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81. Richard Henry Dana (in MARION) Richard Henry Dana. Title Richard Henry Dana, a biography, by CharlesFrancis Adams Author Adams, Charles Francis, 18351915. http://vax.vmi.edu/MARION/AAW-2346 | |
82. Encyclopædia Britannica Dana, Richard Henry (18151882) US writer and lawyer. Lee, Henry (17561818)American army officer and politician. More Articles. Partners. http://search.britannica.com/search?query=Richard Henry Lee&ct=gen1&fuzzy=N |
83. Encyclopædia Britannica Dana, Richard Henry (18151882) US writer and lawyer. Hoe, Robert andRichard (March) (17841833, 18121886) BritishUS inventors. http://search.britannica.com/search?query=richard yates&fuzzy=N&ct=gen1&start=6& |
84. Occupation: Author Anthony Trollope, 1815, 1882, England. Richard Henry Dana, jr, 1815, 1882,United States of America. Henry David Thoreau, 1817, 1862, United States ofAmerica. http://www.y-intercept.com/occupation.html?occupation_cd=A |
85. DANA, JAMES Richard Henry Dana (18151882), son of the lastmentioned, was bornin Cambridge, Massachusetts, on the 1st of August 1815. He http://37.1911encyclopedia.org/D/DA/DANA_JAMES.htm | |
86. Authors ("T") & Titles Thomas, DM Ararat FIC THO Thomas, Dana L. The 940.54 TRE Tregaskis, Richard, 19161973. ofChristian Europe 940.1 TRE Triezenberg, Henry J. Individualized http://www.ardsleyschools.k12.ny.us/AHSL_WEB/au-t.htm | |
87. Vasalj1 Controversial Dana, a descendant of lawyer and novelist Richard Henry Dana (1815 1882), was a leading authority on the Soviet Union's theater and films. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~walkersj/vasalj1.htm | |
88. Lectures On Art, And Poems (in MARION) Lectures on art, and poems. Title Lectures on art, and poems,by Washington Allston. Ed. by Richard Henry Dana, jr. Author http://js-catalog.cpl.org:60100/MARION/ABO-3556 | |
89. Lectures On Art, And Poems (in MARION) Lectures on art, and poems. Title Lectures on art, and poems microform/ by Washington Allston ; edited by Richard Henry Dana, jr. http://js-catalog.cpl.org:60100/MARION/BFX-5973 | |
90. Brief Biographies Of Jackson Era Characters (D) Dana, Richard Henry 1815 1882 Author of Two Years Before the Mast,a classic, describing his two years as an ordinary seaman. http://www.earlyrepublic.net/BIOG-D.htm | |
91. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Authors > D Authors D Browse Authors D. Dana, Marvin, 1867; Dana, RichardHenry, 1815-1882; Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321; Darlington, Edgar BP; http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat=Au |
92. Dana Point Harbor Boat Show - Educational And Community City Of Dana Point, Incorporated in 1989, the City of Dana Point is named after RichardHenry Dana Jr. (18151882), a Harvard-trained lawyer, seaman, and author http://www.dphboatshow.com/educational.htm | |
93. ¯aglowce - Warto Poznaæ - R.H. Dana I "Two Years Before The Mast" ("Pamiêtnik Two Years before the Mast ( Pamietnik zeglarza ). Richard HenryDana junior (1815 1882). Kliknij - powiekszenie (61kB) Mlody http://www.zaglowce.ow.pl/bosman/literatura/dana/dana.html | |
94. California Writers: D Dame Shirley aka Clapp, Louise Smith (1819 1906) See Louise Clapp. Dana, RichardHenry (1815 - 1882) Two Years Before the Mast, Non-fiction, Davidson, Michael http://www.sonic.net/~ghaslam/callit/fict_d.htm | |
95. Edgar A. Poe Collection, Index Of Correspondents http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/research/fa/poe.e.corr.html | |
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