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Declan Saint: more detail |
21. Catholic Online - Saints - St. Declan Declan First Bishop of Ardmore in Ireland July 24 Was baptized Declan, and he hasever been much honored in the viscounty To Find a Saint Prayers Click Here! http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=864 |
22. Information On St. Declan's Oratory,Ardmore, County Waterford - Monastic Sites The upper walls and roof were restored by Bishop Mills in the 18th century. Declan. ofthe faithful have scooped out the earth from the Saint's grave as it is http://www.goireland.com/scripts/low/xq/asp/areaid.1/areatype.I/cat.9/SubjectID. | |
23. Island Of Saints And Scholars -- Pobal Na H-Eireann as St Ailbe at Emly, St Declan at Ardmore it was the almost matchless achievementof Saint Patrick in landed in Wicklow, having been consecrated Bishop by Saint http://www.voy.com/80863/91.html | |
24. Index Of Authors Text Library. Authors S. Miguel de Cervantes Saaverdra. Rafael Sabatini. RaphaelSabatini. Saint Declan, Bishop of Ardmore. Saki. Saki (HH.Munro). Saki (HH Munro). http://www.textlibrary.com/authkey/s/ | |
25. BELTAINE July 23 / August 5. July 24 / August 6. Declan, Bishop of Ardmore,Ireland. Menefritha, Virgin of Cornwall, Daughter of Saint Brychnan. http://www.lyon.edu/webdata/users/jchiaromonte/beltaine.htm | |
26. Among The Cloud Of Irish Witnesses: July--September God, you called missionaries from Ireland with Saint Killian to take the July 24Declan, Bishop. Declan, of Ardmore in West Waterford, was a prince of the http://www.oremus.org/liturgy/ireland/witness/q3.html | |
27. Irish Saints & August Feastdays On October 12, 1975, he was canonized a Saint. First Bishop of Ardmore in Irelandwas baptized by St Declan, and he has ever been much honored in the viscounty http://dreamquests.net/ShamrockPatch/IrishSaints_Jul.html | |
28. The Ecole Initiative: Early Church Documents Declan of Ardmore Power translation, 1914 T. Parment. Porphyry, Bishop of Gaza, (IV/VCenturies) Mark the Deacon Life of Saint Porphyry, Bishop of Gaza http://www2.evansville.edu/ecoleweb/documentsvit.html | |
29. Untitled Saint Declan is credited as the founder of Ardmore. He is reputed to behave been a prePatrician Bishop, although this seems very unlikely. http://www.angelfire.com/ks/honanchapelproject/saints.html | |
30. Gopher.quux.org70/Archives/gutenberg/authors.txt 17371814 De la Mare, Walter, 1873-1956 De la Ramee, Maria Louise, 1839-1908 AKAOuida, 1839-1908, pseudonym Declan, Saint, Bishop of Ardmore Defoe, Daniel http://gopher.quux.org:70/Archives/gutenberg/authors.txt |
31. Global Index Declan of Ardmore Power translation, 1914. Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa, Cappadociantheologian, (IV Century) READ WITH he is a truly great Eastern Saint, a few http://www.ocf.org/OrthodoxPage/reading/St.Pachomius/globalindex.html | |
32. Scoil Íde Naofa St Ita's Page St Ita, the patron Saint of Killeedy, was born before 484AD in County Waterford,in the Tramore area. Bishop (St.) Declan of Ardmore conferred the veil on her http://www.raheenagh.com/Ita.htm | |
33. HL 1859 De SaintPierre, Bernardin, 1737-1814 De la Ramee, Maria Louise, 1839-1908 AKAOuida, 1839-1908, pseudonym Declan, Saint, Bishop of Ardmore Defoe, Daniel http://digilander.libero.it/lazzi/cur.html | |
34. Alphabet Saints D. Saint, Background, Date, Feast Day. Davinus, the Armenian, Lucca, d1051,03/06. Declan, Bishop of Ardmore/Lismore, C5th, 24/07. Decuman, of Dunster, 27/08. http://www.gaminggeeks.org/Resources/KateMonk/Saints/Alphabet/Saints-D.htm | |
35. Biblioteca Virtual De la Mare, Walter (1873 + 1956). The Return(.zip 182 Kb). Declan, Saint,Bishop of Ardmore. The Life Of St. Declan of Ardmore(.zip - 39 Kb). http://www.bibvirt.futuro.usp.br/gutenberg/d.html |
36. Index Translate this page De la Mare, Walter, 1873-1956 Gutenberg De la Ramee, Maria Louise, 1839-1908 AKAOuida, 1839-1908,Gutenberg Declan, Saint, Bishop of Ardmore Gutenberg Defoe http://www.elbooks.sk/angautD.html | |
37. Index Declan of Ardmore, The, by Declan, Saint, Bishop of Ardmore Life Of Stephen A.Douglas, by Gardner, William, b. 1861 Life Of The Fly, The; with which are http://www.elbooks.sk/angdieloL.html | |
38. Troparia & Kontakia July MARTYRS BORIS AND GLEB, THE PASSIONBEARERS ST Declan, Bishop OF Ardmore. light inIreland before the days of Saint Patrick,/ O holy Father Declan./ Thou didst http://users.netmatters.co.uk/davidbryant/C/TropKon/July.htm | |
39. Troparion & Kontakion Index, Troparia, Kontakia To find a particular Saint scroll down alphabetical index below, note the St Davidof Thessalonica, June 26 Declan St Declan, Bishop of Ardmore, July 24 http://users.netmatters.co.uk/davidbryant/C/TropKon/TaK.htm | |
40. Authors Alphabetic List TO GOD**(18 sections 9 kb max) attributed to Saint Albert the Declan OF Ardmore(Edited from MS R Richard, son of Bishop Nigel of Ely **THE DIALOG CONCERNING http://users.ev1.net/~theweb/authlist.htm | |
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