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21. Darwinism (xx, 295 p.) Quote, p. 271. (b) Darwin, Francis, Editor, The Life and Lettersof Charles Darwin, London, Murray, 1887. (3 vols.) Vol. 3, pp. 168169. http://www.asa3.org/ASA/PSCF/1968/JASA12-68Aulie.html | |
22. Slave Narratives of Critical Essays Elizabeth A. Francis, Editor Main Stacks on Russian LiberalismCharles E. Timberlake, Editor Main Stacks The Descent of Love Darwin and the http://faculty.maryvillecollege.edu/library/researchguides/english335.htm | |
23. DarwinianA Journal of Linnean Society, Zoology, 1859, pp. 4562. Darwin, Francis, Editor. TheLife and Letters of Charles Darwin. Vols. 1-3. London John Murray, 1887. http://www.lib.iup.edu/depts/speccol/darwin folder/darwiniana.htm | |
24. Charles Darwin Books Autobiography Of Charles Darwin And Selected Letters By Francis Darwin(Editor), Charles Darwin (paperback December 1992). Human http://www.american-webshop.com/Charles-Darwin | |
25. InteLex Past Masters - Darwin: Works second edition with preface by Francis Darwin (1884). The Autobiography of CharlesDarwin; edited by Nora Emeritus at Michigan State University, Editor of The http://www.nlx.com/titles/titlcdcw.htm | |
26. Record Unit 7315 - Julius Victor Carus Photograph Album Collection, Circa 1854-1 Carus is probably best remembered as Editor of the Zoologischer Anzeiger Darwin, Francis,undated ( 45); De Filippi, Filippo, undated ( 18); Dohrn, Anton, undated http://www.si.edu/archives/archives/findingaids/FARU7315.HTM | |
27. 1Up Info > Darwin, Sir Francis (Botany, Biographies) - Encyclopedia Darwin, Sir Francis, 18481925, English botanist, assistant to his father, Charles Heedited the Life and Letters of Charles Darwin (1887) and Editor's Pick. http://www.1upinfo.com/encyclopedia/D/DarwinF.html | |
28. The Religion Of Nature: Social Darwinism By David Menton my views could be extended to such widely different and most important subjects. ( The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin , Francis Darwin Editor, D. Appleton http://www.gennet.org/metro15.htm | |
29. Works Of Charles Darwin Published By Pickering & Chatto second edition with preface by Francis Darwin (1884), (288 pp The Autobiography ofCharles Darwin; edited by Nora at Michigan State University, Editor of The http://www.pickeringchatto.com/darwin.htm | |
30. List Of Correspondents Fellow of St John's College, Oxford, and Editor of The Academy, 186979. Lawyerand nephew of Francis Darwin. 1879 12185. Atkinson, Edward (18191915). http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/Departments/Darwin/corresps/alist.html | |
31. List Of Correspondents Natualralist aboard the Wilkes Expedition, 183842. Editor, American Journal ofScience from 1846. 1871 13789;; undated 13790. Darwin, Francis (18481925). http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/Departments/Darwin/corresps/dlist.html | |
32. Most People Dont Realize Darwin Repented On His Knees Jane Meehan (Reply) (1-02) From Positive Atheism Magazine Editor@positiveatheism.org To Jane Meehan Subject Re Sir Francis Darwin as recently as January, 1916, had to refute a http://www.positiveatheism.org/mail/eml8561.htm | |
33. 150 UK Titles: Evolution Editor), et al; As We Know It by Marek Kohn; The Autobiography ofCharles Darwin by Francis Darwin (Editor); Becoming Human by Ian http://human-nature.com/darwin/books/evolutionuk.html | |
34. Untitled Roman numerals indicate chapters, arabic numbers the Editor's convention for displaying toLyeIl of 12 March 1863 so dated by Francis Darwin Life and http://www.mega.nu:8080/ampp/PeterMorton/vs1_notes.htm | |
35. Times Online Letters to the Editor. schools, the public celebration of Charles Darwins contributionto Yours etc, SIMON BLACKBURN, Francis CRICK, RICHARD DAWKINS, RICHARD http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,59-574660,00.html | |
36. The GNU-Darwin Distribution for conversion of MSWord documents Xpdf PDF file viewer Xemacs text Editor Gnumericspreadsheet GNUDarwin AbiWord developer, Francis James Franklin http://gnu-darwin.sourceforge.net/download.html | |
37. Please Wait A Moment, Searching Millions Of Books Add search as want refine search - glossary of terms bar Darwin, CharlesDarwin, Francis, Editor. The life and letters of Charles Darwin. http://biblion.com/search.php?searchby=Author&qsearch=Charles Darwin |
38. The Writings Of Charles Darwin On The Web ( ) Indicates an insertion by the Editor. Origin, Ed. vi. refers to the PopularEdition. Francis Darwin ed., The foundations of the Origin of Species Two http://pages.britishlibrary.net/charles.darwin/texts/foundations/foundations_fm. | |
39. RARES: Beginning 20th CENTURY Translate this page Darwin, Francis (Editor), CHARLES Darwin HIS LIFE TOLD IN AN AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL CHAPTER,AND IN A SELECTION OF LETTERS, LONDON 1902, JOHN MURRAY, £it.40.000, SLIGHT http://www.books-in-italy.com/catalogue/rares_beginning_20th_century.html | |
40. Charles Darwin (1809-1882) Library Of Congress Citations 1901 Dewey No. 551 Notes Preface signed Francis Darwin. of the publication ofCharles Darwin's books and Introductory letter to the Editor from Sir Joseph http://www.mala.bc.ca/~mcneil/cit/citlcdarwin.htm | |
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