. Tallandier, sd (1902). http://www.dumaspere.com/pages/oeuvre/biblio_critique.html | |
86. Alexandre Dumas @ Catharton Authors Alexandre Dumas. 1802 1870. Bored? Meet people at Café Catharton WebsitesSwashbucklers Fops. Alexandre Dumas cadytech.com. Alexandre Dumas wxs.nl. http://www.catharton.com/authors/133.htm | |
87. Alexandre Dumas Père caricatures sont les seuls portraits ressemblant qu'on ait fait http://actumonc.free.fr/Dumas1.htm | |
88. Panorama Du Livre - Alexandre DUMAS, Septembre 2002, Librairie - Translate this page découvrir ou re-découvrir sous un oeil nouveau Alexandre Dumas(1802 - 1870). En cette année du bicentenaire de sa naissance http://www.panoramadulivre.com/htmlfr/selec0209d.htm | |
89. Gene@Star - Famous Genealogy . Dumas Alexandre père ( 1802 1870 ) Alexandre Dumas was born onJuly 24, 1802 in Villers-Cotterêts 40 km NE of Paris. His birth http://www.geneastar.net/en/bio.php3?choix=dumasalex |
90. Bienvenue Sur Le Site De Lire.fr Alexandre Dumas épate la galerie Francophone XIXesiècle Poésie Roman Théâtre par Rémi Coignet Lire.fr, janvier 2001 http://www.lire.fr/site.asp/idC=41210/idTC=29/idR=242/idG= | |
91. Bienvenue Sur Le Site De Lire.fr Translate this page La fort active Société des Amis d'Alexandre Dumas s'est installée sur le web. L'internauteretrouve ainsi le mode de publication qu'a connu Alexandre Dumas. http://www.lire.fr/site.asp/idC=41211/idTC=29/idR=242/idG= | |
92. Alexandre Dumas - MasterTexts(TM) Alexandre Dumas. 1802 1870. French novelist and playwright firstfound fame at the age of 27 when his play Henri III was performed http://www.mastertexts.com/Dumas_Alexandre/Index.htm | |
93. Alexandre Dumas Quotes - The Quotations Page Quotations by Author. Alexandre Dumas (1802 1870) French dramatist novelist more author details. Showing quotations 1 to 2 of 2 total, http://www.quotationspage.com/quotes/Alexandre_Dumas/ | |
94. Alexandre Dumas http://www.institutfrances.com/07-Mediateca/acquisitions/2002_11_nouveautes_litt | |
95. The Man In The Iron Mask The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www1.odn.ne.jp/aries/ironmask/IMREbook.htm | |
96. Titre De Page http://www.outremer44.org/journal/page2.html | |
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