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81. Details Of Thomas De Quincey Thomas De Quincey 1785 1859. References and Further Reading. Hamilton,Alan (1978) Essential Edinburgh. Andre Deutsch, London Thorne http://www.geo.ed.ac.uk/scotgaz/people/famousdetails493.html | |
82. GIGA Quote Author Page For Thomas De Quincey GIGA QUOTES BY AUTHOR Thomas De Quincey Englishauthor, essayist and critic (1785 1859), http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/quautquinceythomasx001.htm | |
83. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection Parente ( ) Dangarembga, Tsitsi (1959 - ) Davis, Rebecca Harding (1831 - 1910)De Mille, James (1833 - 1880) De Quincey, Thomas (1785 - 1859) Defoe, Daniel http://www.ipl.org.ar/cgi-bin/ref/litcrit/litcrit.browse.pl?au=CD |
84. ThinkQuest Library Of Entries British Q Quincey, Thomas De. Thomas De Quicey (1785 1859) Manchester, England.Thomas De Quincey was born into a wealthy family in the linen business. http://library.thinkquest.org/C0126184/english/equincey.htm | |
85. Klosterheim (in MARION) Klosterheim. Title Klosterheim; or, The masque. By Thomas De Quincey,with a biographical preface by Dr. Shelton Mackenzie. Author http://js-catalog.cpl.org:60100/MARION/ACG-0028 | |
86. Les Derniers Jours De Thomas De Quincey Translate this page Romans contemporains De Quincey Thomas 1785 1859 Dernières annéesEcrivains anglais 19e siècle Biographies Littérature Broché http://www.francepop.com/les-derniers-jours-de-thomas-de-quincey-495-311-958-9.h | |
87. LinksammlungDeQuinceyThomas The Thomas De Quincey Homepage http//ace.acadiau.ca/english/morrison | |
88. Author Index DefoeThe Newspaper and the Novel. De Quincey, Thomas (1785 - 1859). Confessionsof an English Opium Eater. De Quincey's Mastery in Ornate Prose. http://www.systems.it/inglese3.html | |
89. All The SecretsAbout The Authors DBob Dylan,Rodney Dangerfield Thomas De Quincey , ( 1785 1859 ) , English essayist. Charles Dickens ,( 1812 - 1859 ) , English novelist of enduring popularity and importance. http://allthesecrets.8m.com/about_the_authors_d.htm | |
90. Knihovna Jiøího Mahena V Brnì - Katalog Clavius Translate this page Quilter,Hugo Quincey,A. Quincey,Thomas Quincey,Thomas De Quincey,Thomas De,1785-1859Quindlen,Anna Quine,W. V.,1908- Quinn,Justin Quinnell,A. J. Quintilianus http://katalog.kjm.cz/clslaq.htm | |
91. Thomas DeQuincey Thomas DeQuincey. (17851859). http://www.lycaeum.org/~sputnik/People/deq.html | |
92. Writers, Artists And Architects In Cumbria John Ruskin, 18191900. A Wainwright, 1907-1991. Novelists Writers. Thomasde Quincey, 1785-1859. Arthur Ransome, 1884-1967. Sir Hugh Walpole, 1884-1941.Poets. http://www.visitcumbria.com/artists.htm | |
93. GIGA Chronological Author List "1780 To 1799" 1785 1819) John Pierpont , American poet and divine (1785 - 1866) Thomas DeQuincey , English author, essayist and critic (1785 - 1859) Cyrus Redding http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/quay1780.htm | |
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