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Davis James J: more detail | ||||
42. Index Stories, Listed By Author, Part 3 Cockburn, (19392000); CAUNITZ, WILLIAM J. (1933-1996 CAUSEY, James (1924- ); CAUSLEY,CHARLES (1917- ); CAVALIERI 1559?-1634); CHAPPELL, FRED (Davis) (1936- ); CHARD http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/msf/q3.htm | |
43. Authors D The Dalai Lama (w +w) Richard J. Daley Salvador Davidsen Robertson Davies KeithDavis Sammy Davis Jr Lillian Day Clarence Day Terrence Deal James Dean Robert http://aragorn.pb.bialystok.pl/~radev/authors.htm | |
44. Virginia Is For Lovers: Statewide James J. Kilpatrick – (1920) Richmond newspaper columnist on David J. Mays –historian, Pulitzer Prize winner Jefferson Davis statue by Valentine can be http://www.virginia.org/site/features.asp?featureID=95 |
45. DIANNE MCGINLEY GARDNER GENEALOGY 8 John J. COFFEY, Jr. 1835 1907 .. 8 1 James COFFEY 1836- 1915 .. Benjamin Hudson Davis .. http://ted.gardner.org/coffey.html | |
46. St. Lawrence Roman Catholic Church Cemetery, Mulgrave, Guysborough County, NS Strachan, Philip Davis 1927 1994. Fraser, Pvt. William J. d Feb. 21, 1936. McDonald,James 1839 - 1916 Wife Catherine Ryan 1844 - 1915 Son Edward 1871 - 1931. http://www.angelfire.com/ca4/Patsy/stlawrence.html | |
47. NUMBER 6 School House Cemetery Davis, Viva V. Oct 18, 1914 . Davis, Orval no dates. E. 1838 1880. PIERSON,James E. 1858 - 1879. ROBERTS, WD no dates. ROBERTS, Nancy J. 1846 - 1914. http://www.angelfire.com/tx/rn4kids/number6.html | |
48. Fisher/Ratliff Page 4 Louis Aaron Ratliff 1873 1947 3 James J. Ratliff 1848 - 1900. the Fisher line informationcomes from the work and/or compilation of Carla Davis Woolley (my http://www.casey-genealogy.com/fisher-ratliff.html | |
49. Descendants Of James Hill Casey (1813-1901) 3 Joseph Lee Casey 1878 1914 +Idonia Davis - 1976 4 3 Mary LaVern Casey 1880- 1967 +Nat J. Alexander 1877 3 Allen Casey - 1946 3 James L. Casey http://www.casey-genealogy.com/casey.html | |
50. PPL Danville South D - H Translate this page Dickey, Mary Jane Davis, 1833 - 1893, Danville South. Gentry, J. William,1866 - 1943, Danville South. Gentry, James M. 1875 - 1951, Danville South. http://history.plainfield.lib.in.us/Cemeteries/DanvilleSouthDH.htm | |
51. I80231: Richard Banyas (____ - ____) Mary Davis. Fisher and to them were born two daughters Anita J. and Marcia K BurrelReuben Harris Mother Mary Ann (Belle) Dement Family 1 James Hurley Family http://www.gendex.com/users/bobspu/spurgeon/d0016/g0000083.html | |
52. I02263: Michael (s.o Clare Beghtol") Beghtol (____ - ____) Martha Ella Davis. Victor J. Webster. _Samuel Hartwell (Sam) O'Dell _+ (1892 1963) m 1921 _Harold James (Jim) O'Dell _ (1928 - ._Alna (Billie http://www.gendex.com/users/bobspu/spurgeon/d0009/g0000093.html | |
53. Ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ar/jackson/cemeteries/mccall.txt in action South China Sea CLARK, Martha J. (Mattie) (19 15 Jun 1847 - 17 Apr 1929)COOPER, James Roy (31 15 Jan 1910) son of JKW and Hattie Davis, Aaron (25 http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ar/jackson/cemeteries/mccall.txt | |
54. Ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/oh/lucas/cemeteries/stjoe/sect0607.txt no date Hedtke, Dan H 19471986 Sickles, James H 1949 1986 Diane M 1948-1989 Zagoric,Albert J -father- January 3 1915-no date Thelma R 1918-1996 Davis, Arthur A http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/oh/lucas/cemeteries/stjoe/sect0607.txt |
55. Dodson Cemetery - Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 1891 1956 Brittain J. Owen 1901 1968 Brittain Joseph R. 1873 1947 Brittain Joseph GertrudeL. 1898 Davis J. Allen (w) ?, Sarah S. Davis J. F. Davis James 8/25 http://www.interment.net/data/us/pa/luzerne/dodson_cemetery.htm | |
56. Almshous.htm 1868 1945 Davis, FRANK .. 1851 - 1932 STANTON, James .. 1874 -1917 STROP, SHARLOT J .. 1828 - 1912 TAFT, MORIVILLE .. http://bfn.org/~ae487/almscem.html |
57. RA Authors J Jakes, John; Jance, JA; Joe, Yolanda; Jong, Erica; Joyce, James (18821941 Stuart;Karon, Jan; Kay, Guy Gavriel; Kay, Terry; Kellogg, Marne Davis; Kerr, Philip; http://www.rbls.lib.il.us/dpl/books_&_reading/reading/raauth.htm |
58. Roselawn Memorial Park, Pages 26-30 Christine 18551924 Hansen ..Knud J. 1854-1941 Hennigan ..Sally 1888-1966Rowley ..James F. 1942 Oct 25 1961 beloved father Davis Plot Davis http://www.l-ags.org/rl26.html | |
59. Jacob Wood Descendants 2nd Wife of Jefferson Davis Poindexter . 5 James Newton Newt Poindexter 1830 1903 .. 6 Margaret J. Poindexter 1871 http://members.aol.com/HatwellE/WoodDescendants.html | |
60. Turner Cemetery In Buchanan County, Missouri William H. Davis, Jr, 1925, 1939, William H. Davis, Sr, 1898, 1956, Norman J.HUDSON, 1875, 1933, TL HUDSON, 1848, 1896, Lou Anna JOHNSON (James S.), 1880,1960, http://members.aol.com/DThomp3907/turner.html | |
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