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1. First World War.com - Prose & Poetry - Walter De La Mare Walter De la Mare (18731956), poet, author, editor and critic, was born on 25 April 1873 in Charlton, Kent and was http://www.firstworldwar.com/poetsandprose/delamare.htm | |
2. Walter De La Mare Homepage And Biography On Bibliomania.com Walter De la Mare. Stories from the Bible. Introduction. (18731956). "Very old are we men http://www.bibliomania.com/0/0/281 | |
3. Walter De La Mare Walter De la Mare (18731956) The Listeners Buy books related to Walter De la Mare at amazon.co.uk Home . Poems . Poets . Books . Contact http://www.englishverse.com/poets/de_la_mare.htm | |
4. Archives Hub: Papers Of Walter De La Mare HelpDesk email archiveshub@mimas.ac.uk Phone +44 (0)161 275 6789. Papers ofWalter De la Mare (18731956). Reference GB 0237 MS 3081; Gen. 715/1; Gen. http://www.archiveshub.ac.uk/news/wdlmare.html | |
5. Project Gutenberg Author Record Project Gutenberg Author record. De la Mare, Walter, 18731956. Titles. http://www.ibiblio.org/gutenberg/authors/de_la_mare__walter__1873-.html | |
6. Project Gutenberg Author Index De Quincey, Thomas, 17851859. De Saint-Pierre, Bernardin, 1737-1814. De la Mare,Walter, 1873-1956. Declan, Saint, Bishop of Ardmore. Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731. http://www.ibiblio.org/gutenberg/authors/author_index_D.html | |
7. Authorities : Personal Name : Multipart Surnames van Den, d 1882 400/11 a Den Bergh, Simon van, d 1882- 400/21 a Van DenBergh, Simon, d 1882- 1001 a De la Mare, Walter, d 1873-1956 400/11 | |
8. De La Mare Walter De la Mare (18731956). Song Texts. Texts from the followingcompilations are in the public domain in the US Songs of Childhood http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/m/mare/ | |
9. Three Poems Of Walter De La Mare Three Poems of Walter De la Mare. Set by David Arditti (1964), op. 11(1996) Texts by Walter De la Mare (1873-1956), copyright ©. 1. Come! http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/merge.cgi?485 |
10. Lowes, John Livingston, 1867-1945. Papers: Guide. (34) De la Mare, Walter, 18731956 Typed Ls(Walter De la Mare) toJohn Livingston Lowes; Taplow, 21 Aug 1928. 1p. (35) De la http://oasis.harvard.edu/html/hou00923.html | |
11. Behold, This Dreamer! (in MARION) subjects / Walter De la Mare. Author De la Mare, Walter, 18731956. PublishedNew York Knopf, c1939. Edition 1st American ed. Subject http://vax.vmi.edu/MARION/AAC-3063 | |
12. Records For Sleep -- Literary Collections. (in MARION) Sleep Literary collections. Records 1 to 1 of 1. De la Mare, Walter,18731956. Behold, this dreamer! Of reverie, night, sleep http://vax.vmi.edu/MARION/@SLEEP/86a030005100/0 | |
13. RIC, James P. Adams Library, Recently Acquired Materials, Special Collections De la Mare, Walter, 18731956. Bells and grass / Walter De la Mare; illustrated by Dorothy lathrop. De la Mare, Walter, 1873-1956. http://www.ric.edu/library/scripts/newacc/acc2asc.asp | |
14. Local NARs In IUCAT: Input Standard Giorgio Del, d 1878 10010 a Van Buren, Martin, d 1782-1862 40010 a Buren,Martin Van, d 1782-1862 10010 a De la Mare, Walter, d 1873-1956 40010 http://www.indiana.edu/~catcong/local.name.authorities.html |
15. De La Mare, Walter De la Mare, Walter. 18731956, English poet and novelist. For many years heworked in the accounting Department of the Anglo-American Oil Company. http://www.slider.com/enc/15000/de_la_Mare_Walter.htm |
16. OAC: Collection number Special Collections M0589. Creator De la Mare, Walter, 18731956.Extent 4 linear ft. Repository Stanford University. Libraries. Dept. http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0199n420 | |
17. Britannia | Britain Translate this page De la Mare, Walter John, Pseudonym Walter Ramal, (1873-1956). Englischer Schriftsteller.Seine Werke waren vor allem von Der Spätromantik geprägt. http://www.robert-morten.de/baseportal/Redaktionssytem/britannia_mini_detail&Id= | |
18. Academic Directories The Walter De la Mare Society The Walter De la Mare society commemoratesthe life and work of English poet Walter De la Mare (18731956). http://www.allianceforlifelonglearning.org/er/tree.jsp?c=9390 |
19. WdlM Society - Books, Articles & Theses Russell Brain, Tea with Walter De la Mare, London, 1957; NJ Endicott, 'Walter Dela Mare 18731956,' University of Toronto Quarterly, vol.26, 1957, pp.109-21; http://www.bluetree.co.uk/wdlmsociety/research/books.htm | |
20. WdlM Society - Stories & Novels Walter De la Mare (18731956) has always been best known for his poetry, but formany people, WH AuDen and Graham Greene incluDed, his prose merits comparison http://www.bluetree.co.uk/wdlmsociety/writing/adultnovelsstories.htm | |
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