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Cooper Susan Fenimore: more detail | ||||||
81. Norwalk Public Library 1962 2002 1 Cooper Saul 2002 1 Cooper Scott 2002 1 Cooper Stephen 1949 2002 1 CooperSusan 1935 47 Cooper Susan 1947 2 Cooper Susan Fenimore 1813 1894 1980 1, Susan, 1935-/acooper susan 1935/ | |
82. Norwalk Public Library social, emotional ethical considerations / Susan Lewis Cooper, Ellen Sarasohn Glazer.;Main Adult; 618.178 COO 1998 Cooper Susan Fenimore 1813 1894 Pages and, Susan, 1935-/acooper susan 1935/ | |
83. SWAN /All Libraries Steven JM Ed 1 Cooper Steven JM Ed 1973 1 Cooper Stuart 3 Cooper Susan 58 CooperSusan 1935 32 Cooper Susan 1947 3 Cooper Susan Fenimore 1813 1894 3 Cooper http://swan.sls.lib.il.us:90/kids/0,1913,1941/search/aCooper, Susan./acooper sus | |
84. SWAN /All Libraries Num Mark AUTHORS (16 of 6) Year Entries 121 Found 1 Cooper Susan 58 2 Cooper Susan1935 32 3 Cooper Susan 1947 3 4 Cooper Susan Fenimore 1813 1894 3 5 Cooper http://swan.sls.lib.il.us:90/kids/1030/search/a?cooper susan |
85. U. Of Western Ontario /All Locations 1946 Weldon 1984 1 Cooper Ship See Fenimore Cooper Ship 1 Cooper Susan 1935Criticism And Interpretation 2 Cooper Susan Fenimore 1813 1894 Weldon 2001 http://alpha.lib.uwo.ca:5701/search/dCooper, Susan, 1935- -- Criticism and inter | |
86. Buscant Informació Guies Temàtiques - Ciències Ambientals Translate this page Washington, DC, 1986. Dins Celebration of Women Writers podem trobarCooper, Susan Fenimore (1813-1894). Rural Hours (Boston and http://www.bib.ub.es/www3/3llib_amb.htm |
87. Susan Susanna Strickland Moodie (18031885) Canadian pioneer writer. Susan AugustaFenimore Cooper (1813-1894) American writer and philanthropist. http://www.geocities.com/edgarbook/names/s/susan.html | |
88. COOPER, SAMUEL Cooperstown, New York. His daughter, Susan Fenimore Cooper (18131894),was known as an author and philanthropist. Cooper was certainly http://4.1911encyclopedia.org/C/CO/COOPER_SAMUEL.htm | |
89. EBooks (e-Books, EBook): Digital Book Index: Search By Author Cooper, Susan Fenimore, Elinor Wyllys, TxtG, n/c, GutenbergUS. Cooper,Susan Fenimore, Elinor Wyllys, Txt-G, n/c, GutenbergUS. Cooper, Susan http://www.digitalbookindex.com/_search/search002a.asp?AUTHOR=Cooper, Susa |
91. University Of Minnesota Libraries: Digital Collections Unit Hours Excerpts Link http//erc.lib.umn.edu80/dynaweb/travel/FCoopRur CreatorCooper, Susan Fenimore, 18131894 Contributors University of Minnesota. http://digital.lib.umn.edu/assets.html | |
92. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors COOLIDGE, Susan (1835 1905) Cooper, Anthony Ashley (1671 - 1713) Cooper, JamesFenimore (1789 - 1851) Cooper, Susan Fenimore (1813 - 1894) COPPEE, Francois http://gutenberg.net.au/birthdeath.html | |
93. Early American Fiction: Bibliography . Philadelphia Lea Blanchard 1843. Cooper, Susan Fenimore, 18131894Elinor Wyllys; or, The Young Folk at Longbridge. A Tale, by http://eaf.chadwyck.com/html/eaf/help/bibliog.htm | |
94. E. A. Poe Society Of Baltimore Letters from EAP to PPC (list of texts) Cooper, James Fenimore (author) (1789 JohnHenry (Poe Scholar) Portrait of JHI Ingram, Susan VC Letters http://www.eapoe.org/subjidx.htm | |
95. E. A. Poe Society Of Baltimore Cooke August 9, 1846 (OL 240). Cooper, James Fenimore (1789-1851 EA Poe to JF Cooper- June 21, 1841 (Not in to EA Poe - February 26, 1846. Ingram, Susan VC EA http://www.eapoe.org/works/letters/ | |
96. Waukegan Public Library /All Locations Year Entries Ruptash Troy 2002 1 Rural Economic Technical Assistance Center 20001 Rural Hours Author Of See Cooper Susan Fenimore 1813 1894 1 Rusackas http://catalog.waukeganpl.org:90/kids/0,1899,1953,2122/search/aRusch, Kristine K | |
97. American Portrait Prints Collection At AAS Cooper, EZEKIEL Cooper, JAMES Cooper, JAMES Fenimore (17891852 THOMAS V. Cooper,WILLIAM M. Cooper, REV 1823-1880) GIFFORD, STEPHEN N. GIFFORD, Susan A. GILBERT http://www.americanantiquarian.org/apprints4.htm | |
98. On-line Library a woman? {There are two reasons for doing so. The first is that SusanFenimore Cooper (18131894) was no ordinary woman. She was http://library28.tripod.com/7-1.html | |
99. Research Project For U. S. Literature I Child, Lydia Maria Francis (18021880), prose. Cooper, Susan Fenimore1813-1894), fiction. Cummins, Maria Susanna (1827-1866), fiction. http://www.nwc.cc.wy.us/id/koellind/2310/project.htm | |
100. WOMEN AND NATURE: Authors' Biographies Lizzie W. Champney, 18501922. Lida Clarkson. Harriet Newell Cook. Susan FenimoreCooper, 1813-1894. Lizzie E. Cotton. Jane Cunningham Croly, 1829-1901. TOP. D http://www.library.wisc.edu/libraries/SpecialCollections/womennature/sectionpage | |
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