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61. Raven's Reviews: Alexandre Dumas (pere) Through his fiction, Alexandre Dumas (18021870) called pere to distinguish himfrom his son, Alexandre Dumas fils sought to recreate France's golden age http://tatooine.fortunecity.com/leguin/405/ae/alexandred.html | |
62. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection Alexandre Dumas (1802 1870). Alexandre Dumas (sr.) (1802-1870) http//www.kirjasto.sci.fi/aDumas1.htmA biography of the author, and a list of selected works. http://www.ipl.org.ar/cgi-bin/ref/litcrit/litcrit.out.pl?au=dum-813 |
63. Biography And Works Of Alexandre Dumas Alexandre Dumas Alexandre Dumas Pere (Fr. father)(18021870)was the fatherof Alexandre Dumas Fils (Fr. son), the dramatist and novelist. http://www.knowledgerush.com/kr/jsp/db/author.jsp?authorId=4&authorName=Alexandr |
64. Alexandre Dumas At The Mad Cybrarian's Library The Mad Cybrarian's Library. Alexandre Dumas père. 18021870. the son of AlexandreDumas père (1802-1870) Camille (La Dame Aux Camelias) (Gutenberg text). http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/richmond/88/Dumas-Alexandre.html | |
65. Freedom Party Of Ontario (CANADA) - Freedom Bookstore - Alexandre Dumas Dumas. Freedom Party's online bookstore. Alexandre Dumas (18021870).Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870) was a French novelist and dramatist. http://www.freedomparty.org/bookstor/dumas.htm | |
66. Alexandre Dumas, O Quarto Mosqueteiro Translate this page Um soberbo contador de histórias. Alexandre Dumas pai (1802-1870).Monsieur, eu o amo eo admiro porque sois uma força da natureza. http://www.terra.com.br/voltaire/cultura/2002/12/04/001.htm | |
67. Primis -- Library Of The Future: Alexandre Dumas P\350re -- Updated 6/29/2001 Alexandre Dumas père. (18021870) French novelist and playwrightwho is best known for his swash-buckling historical romances. http://www.mhhe.com/primis/catalog/pcatalog/F203338X.htm | |
68. Dumas (Alexandre) Translate this page Dumas, Alexandre (1802-1870), pseudonyme d'Alexandre Davy de La Pailleterie, écrivainfrançais qui fut, avec Victor Hugo, le précurseur du drame romantique. http://www.proverbes-citations.com/dumas.htm | |
69. BDHL - Fiche Complète D'un écrivain Translate this page Littré, Emile, 1801, 1881. Hugo, Victor, 1802, 1885. Dumas, Alexandre, 1802,1870. Lacordaire, Henri, 1802, 1861. Mérimée, Prosper, 1803, 1870. Sand, George,1803, 1876. http://michel.bernard.online.fr/bdhl/auteurcomplet.php?recherche=183&tri=auteurs |
70. Alexandre Dumas Père http://www.cadytech.com/dumas/ | |
71. Villers-Cotterêts : Bicentenaire De Dumas Père (1802-1870) http://fpfre.peopledaily.com.cn/french/200207/24/fra20020724_56105.html | |
72. SWAN /All Libraries Year Entries Troilus Legendary Character Poetry 3 Trois Contes Flaubert Gustave1821 1880 1965 1 Trois Mousquetaires Dumas Alexandre 1802 1870 English 1997 1 http://swan.sls.lib.il.us:90/kids/0,1913,2187/search/dTrojan War./dtrojan war/-5 | |
73. Alexandre Dumas At LiteratureClassics.com -- Essays, Resources Includes essays and e-texts on some of Dumas' works, a biography and links to other sites.Category Arts Literature Authors D Dumas, Alexandre...... Dumas, Alexandre LEXANDRE DAVY DE LA PAILLETERIE (18021870), French novelist anddramatist, was born at VillersCotterets (Aisne) on the 24th of July 1802. http://www.literatureclassics.com/authors/Dumas/ | |
74. 17913. Dumas, Alexandre. The Columbia World Of Quotations. 1996 ATTRIBUTION Alexandre Dumas (18021870), French dramatist. Musketeers motto,in The Three Musketeers, ch. 9 (1844). The Columbia World of Quotations. http://www.bartleby.com/66/13/17913.html | |
75. Dumas, Alexandre. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Language: Fo DATES 18021870. His son Alexandre (18241895), known as Dumas fils,was a dramatist whose works include La Dame aux Camélias (1852). http://www.bartleby.com/61/99/D0419900.html | |
76. Dumas Alexandre - By Enrico Gerosa Translate this page Dumas Alexandre (1802 - 1870) Scrittore, romanziere e drammaturgo.Il padre di Alexandre, mulatto, figlio dello scapestrato marchese http://www.ilcacciatore.com/schede/dumas.htm |
77. Alexandre Dumas - Introduction j'accroche mes romans. , mais à force de mouvement, de http://www.alalettre.com/dumas-intro.htm | |
79. Literatuur - Detectiveverhalen, Verstrooiing Spannende Ontspanningslectuur ..... 3596 Dumas, Alexandre, père (VillersCotterers 1802 - 1870) vertaling door ? 3588Dumas, Alexandre, père (Villers-Cotterers 1802 -1870) vertaling door ? http://www.antiquariaten.com/tergouw/catalogs/3a02-detec.htm | |
80. New Kensington-Arnold District Teacher provides an in-depth look at the author's life and his literary significance.Category Kids and Teens People and Society Dumas, Alexandre...... Gale Research. Alexandre Dumas (1802 1870). Dumas was a major playwrightwho helped to revolutionize French drama and theater. He http://nkasd.wiu.k12.pa.us/vhs/dwhdumas.htm | |
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