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61. Untitled Close this Window. Dewey, John. Dewey, John, 18591952, American philosopherand educator; b. Burlington, Vt. He rejected authoritarian http://www.ilt.columbia.edu/Projects/digitexts/dewey/bio_dewey.html | |
62. Alexander Technique: John Dewey (18591952) was an American philosopher and the most prominentvoice of the school of philosophy known as pragmatism. http://www.alexandertechnique.com/articles/dewey/ | |
63. Hippias: Limited Area Search Of Philosophy On The Internet Dewey' Matches 1 through 25 follow John Dewey John Dewey Jim Garrison Collegeof Human Resources and Education Virginia Tech John Dewey (18591952) was a http://hippias.evansville.edu/search.cgi?dewey |
64. Hippias: Limited Area Search Of Philosophy On The Internet John Dewey John Dewey Jim Garrison College of Human Resources and Education VirginiaTech John Dewey (18591952) was a pragmatic philosopher, psychologist, and http://hippias.evansville.edu/search.cgi?Aesthetics&11 |
65. John Dewey Translate this page John Dewey. (1859-1952). John Dewey, é um daqueles raros filosofosuniversitários que soube aliar uma investigação permanente http://afilosofia.no.sapo.pt/DEWEY.htm | |
66. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Humanities - Philosophy - Philosopher 1. 1Up Info John Dewey (1859-1952) http//www.1upinfo.com/encyclopedia/D/Dewey-Jo.htmlResource discusses the life, works, contributions, philosophy, and http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=534499 |
67. John Dewey - Knowledge Products Audio Books John Dewey (18591952) The United States On two audiotapes - about 3 hours longJohn Dewey wants philosophy to rise above old tired disputes to address new http://knowledgeproducts.safeshopper.com/9/64.htm?288 |
68. John Dewey - Knowledge Products Audio Books John Dewey (18591952) The United States Narrated by Charlton Heston On two CDS- about 2 1/2 hours long John Dewey wants philosophy to rise above old tired http://knowledgeproducts.safeshopper.com/18/177.htm?288 |
69. John Dewey John Dewey. 18591952. by Pam Ecker. John Dewey, a major figure inAmerican intellectual history, is considered to be one of the few http://www.bgsu.edu/departments/acs/1890s/dewey/dewey.html | |
70. John Dewey John Dewey (18591952) Bibliography. Life and Works. Departmentof Economics News Degree Programs Courses Faculty Staff http://www.umkc.edu/econ/economics/Institutional/Readings/Dewey/dewey.html | |
71. ¬ù¿«¡E§ù«Â¡] John Dewey, 1859-1952 ¡^ The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://tns.ndhu.edu.tw/~chihming/em/links/§ù«Â.htm | |
72. Dewey, John John Dewey (18591952), Amerikansk filosof, sociolog og pædagog. Deweyblev en ledende filosof indenfor pragmatismen (det som fungerer http://www.leksikon.org/art.php?n=3390 |
73. David Stoloff's Suggestions On Seminal Texts Dewey, John, 18591952. Democracy and education; an introduction to the philosophyof education, by John Dewey. LB875 D351929. Dewey, John, 1859-1952. http://www.easternct.edu/depts/edu/bibliographies/texts.html | |
74. Mr John Dewey, Född 1859 1217 FÖRETAGSEKONOMISKA LÄROMEDEL. För 100 år sedan skrev JohnDewey (1859-1952) följande The subject of compound-business http://w1.861.telia.com/~u86113747/globe/Dewey.html | |
75. COSMIC BASEBALL ASSOCIATION- John Dewey: 1998 Cosmic Player Plate John Dewey Pitcher Philosopher Field Pragmatism 18591952. http://www.cosmicbaseball.com/dewey8.html | |
76. Dr. John Dewey 1. Dr (Prof.) John Dewey (18591952)? 2. Who was Dr. John Dewey to whom Dr. BabasahebAmbedkar owed so much as mentioned in Annihilation of Caste? http://www.ambedkar.org/Babasaheb/JohnDewey.htm | |
77. The Center For Dewey Studies Dewey's theory of education analyzed into eight factors. The Educational Theory of John Dewey (1859 1952). Analyst N. I. Emand http://www.siu.edu/~deweyctr/index2.html | |
78. MedHist: UK's Gateway To Resources For The History Of Medicine These are organised by author George Mead, John Dewey, William James, James MarkBaldwin, Charles Horton Cooley, William Isaac Thomas, Edward Sapir and a http://medhist.ac.uk/browse/byname/detail/40443e867c69e6f83cec2be88a097c23.html | |
79. Xrefer - Content Not Available Dewey, John (1859 1952) , Who's Who in the Twentieth Century Oxford UniversityPress. Previously available from xrefer. copyright © 2003 xrefer. http://www.xrefer.com/entry/170768 | |
80. Xrefer - Search Results - John Dewey Dewey John 1859 1952. Dewey John 1859 1952 US philosopher and educationalist.A prominent exponent of pragmatism, Dewey Dewey John 1859 1952. http://www.xrefer.com/results.jsp?shelf=&term=John Dewey |
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