OSCEOLA CEMETERY, POLK COUNTY, NEBRASKA from the "Polk County Heritage" published by the Osceola Centennial Committee, Bernie Gissler, Chairman, Osceola Nebraska 68651 in 1975. Submitted to the USGenWeb Nebraska Archives, November, 1997 by Jeanne Walsh (ew54926@navix.net) and by Ted and Carole Miller (susieque@pacbell.net). USGenWeb Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial researchers, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for presentation in any form by any other organization or individual. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must obtain express written permission from the author, or the submitter and from the listed USGenWeb Project archivist. *************** Osceola Cemetery NWI/4 SW1/4 15-14-2 and NE1/4 SE1/4 16-14-2 - The cemetery association was organized in 1874. The first burial was in December 1871, Mr. John W. Wilson, the first Civil War Veteran in the county to die in Polk County. His son, Allison T. Wilson, celebrated his 100th birthday June 16, 1967. A.T. Wilson's wife, Emma, reached her 100th birthday in 1972. They are buried in the Osceola Cemetery. The first cemetery board consisted of, William F. Kimmel - pres., John H. Beltzer- sec., Dr Simeon 0. Whaley, Albinus Nancy, Benjamin C. Campbell, and W.E. Soring. The present cemetery board is; William R. Kepner, Don R. Byers, and Joseph M. Roberts. The first lots were priced at $6.00, without perpetual care. Lots in 1975 are $85 and $100, with perpetual care. The cemetery consists of approximately 20 acres. - Adair, Durwin, b1882; dl961 Aikins, Margaret, b3-8-1816; d11-8-1876 Akeson, Peter, b1865; d1938 Albin, Anna A., b7-8-1900; d5-21-1924 Albin, C., b3-15-1884; d3-30-1942 Albin, Catherine, V.. b1874; d1953 Albin, Henry A., b6-18-1902; dll-3-1931 Albin, John A., b1873; d1953 Alicem, Cole, b11-26-1908; d2-4-1909 Allen, Charlotte, b1847; d1937 Allen, Jerry R., b1866; d1933 Allen, Joseph, b1837; d1905 Allinder, Edith, b1903; d1967 Allinder, Thelma, b1894, d1965 Anderson, Albert F., b1901; d1972 Anderson, Amanda Josephine, b4-5-1877; d2-22-1943 Anderson, Andrew J., b1860; d1918 Anderson, Anna, b11-11-1869; dl2-6-1952 Anderson, Anna F., b8-11-1882; d4-14-1971 Anderson, Anna Marie, b9-25-1902; d12-13-1966 Anderson, Anna S., b1862; d1931 Anderson, Anna Sophia, b1-3-1850; d9-26-1933 Anderson, Anton, b1855; d1936 Anderson, Arthur W., b3-26-1891; d4-12-1959 Anderson, Arvid E., b1883; d1946 Anderson, August P., b5-22-1873; d8-17-1958 Anderson, Carl 0.. b2-18-1900; d7-2-1974 Anderson, Clara A., b4 9- 1855; d1 0-18-1893 Anderson, Daisy L., b1879; d1949 Anderson, Edna, b1881; d1920 Anderson, Edna A., b1 1-8-1886; d6-28-1971 Anderson, Edna V., b2-29-1896; d7-12-1973 Anderson, Eva A., b1905; d1973 Anderson, Eva B., b1869- d1938 Anderson, Frank H., b1881; d1969 Anderson, George F., b3-30-1879; d8-7-1952 Anderson, Grace M., b1882; d1970 Anderson, Guy C., b5-21-1895; d9-25-1970 Anderson, Jeanne, b1874; d1927 Andersen, Jens C., b9-11-1867; d5-24-1931 Anderson, J.H., b1840; d1905 Anderson, John Albert, b4-2-1878; d10-2-1917 Anderson, John H., b7-29-1869; d2-17-1944 Anderson, John L., b1876; d1958 Anderson, John L., b1863; d1873 Anderson, Jonas A., b10-14-1837; d8-6-1922 Anderson, Katherine M., b1886; d1963 Anderson, Lenora E., b10-6-1891; d10-27-1971 Anderson, L.F., b4-24-1849; d5-4-1916 Anderson, Martha C., b1878; d1937 Anderson, May A., b1870; d1886 Anderson, J.H. (Mrs), b1846; d1923 Andersen, Myrtle M., b2-9-1897; d2-15-1913 Anderson, Nicole, b2-18-1971; d2-21-1971 Anderson, Oscar H., b12-28-1893; d9-17-1968 Anderson, Vicktor F., b5-8-1888; d4-18-1906 Angle, Lizzie, b10-19-1868; d8-8-1888 