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Dufferin And Ava Frederick Temple Blackwood: more detail | |||||
21. SVALBARD BIBLIOGRAPHY Lincoln ELLSWORTH. Albert I of Monaco (1848r1889-d1922). Frederick Temple Blackwood,Marquis of Dufferin and Ava (1826-1902). Clive PHILLIPPS-WOLLEY (1854-). http://www.svalbardrepublic.org/sv02bibl.htm | |
22. B Blackwood, Frederick Temple, Marquis Of Dufferin Ava. /B , HP Kraus, Inc. Blackwood, Frederick Temple, Marquis of Dufferin Ava.Irish emigration and the tenure of land in Ireland. http://www.polybiblio.com/kraus/37448.html | |
23. Project Gutenberg Bibliographic Record Project Gutenberg Bibliographic Record. Title Letters From High Latitudes. AuthorDufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple Blackwood, Marquis of, 18261902. Notes. http://www.ibiblio.org/gutenberg/titles/letters_from_high_la.html | |
24. Historical Archives - Special Collections. Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple Blackwood, MARQUISOF, 18261902. Letters to DR Harris, S. Wilkinson and Lord John _. http://www.ucalgary.ca/library/SpecColl/dufferin.htm | |
25. Sheridan Family. Papers: Guide. (unidentified hand); np, 1794? 4f.(5p.). (19) Dufferin and Ava, FrederickTemple HamiltonTemple Blackwood, 1st Marquis of, 1826-1902. http://oasis.harvard.edu/html/hou01322.html | |
26. William Ready Division Of Archives And Research Collections The fonds consists mainly of his correspondence with Frederick Temple HamiltonTempleBlackwood (1826-1902), 1st Marquis of Dufferin and Ava. http://library.mcmaster.ca/archives/findaids/fonds/c/crosthwa.htm |
27. Biblioteca Virtual Letters From The Cape (.zip 89 Kb). Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple Blackwood,Marquis of (1826 + 1902). Letters From High Latitudes (.zip - 190 Kb). http://www.bibvirt.futuro.usp.br/gutenberg/d.html |
28. Catalogue Of The Papers Of The Bruce Family, 18th-20th Century MS. Eng. c. 5766, fol. 15. Blackwood (Frederick Temple HamiltonTemple) 1stMarquess of Dufferin and Ava, 1826-1902 Letter, 1869 MS. Eng. http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/dept/scwmss/wmss/online/1500-1900/bruce/bruce000.html | |
29. Lancaster County Library System /All Locations Entries Blackwood Frederick Temple Marquis Of Dufferin and Ava 1826 1902 See Dufferinand Ava Frederick Temple Blackwood Marquis Of 1826 1902 1 Blackwork http://catalog.lancasterlibraries.org/search/dBladder -- Popular works./dbladder | |
30. 1876AD DeWOLF, James M. *H1766. Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple Hamilton TempleBlackwood, 1st. Marquis of (18261902). C369. July to October 1876. http://diarysearch.co.uk/Subweb/1876ad.htm | |
31. Story Family. Papers: Guide. 1s.(1p.). (11) Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple Blackwood, 1stmarquis, 18261902. ALs to Mrs. Story; Rome? 7 Mar 1889. 1s http://oasistest.harvard.edu/html/hou00835.html | |
32. Québec Translate this page Cette promenade a été nommée ainsi en l'honneur de Frederick Temple HamiltonBlackwood, Marquis de Dufferin et Ava (1826-1902), gouverneur général du http://www.bnquebec.ca/antan/voyage/v7.html | |
33. Miscellaneous Items In High Demand: Subjects: 154 Duff, James H.(James Henderson),18831969. Dufferin and Ava, FrederickTemple Blackwood,Marquis of,1826-1902. Duffield, George,1732-1790. http://memory.loc.gov/pp/cphSubjects154.html | |
34. Frederick Temple Blackwood [Lord Dufferin] west side of the City Hall in Belfast is a standing figure and elaborate plinthin memory of Frederick Temple, Ist Marquess Dufferin and Ava, KP, 1826 http://www.pgil-eirdata.org/html/pgil_datasets/authors/b/Blackwood,FT/life.htm | |
35. Mid-Hudson Library System /ALL Juvenile Literature 5 Arctic Regions Dogsledding 2001 1 Arctic Regions Dufferin AndAva Frederick Temple Blackwood Marquis Of 1826 1902 Journeys 2000 1 Arctic http://gigcat.midhudson.org:90/kids/10,505,856/search/dArctic regions -- Discove |
37. Marmot Library Network /Marmot 1996 1 Arctic Regions Dog Breeds Juvenile Literature 1994 1 Arctic Regions DufferinAnd Ava Frederick Temple Blackwood Marquis Of 1826 1902 Journeys 3 Arctic http://www.millennium.marmot.org:90/kids/10,505,856/search/dArctic regions -- Di |
38. Subjects Of Biographies - B Translate this page Josiah (182390) Blackman, Charles (d. 1853) Blackwood, Frederick Temple, 1st Marquessof Dufferin and Ava (18261902) Blackwood, John (d. 1819 http://www.dcb-dbc.com/listOfSubjects/b.htm | |
39. Index by Bancroft, Elizabeth Davis, 18031886 Letters From High Latitudes, by Dufferinand Ava, Frederick Temple Blackwood, Marquis of, 1826-1902 Letters From The http://www.elbooks.sk/angdieloL.html | |
40. Project Gutenberg: Authors List 1720. Duff Gordon, Lucie, Lady, 18211869. Dufferin and Ava, FrederickTemple Blackwood, Marquis of, 1826-1902. Dumas, Alexandre, 1802-1870. http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
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