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61. Tucson Pima Public Library /Children's Dormice Juvenile Literature 2000 1 Dorsey Thomas Andrew 2002 1 Douglas Fir NorthwestPacific Juvenile Literature 1994 1 Douglass Frederick 1817 1895 1988 1 http://infolynx.ci.tucson.az.us:90/kids/1899,1953,2027/search/dDouglass, Frederi |
62. Douglass, Frederick encyclopediaEncyclopedia Douglass, Frederick, dug'lus Pronunciation Key. Douglass,Frederick , c. 18171895, American abolitionist, b. near Easton, Md. http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/CE015407.html | |
63. The Frederick Douglass Papers (in MARION) The Frederick Douglass papers. Title The Frederick Douglass papers/ John W. Blassingame, editor ; C. Peter Ripley, associate editor http://vax.vmi.edu/MARION/AAK-2082 | |
64. Records For Afro-Americans -- History -- Sources. (in MARION) Chicago, Scott, Foresman 1964. LOCATION MAIN CALL NUMBER E185 .C95 c.1 NotChecked Out. Douglass, Frederick, 1817?1895. Douglass, Frederick, 1817?-1895. http://vax.vmi.edu/MARION/@AFRO AMERICANS HISTORY/1cb000000100/0 | |
65. AFRO-AMERICAN ALMANAC - African-American History Resource YOUR INTERNET RESOURCE FOR AFRICANAMERICAN HISTORY. Frederick Douglass.Frederick Douglass was born into slavery in 1817, in Tuckahoe, Maryland. http://www.toptags.com/aama/bio/men/freddoug.htm | |
66. 1 - Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass (1817?-1895) Classic Literature Etext Writer Frederick Douglass, Dates 1817?-1895. Narrativeof the Life of Frederick Douglass. by Frederick Douglass (1817?-1895). http://marktwain.about.com/library/bl-etexts/fdouglass/bl-fdoug-narrative-1.htm | |
67. Biography Of Frederick Douglass By Frederick Douglass, 1817?1895 Life and times of Frederick Douglasshis early life as a slave, his escape from bondage, http://www.carmelgalleryinc.com/bank-auto-loan.htm |
68. Ask Jeeves: Search Results For "Frederick Douglas" http//owleyes.org/douglas.htm 6. Frederick Douglass, 1817?1895.Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. http://webster.directhit.com/webster/search.aspx?qry=Frederick Douglas |
69. Ask Jeeves: Search Results For "Frederick Douglass" http//Douglass.speech.nwu.edu/ 6. Frederick Douglass, 1817?1895.Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. http://webster.directhit.com/webster/search.aspx?qry=Frederick Douglass |
70. Frederick Douglass; Shelby County Ohio Historical Society Frederick Douglass Orator and Abolitionist (1817?1895) Orator and Abolitionist(1817?-1895) Prejudice against color is stronger North than South. http://www.shelbycountyhistory.org/schs/blackhistory/freddouglass.htm | |
71. Frederick Douglass - Quotes And Quotations Author Frederick Douglass, 1817 1895, - A little learning, indeed, may - Findout just what any - I prayed for twenty years - I prefer to be true http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/f/a127466.html | |
72. Frederick Douglass 562 Frederick Douglass (18181895). American Literature Sites FoleyLibrary Catalog American Visionaries Frederick Douglass. This http://www.gonzaga.edu/faculty/campbell/enl310/douglass.htm | |
73. Literature And Life: The Givens Collection Greenwood Pub. Co., 1972. Author Douglass, Frederick, 1817?1895. at theAnti-Slavery Office, 1845. Author Douglass, Frederick, 1817?-1895. http://www.pbs.org/ktca/litandlife/chapters/chapter1main.html | |
74. Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass (1817 1895). Frederick Douglas, whose original name, FrederickAugustus Washington Bailey was born on Feb. 7, 1817, at Tuckahoe, Md. http://members.aol.com/klove01/fdouglas.htm | |
75. Involuntary Immigration: Literature Book List Douglass, Frederick, 1817?1895. Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass,an American slave, written by himself. Douglass, Frederick, 1817?-1895. http://www.cocc.edu/samf/involuntary.htm | |
76. Douglass, Frederick encyclopediaEncyclopedia Douglass, Frederick, dug'lus Pronunciation Key. Douglass,Frederick , c. 18171895, American abolitionist, b. near Easton, Md. http://www.factmonster.com/cgi-bin/id/CE015407.html | |
77. Westerville Public Library /All Locations Douglas William O William Orville 1898 3 Douglas William Orville 1898 See DouglasWilliam O William Orville 1898 1 Douglass Frederick 1817 1895 8 Douglass http://catalog.wpl.lib.oh.us:90/kids/1953,2127/search/dDouglass, Frederick, 1817 |
78. Frederick Douglass (Reference) Frederick Douglass. 1817(?)1895 Abolitionist, Author, and Orator BirthplaceTuckahoe, MD. Frederick Douglass was born a slave around the year 1818. http://teachervision.com/lesson-plans/lesson-4681.html | |
79. Frederick Douglass (Reference) Frederick Douglass. 1817(?)1895 Abolitionist, Author, and Orator BirthplaceTuckahoe, MD. Frederick Douglass was born a slave around the year 1818. http://teachervision.com/lesson-plans/lesson-4681.html?for_printing=1 |
80. Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave Douglass, Frederick, 1817?1895. Narrative of the Life of FrederickDouglass, an American Slave Electronic Text Center, University http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/toc/modeng/public/DouNarr.html | |
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