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Converse Florence: more detail | ||||||
61. Adasara01 11/04/11 to 03/04/88 Converse , Guy *** 10 10/07/23 to 09/01/15 Jones , Florence*** 1877 to 29/83 Karns , Ellen *** 1832 to 1925 Karns , Hazel B. *** 1902 to http://skyways.lib.ks.us/towns/Bennington/adasara01.html | |
62. Isabella County Dibean Marriage Index A & B BECKLEY,ALBERT BECKLEY,STANLEY,MA Florence STANLEY,ISABELLA,,17 ALMIRA A BROWN,DAVIS,EDWINB DAVIS,ISABELLA BROWN_J,JACOB HELLER BROWN,Converse,MARY ELIZABETH http://www.usgennet.org/usa/mi/county/isabella/dibean_isabella1.html | |
63. Branch County Michigan Marriage Index - H Surnames Page Five 22 DEC 1869. HOLMES. Florence A HOLMES. BEARDSLEY. EZRA E BEARDSLEY. 23 FEB 1870.HOWE. GEORGE B HOWE. FISHER. JAMES K HOWELL. Converse. ANGELIA Converse. 09 SEP1849. http://www.usgennet.org/usa/mi/county/branch/branchmarrH5.html | |
64. Guide To The Edward & Mary Judson Hitchcock Family Papers Gray, George D. (AC 1865). Gray, J. Converse (AC 1877). Mount Holyoke College(2 items) For the Faculty Caroline B. Greene, Florence Purington; http://www.amherst.edu/library/archives/findingaids/hitchcock.emj/appendix1.html | |
65. Individual Starting With B Blair, Florence 1880 m. Thomas Wilson Preston Bristol Boatwright, John B. 1914 m. Pattie Winston Rose (no Broyles, J. Monroe 1883 m. Flavia Converse Rhea. http://members.fortunecity.com/fpreston/indab.htm | |
66. The Descendants Of Joseph And Purley Howard 1868 1959) Colvin Anna K. (1820 - 1861) Converse Diantha (1832 1967) Knodgrass EugeneM. Knox Florence E. (1873 Darwin B. (1869 - 1940) Edgar B. (1864 - 1866 http://www.juliedresser.com/howard/WC_IDX/IDX001.HTM |
67. 404 Error: File Not Found b. George Washington STINSON was born 1 Nov 1874 in Council Bluffs He died 3 Jul 1963in Douglas, Converse, WY n. Florence STINSON was born 10 Mar 1897 in Topeka http://www.open.org/~leegent/histrick.htm | |
68. WebGED Donna Jean Roth Data Page female b. 14 JUL 1904 in Lusk,Converse,Wyoming father Swartz Watts, John (1883 1936) - male b. 18 APR 1883 d. 1936 spouse Swartz, Florence Irene (1887 http://www.batesplace.com/geneal/roth/wga4.html |
69. WebGED Donna Jean Roth Data Page b. 22 APR 1901 in Lusk,Converse,Wyoming d Estella (1885 1920) child Swartz,Florence Irene (1887 Swartz, Blanche Leota (1894 - ) - female b. 6 DEC http://www.batesplace.com/geneal/roth/wga3.html |
70. I44: Ashley Loren ADAMS (____ - ____) Harry Raymond DILLION Mother Florence Gertrude HOLYCROSS Judith MAYER _Cyrus Converse TARPENNING _ Daniel B. SHERWOOD. http://noillid2.150m.com/d0000/g0000017.html | |
71. Ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/me/cumberland/windham/cemetery/knight.txt 1833 1905 Flora Ella, their dau., 1860 - 1918 Florence M, their 7, 1906, 88y, dauof Geo Nancy Converse, youngest child of JamesG MMarcia B, Nov, 9 http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/me/cumberland/windham/cemetery/knight.txt |
72. I2450: Ellison AXTELL (ABT. 1828 - UNKNOWN) 3459; DEATH UNKNOWN. Family 1 Lina Converse MARRIAGE UNKNOWN. 1803 1870)m 1833 Etta Florence BICKNELL (1873 - . _Lucius B COOPER http://genealogy.bicknell.net/d0000/g0000090.htm | |
73. I2272: Angelina Corbett BICKNELL (2 May 1823 - UNKNOWN) _Walter Converse _Betsey Converse (1811 P FRANKLIN _ _ Emeline B FRANKLIN (1816 Florence Ferrier ROSS. http://genealogy.bicknell.net/d0000/g0000046.htm | |
74. Krusen Cemetery, Westfield PA Converse Tracy, Feb 12 1872, 14y1m22d, Son of Alpheus Margaret. SIMMONS WillieB, Apr 30 1878, 5y3m16d, Son of Esson Adelaide Simmons. WOODY Florence K, 1861,1927, http://www.paintedhills.org/ExtraCems/KrusenTiogaCo.htm | |
75. WOODLAWN CEMETERY 1896, 1968, . . Converse, Olin, . 1869, 1951, . . FORD Robert D. . 1885,1965, . . FORD, Florence E. . 1894, 1967, . . FORD, Harry B. . 1892, 1972,. . http://www.paintedhills.org/STEUBEN/WoodlawnA-F.htm | |
76. Untitled Document Hugh Converse Falconer b February Florence ? . 6 Ida Francis Anstine bJanuary 25, 1893 d March 19, 1894 in Dorchester County, Maryland .. http://www.anstinefamily.com/LineGGHJ.html | |
77. Wayne Co.,TN Confederate Veterans' Pension Abstracts was b. 9 July 1847 and d. 20 Nov 1933., Florence, AL B, at a point on the HampshirePike near Columbia, Tenn Union man and was not permitted to Converse with my http://www.netease.net/wayne/csaabstracts.htm | |
78. Please Title This Page. (Glade8.html) RISSER, Florence I, 1878, 1966, Lot47Sp4, Naoma, 1851, OldSection, d/oR B. FrancesBallou Converse, 5/2/1891, 5/2/1926, Unplotted, w/o Albert R,cousin of Mammie Wakefield http://www.iltrails.org/mcdonough/Glade8.html | |
79. Please Title This Page. (Glade2.html) Olive Eva, 11/2/1891, 1/21/1956, Lot291,Gr6, CHAMBERS, Florence G, 1878, 10/10/1959,Lot109,Gr3, age81. Converse, ? Nora B, 11/8/1869, 11/17/1956, Mausoleum, w/o AbramC. http://www.iltrails.org/mcdonough/Glade2.html | |
80. Medway Marriages 1850-1900 Clark, Francis Frederic, John Marietta, Collins, Florence E. Richard 27 Jun 1855,Converse, William H. Daniel Emily, Cary, James D. Mary H. Gorton, Hope B. JohnA http://medwaylib.org/History/1850-1900/1850-1900 Marriages B-J.htm | |
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