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61. Www.2000english.com/information/Contents.txt Traveller The Wreck of the Golden Mary ¡¶½ðÂêÀöºÅµÄ³Á»¡· Dickinson,Emily (18301886) Poems Dodge, Mary Mapes (1830-1905) Hans Brinker, or http://www.2000english.com/information/Contents.txt |
62. CSULB-COAST /All Locations Mark Nearby Authors are Year Entries Dodge, Marhsall, 1935 SeeDodge, Marshall Jewell, 1935- 1 Dodge, Mary Mapes, 1830-1905. http://www.coast.csulb.edu:90/kids/10,152/search/adodziuk jozef 1947/adodziuk jo | |
63. Aurora Public Library /KidsOnline Author, Dodge, Mary Mapes, 18301905. Title, Hans Brinker or, The silver skates/ by Mary Mapes Dodge ; illustrated by Dennis A. Dierks ; cover by Don Irwin. http://odyssey.aurora.lib.co.us:90/kids/1761,1815,1930/search/aDidier, Les./adid | |
64. AnyBook4Less.com - Author: Catharine Morris Wright 1. Compare Prices, Cover Image, Title Lady of the silver skates the life andcorrespondence of Mary Mapes Dodge, 18301905 by Catharine Morris Wright ISBN http://www.anybook4less.com/author/Catharine Morris Wright.html | |
65. Www.cren.net/ftp/archives/t-amlit/log9406 Lucy Larcom 18241893 Frances Ellen Watkins Harper 1826-1864 Rose Terry Cooke 1827-1892Helen Hunt Jackson 1830-1885 Mary Mapes Dodge 1830-1905 Elizabeth Akers http://www.cren.net/ftp/archives/t-amlit/log9406 |
66. Hans Brinker (in MARION) Hans Brinker. Title Hans Brinker; or, The silver skates. Illustrated by PeterSpier. Author Dodge, Mary Mapes, 18301905. Spier, Peter., illus. http://catalog.evanston.lib.il.us/MARION/ACT-0627 |
67. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Index - Dodge, Mary Mapes Copyright© 19711998 Project Gutenberg PROMO.NET - All rights reserved.Web Site Designed and Administered by Pietro Di Miceli http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_dodge_mary_mapes_.html |
68. Tucson Pima Public Library /All Locations Wendell 1902 1966 1 Dodds Siobhan 8 Dodge Bill 3 Dodge Frank O Frank Oliver 19222000 1 Dodge Ida Flood 1879 1955 1936 1 Dodge Mary Mapes 1830 1905 5 Dodge http://infolynx.ci.tucson.az.us:90/kids/1899,1901/search/aDodge, Frank O. (Frank | |
69. LISWA Online Catalogue /All Locations 14 Dodd Lynley 60 Dodd Mike 5 Dodds Bill 1993 1 Dodds Dayle Ann 5 Dodds Peter 19891 Dodds Siobhan 31 Dodge Hazel 1998 1 Dodge Mary Mapes 1830 1905 2 Dodman http://henrietta.liswa.wa.gov.au:90/kids/12,240,280/search/aDodds, Dayle Ann./ad | |
70. HDIS - American Poetry Database Table Of Contents Dodge, Mary Mapes (1830?1905) Along the way New York Charles Scribner'sSons, 1879. Blossom-time, in Folk Songs, No. 2. Songs http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/hasrg/hdis/ampo5_toc.html | |
71. HDIS - American Poetry Table Of Contents Revelling, in Laurel Leaves Boston William F. Gill and Company, 1876.Dodge, Mary Mapes (1830?1905) Along the way New York Charles http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/hasrg/hdis/ampo-all_toc.html | |
72. EBooks (e-Books, EBook): Digital Book Index: Search By Author Dodge, Mary Mapes, Along the way illus., 1879, Graphic Html, n/c, MOAUMich.Dodge, Mary Mapes, Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates, etc, Txt-G, n/c, GutenbergUS. http://www.digitalbookindex.com/_search/search002a.asp?AUTHOR=Dodge, Mary |
73. Biblioteca Virtual Dodge, Mary Mapes (1830 + 1905). Hans Brinker; or The Silver Skates(.zip 192Kb). Donn-Byrne, Brian Oswald (1889 + 1928). Messer Marco Polo(.zip - 50.16 Kb). http://www.bibvirt.futuro.usp.br/gutenberg/d.html | |
74. Lancaster County Library System /All Locations Mark Nearby AUTHORS are Year Entries Dodwell GT 1976 1 Dodzh Meri Meips 1830 1905 See Dodge Mary Mapes 1830 1905 1 Doe See United States Dept Of http://catalog.lancasterlibraries.org:90/kids/10,12/search/aDoehring, Fred./adoe | |
75. C:\TEMP\ampoah.htm Mary Mapes Dodge, 1830?1905, Along the way by Mary Mapes Dodge New YorkCharles Scribner'sSons 1879 136 p. ill. Mary Mapes Dodge, 1830?-1905, Poems, in St. http://setis.library.usyd.edu.au/ampoetry/ampoetrybib.html | |
76. Cyndi's List - What's New On Cyndi's List? - October 2002 BEESON, BURTNETT, CHAMPLIN, COLQUHOUN, CARD, Dodge, ENOS, FRONK Mary Ball WashingtonMuseum Library Museum Bracha,Erlacher,Fleck,Konkoly,Mapes,Miller,Sedore http://www.cyndislist.com/new1002.htm | |
77. Ocean City Public Mark Nearby AUTHORS are Year Entries Dodge Hazel 1998 1 Dodge Jim 2 Dodge ME MaryElizabeth 1830 1905 See Dodge Mary Mapes 1830 1905 1 Dodge Mabel 1879 http://catalog.oceancitylibrary.org:90/kids/0,10,376/search/aDodge, Steve./adodg | |
78. Ocean City Public Mark Nearby AUTHORS are Year Entries Dodge Mabel 1879 1862 See Luhan MabelDodge 1879 1962 1 Dodge Mary Mapes 1830 1905 1987 1 Dodge Stephen C See http://catalog.oceancitylibrary.org:90/kids/10,33,36/search/aDodman, Nicholas H. | |
79. Pleasanton Public Library /All Items 1 Dodge ME Mary Elizabeth 1830 1905 see Dodge Mary Mapes 1830 1905 1 DodgeMabel 1879 1862 see Luhan Mabel Dodge 1879 1962 1 Dodge Mark c1995. http://millennium.ci.pleasanton.ca.us:90/kids/1899,1953,2041/search/adodson bert | |
80. Pleasanton Public Library /All Items 1 Dodwell Charles Reginald see Dodwell CR Charles Reginald 1 Dodwell Christina1951 2 Dodzh Meri Meips 1830 1905 see Dodge Mary Mapes 1830 1905 1 Doe http://millennium.ci.pleasanton.ca.us:90/kids/1899,1953,2041/search/adodson bert | |
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