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Day Edmund: more detail |
21. Athens Rural Cemetery, Greene County, NY John Wesley (nee FINCH) Addison Irwin Gardner 18661923 Mary P 13 Feb 1818- w/o George(nee Day) Robert Shaw Civil War John R. Burger 1849-1910 Edmund Dickman 5 http://www.hopefarm.com/athencem.htm | |
22. Sherlock Holmes Pastiche Characters - C 5th Earl of (British Egyptologist, 18661923) Lestrade 1927- ) Sherlock HolmesIn Dallas (Edmund Aubrey) 101 In Wonderland Murders (Barry Day) 115; Sherlock http://www.schoolandholmes.com/charactersc.html | |
23. Manitowoc County, Wisconsin Genealogy : Cemetery #60 St. Isidore Catholic 21, 1895/Age 1 Day, next to Elizabeth Deehr/1858 30/Died May 2, 1905, next to James/Gallagher/18661923. JamesMcNulty/1864-1940, next to Edmund/1899-1975 (b http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~tomanitowoc/60.html | |
24. Glencoe Mills (1864 1924) and Robert (1866-1923) build Windsor Congressional Committee - Issueof the Day 1964, 1 E. Murrow, Calvin Coolidge Muskie, Edmund Miscellaneous 7 http://www.lib.unc.edu/mss/inv/g/Glencoe_Mills.html | |
25. Portraits SERIES P2. Badger, George Edmund (17951866). SERIES P2. SERIES P2. Day, Roby Council(1882- ). SERIES P2. Hackett, Richard Nathaniel (1866-1923). SERIES P2. http://www.lib.unc.edu/ncc/pcoll/02portraits/port.html | |
26. New Titles Cataloged. Brown University Library. E99.Y5 M652x 2001, Montezuma, Carlos, 18661923. Boston, and the country adjacent,on the Day when, Boston E211 .B975 1892, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Two speeches http://walton.rockcluster.brown.edu/jeanr/newtitles/lcsearch.php?subject=E |
27. StMaryBayWrn 1894 Loretta Dube, 18831961 Wife of Edmund Dube, 1881 Mary Leahy, 1920 Their ChildrenWilliam J., 1866-1923 Sarah E May 21, 1885, aged 6 mos 1 Day Hanora OBrine http://members.fortunecity.com/sneirish/StMaryBayWrn.htm |
28. St. Thomas Cemetery - West Avenue - Section B, St. Thomas, Ontario judge shall give me at that / Day and not 1873 / July 3, 1875 / George Edmund THOMSONMD Robert / STEPHENS / 18661923 / Margaret / wife of / Robert / STEPHENS http://home.ican.net/~bedmonds/ElginOGS/cemeteries/stthomas/westaveB.htm | |
29. Annis Census Records - 1930 - MA actually at work the previous work Day; if not Residing w/ nephew, Edmund V. Best(51) and family. Teacher (public schools) Orien S. Annis 18661923 - Laurens K http://www.angelfire.com/mi/annisall/census_1930MA.html | |
30. Evergreen Cemetery, Town Of Lee 31, 1977) Cardinale, Dorothy Edick (no dates). Cardot, Helen Day 19031984 (Jul. 1,1987). Christman, Edwin D. 1866-1923 (Dec. Coons, Edmund C. 1899-1956 (Sep. http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ny/county/oneida/cemeteries/lee/evergreen1.html | |
31. Searches.rootsweb.com/usgenweb/archives/oh/shelby/cemeteries/houston.txt 1843,d Mar 23, 1878, sect 3 OC Matilda Day,wife of 1928, sect 2 lot 63 OC Kate A.Finfrock 18661923, sect 2 1867-1945, sect 7 lot 81 OC Edmund Hergenrather, d http://searches.rootsweb.com/usgenweb/archives/oh/shelby/cemeteries/houston.txt |
32. Azbiog Stephens, 1895 Ellison, Slim Ellsworth, Edmund William, 1904 Mollie, 1846-1902 Montezuma,Carlos, 1866-1923 Monthan, Jessie Troy O'Connor, Sandra Day, 1930- O http://www.library.arizona.edu/branches/spc/azbiog.htm | |
33. Untitled This is Project Gutenberg. 18671940 Bentley, E. C. (Edmund Clerihew), 1875-1956 Benton, 1852-1903 Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797 Burke, Thomas, 1887-1945 Christ of Latter-Day Saints Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947 http://www.quux.org:70/Archives/gutenberg/authors.txt |
34. Project Gutenberg: Authors List The online presence of one Leon Matthews esq. resides here as does a litany of free and useful dovnloads, tutorials and information http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
35. WebGED: Sanford Families Data Page L Kobs) adds month and Day of birth Greencastle, IN father Sanford, William Edmund(1864 1943 child Bohon, Elizabeth Belle (1866 - 1923) child Bohon http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/4453/wga55.html | |
36. Douglas Grove Cemetery Day, George W., son of N. and ME Day, 1877 1910. Fisher, Edmund H., 1903- 1918. Hill, William H., 1860 - 1953; Margaret, his wife, 1866 - 1923. http://www.rootsweb.com/~necuster/cmterys/douglas.htm | |
37. Mt. Pleasant Cemetery A-L Avery. Nellie I., 1866 1923, Mother. Baker. Sarah E., 1840 - 1923, Wife of Edmund.Churchill. AD, 1 January 1825 - 23 October 1891. Day. A. Herman, 1892 - 1959. http://www.rootsweb.com/~nygenese/mtp2.htm | |
38. Furnas County Cemetery - Oxford4 m = month; w = week; d = Day; S = spouse 1847 1934 Johnston Charles 1866 1923 Johnston George F Korean Vet Lewis Edmund E. Billie http://members.aol.com/tantemoi/Home/Oxfo4.htm | |
39. 600000 People Connected With European Royalty It currently gets 3000 unique visitors a Day. Spouse Peter Carew Sir (living) SpouseEdmund Verney Sir (1535 18661939) 2 Mother Harriett Bates (1866-1923) 2 http://www.e-familytree.net/f3886.htm | |
40. Ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ny/genesee/cemeteries/mtpleas.txt Feb 1873 Age 89y 10m AVERY, Nellie I. 1866 1923 Mother -B of Edmund Sarah E.Church; age 4m CHURCH, Sarah E Alice d. 18 May 1899 Age 68y -D- Day, A. Herman http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ny/genesee/cemeteries/mtpleas.txt |
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