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81. Science & Faith Darwins God Cornelius G. Hunter, Darwin's God Cornelius in Space and Time FrancisSchaeffer This Mere Creation William A. Dembski (Editor), Mere Creation http://www.discerningreader.com/sciencefaith1.html | |
82. Darwin's Deathbed Conversion? [unsigned] (Reply) (6-00) From Positive Atheism Editor@positiveatheism.org To Subject Re PA Sir FrancisDarwin as recently as January, 1916, had to refute a lying story about his http://www.positiveatheism.org/mail/eml9725.htm | |
83. The Human Nature Daily Review (February 2001) - Ian Pitchford, Darwinism Darwin visits Kansas and hopes to stay. Artificial selection - FrancisCollins speculates on the implications of more Plotz' Editor explains why. http://human-nature.com/nibbs/feb01.html |
84. Ramana Maharshi Bibliography The Collected Works of Ramana Maharshi, Arthur Osborne (Editor), Ramana Maharshi/ Paperback / Published 1997 Be As You Are The Teachings of Sri Ramana http://www.american-buddha.com/maharshi.bib.htm | |
85. St. Francis Bookshop Online - Order Books Reviewed In St. Anthony Messenger Maga first the facts of the matter (eg, who was Charles Darwin and what He is editorof St Robert Schuller, Cardinals John O'Connor and Francis George, as well as http://www.stfrancisonline.com/messenger07_02.html | |
86. Darwin's Slippery Slide Into Unbelief Glass, Bentley, Editor, Forerunners of Darwin. 17451859. Chapter by FrancisHaber (The Johns Hopkins Press, 1959), p.259, quoted by Bolton Davidheiser http://www.answersingenesis.org/docs/1314.asp | |
87. Creationism Books and Creationism Understanding Pseudoscientific Beliefs About the Past by FrancisB. Harrold, Raymond A. Eve (Editor). Did the Devil Make Darwin Do It? http://www.ntskeptics.org/books/creationism.htm | |
88. Boston.com / Boston Globe Magazine can be sent to Letters to the Editor, The Boston and the toil they represent, putDarwin's twine ball Francis A. Johnson's achievement, while not exactly heroic http://www.boston.com/globe/magazine/1999/5-30/inperson.shtml | |
89. Bookshare.org - Books By Author Search. Title. Please log in. Books by Charles Darwin. Here is a list of our booksby Charles Darwin . There are 17 books by this author in our collection. http://www.bookshare.org/web/BooksByAuthor.html?author_id=54 |
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