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Declan Saint: more detail |
41. List Of Titles 4 sections 136 kb max) by Richard, son of Bishop Nigel of Declan OF Ardmore (Editedfrom MS. TO GOD** (18 sections - 9 kb max) attributed to Saint Albert the http://users.ev1.net/~theweb/sublist.htm | |
42. Ebook Jonathan Swift S* eBook Authors listed alphabetically for the letter *S* including Raphael Sabatini,Saint Declan, Bishop of Ardmore, Saki, HH Munro, Richard H. Schwartz, Ph.D http://www.linkfinding.com/cgi-bin/search/smartsearch.cgi?keywords=ebook jonatha |
43. Nazorean Library Of Light Declan of Ardmore Power translation, 1914 T. Parment Porphyry, Bishop of Gaza, (IV/VCenturies) Mark the Deacon Life of Saint Porphyry, Bishop of Gaza http://essenes.crosswinds.net/catholictexts.htm | |
44. Nazorean Library Of Light Describes the Saint's life in France, his miracles (including Declan of Ardmore Powertranslation, 1914. Dionysius the Areopagite, Bishop of Athens, (I Century http://essenes.crosswinds.net/misctexts.htm | |
45. Brooklyn Public Library /All Locations 1991 1 Decks (Bridges) See Bridges Floors 1 Declamation 2Related Subjects 2 Declan, Saint, Bishop of Ardmore Legends. http://catalog.brooklynpubliclibrary.org:90/kids/1899,1901/search/dDeckert, Jose | |
46. StPat with the name Patrick by the Bishop of Auxerre Christian missionaries in Ireland,like St Declan of Ardmore later to become Ireland's first woman Patron Saint. http://kielyscomments.tripod.com/stpat.htm | |
47. Project Gutenberg: Authors List De la Mare, Walter, 18731956. De la Ramee, Maria Louise, 1839-1908 AKA Ouida, 1839-1908,pseudonym. Declan, Saint, Bishop of Ardmore. Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731. http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
48. Medieval Western Monasticism - Primary Sources KDK 1850 B57 1976 The Bishop's synod (the first synod of St. London Longman,1866. PB1347 .I7 Declan, Saint, bp. of Ardmore, fl. 600650. Life of St. http://www.ucalgary.ca/UofC/departments/INFO/library/subjects/HIST/monasticismpr | |
49. Internet Theology Resources: Monastic Studies Bishop Maximos E. Aghiorgoussis, Monasticism in the Orthodox Church. Declan of Ardmore/ Betha Decclain (5th C.?). 95K Norm Jones, The Saint Columba Home Page. http://www.csbsju.edu/library/internet/theomons.html | |
50. Parish Heritage St Ita, the patron Saint of Killeedy, was born before 484AD in County Waterford,in the Tramore area. Bishop (St.) Declan of Ardmore conferred the veil on her http://www.limerickdiocese.org/heritage/killeedy/sites.htm | |
51. Limerick Diocesan Heritage Project -Killeedy Parish Top. Famous People. St Ita. St Ita, the patron Saint of Killeedy, was born before484AD in County Waterford, in the Tramore area. Bishop (St.) Declan of Ardmore http://www.limerickdioceseheritage.org/Killeedy/textKilleedy.htm | |
52. Britain And Europe, 550-750: Week 7 time, the venerable servant of Christ, Bishop Egbert, a writer get his or her informationabout the Saint? Declan of Ardmore in De Paor; Desiderius of Vienne http://www.personal.rdg.ac.uk/~lhsjamse/courses/survey/week7.htm | |
54. 1 Million Christian Links Wales; David Spiritual Links; DCL Online; Declan of Ardmore; Carmelite Order; TheEvangelical Bishop The JC The Saint Antoninus Institute for Catholic Education in http://1millionchristianlinks.com/Books_Online1.html |
55. Monasticism Internet Medieval Sourcebook) Life of St Declan of Ardmore and miracles of St Cuthbert,Bishop of Lindisfarne restoration of the monastery of Saint Martin's of http://www.medievalsources.co.uk/mp_monas.htm | |
56. AN ENGLISH ORTHODOX CALENDAR 24. St. Declan, abbot of Ardmore (+5th c.). 28. St. 15. St. Malo, Bishop of SaintMalo(+c. 600). 15. St. Fintan, hermit, of Rheinau (+879). 17. St. http://www.russianorthodox-roac.com/an_english_orthodox_calendar.htm | |
57. 1 Million Links - Providing Over 1,000,000 Free Links To And For Christians And David Spiritual Links; DCL Online; Declan of Ardmore; of Gifts, Climber of Chimneys,;Nate Saint and Other Gregory of Nazianzus, Bishop and Theologian; John Mason http://jamesablevins.com/1millionlinks/Biographies1.html | |
58. July 24 Today's Saints Declan of Ardmore (Irish, Bishop, 5th century) St Ursicinus of Sens (French, Bishop,opposed Arian heresy, c fact that one is your patron Saint whatever moves http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=009drO |
59. Ireland - Catholic Church Local History And Ancestors Genealogy Research Directory and guide for genealogical and historical research. Lots of good links.Category Regional Europe Ireland Society and Culture History...... Declan (born in 5th Century) labored in Ardmore, County Waterford, Ireland Moninna(435 to 518 AD) - patron Saint of Upper and Lower Killeavy Senan, Bishop (ca http://home.att.net/~Local_Catholic/Catholic-Ireland.htm | |
60. Four Courts Press Perceptions of Saint Patrick in Eighteenthcentury Ireland. well tradition thepattern of St Declan at Ardmore Bishop Edward Thomas O'Dwyer of Limerick, 1842 http://www.four-courts-press.ie/cgi/subsearch.cgi?subject=Modern%History |
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