Arnott, Jane, b4-3-1829; d3-2-1883 Atkinson, Mabel, b1885; dl935 Austin, Juanita, b1891; d1971 Austin, W.M.S., b1864; d1937 Baer, Fern, b5-8-1921; d12-29-1973 Baker, Eddie E., b11-24-1867; d5-24-1886 Baker, Eliza J., b8-31-1839; d5-14-1894 Baker, J.E., b1-24-1836; d5-14-1898 Baker, Roy C., b2-6-1886; d7-6-1886 Ball, Darcella Marie, b9-20-1955; d4-10-1971 Ball, Dudley Evan, b9-20-1955; d2-25-1972 Ball, Floence A ., b1868; d1951 Ball, Fred H., b1852; d1926 Ball, Guy F., b1894; d1969 Ball, Hervey, b1820; d1910 Ball, Musetta F., b1892; d19? Ball, Nettie M., b1895; d1944 Ball, Sarah, b1824; d1910 Ball, Taylor Linn, b3-6-1949; d8-15-1956 Banks, Frank C., b1-28-1894; d6-19-1951 Banks, Mattie E., b1888; d1971 Barnard, Melissa F., b7-28-1860; d4-29-1885 Barr, Annie R., b9-6-1853; d12-30-1931 Barr, John S., b8-5-1850; d4-12-1942 Barr, Lulu,bl886; dl975 Barr, Pearl, b1919; d1967 Barson, William, b4-8-1851; d2-4-1902 Bartholomew, b1-14-1858; d10-7-1883 Bartlett, Clyde, b1886; d1895 Bartlett, Henry E., b6-28-1841; d1-16-1876 Bartlett, Judson E., b1865; d1909 Bartlett, Minnie M., b10-23-1875;d7-9-1893 Bartlett, Olive M., b1866; d1942 Bates, Hazel Pearl, b1-3-1907; d10-13-1909 Bates, J. Mabel, b1893; d1918 Bates, Meshach F., b8-18-1853; d1 1-13-1904 Baum, Abner, b5-3-1818; d8-22-1906 Baum, Arthur D., b9-7-1883; d12-29-1930 Baum, Carl S., b10-16-1885; d4-13-1934 Baum, Daniel E., b3-31-1856; d7-26-1888 Baum, Earle L., b9-25-1889; d3-6-1919 Baum, Gladys G., b1-12-1880; d9-21-1917 Baum, J., b5-21-1850; d11-4-1891 Baum, Louisa H., b1-8-1827; d8-25-1906 Baum, Rachel K., b2-19-1854; d7-16-1912 Baum, Stella S., b12-28-1881; d8-3-1974 Beale, Alice M., b?; d4-10-1881 Beale, Harry, b1-4-1862; d4-25-1904 Beale, Infant son, b11-27-1877; d7-27-1878 Beale, James P., b?; d10-18-1910 Beale, Margarette, b8-22-1843; d10-28-1889 Beebe, Caroline C., b2-27-1840; d9-21-1893 Beebe, H. C., b1874; d1926 Beebe, Theodore, b7-20-1835; d6-18-1899 Behle, Chris, b6-29-1858; d10-5-1925 Bell, Mary E., b7-11-1854; d1-23-1910 Beltzer, Archie, b3-9-1890; d12-9-1928 Beltzer, Bertice, b10-?-1885; d12-3-1878 Beltzer, Charles, b1880; d1951 Beltzer, Daisy Maria, b4-12-1873; d6-21-1874 Beltzer, John, b5-16-1869; d9-18-1876 Beltzer, John Alexander, b9-24-1870; d9-13-1876 Beltzer, Lewis A., b12-24-1839; d11-12-1911 Beltzer, Margret, b?; d1-12-1872 Beltzer, Mary Ann, b10-11-1848; d3-17-1933 Beltzer, Rosa Dallas, b1-3-1872; d1-8-1872 Bennett, Sanuel, b1888; d1966 Bennett, Raymond F., b3-4-1918; d9-23-1951 Bennett, T. Porter (Rcv.),bl879;dl954 Bennett, Samuel M., b1860; d1902 Bense, Edna P., b11-18-1876; d9-18-1878 Bense, John F., b1847; d1917 Bense, L. Idelle, b1852; d1925 Benson, Infant Daughter, b4-17-1896; d4-22-1896 Benson, Infant twins, b7-27-1898, d7-27-1898 Berck, Clara E., b1872; d1960 Berck, Barbara H., b1872; d1948 Berck, George E., b1902; d1958 Berck, George J., b1869; d1940 Berck, Mary, b1901; d1931 Bergeson, Carl, b1879; d1935 Bergeson, Dora, b1 881; d1968 Berglund, Harvey M., Jr., b12-24-1916; d8-15-1956 Berklund, Ruth D. Walgreen, b7-13-1922; d1l-18-1947 Biggs, Henry, b1839; d1921 Biggs, Infant son, b3-10-1885 Biggs, Jane, b11-9-1839; d11-28-1893 Birchfield, Goldy, b9-8-1894; d1-15-1923 Birchfield, Ida, b1876; d1928 Birchfield, Lon, b1872; d1940 Birchfield, Margaret, b1842; d1921 Birchfield, Minnie, b1875; d1947 Birchfield, Pearl, b228-1877; d1-29-1962 Bittner, Anna M., b5-13-1860; d1-3-1919 Bittner, John Paul, b12-23-1896; d9-2-1921 Bittner, Max E., b3-26-1858; d7-30-1925 Bixby, Harrison E., b9-3-1814; d9-3-1876 Bixby, Roena, b4-22-1879; d422-1879 Blake, Ethel, b3-27-1882; d10-23-1960 Blake, Myrtella, b4-25-1851; d8-3-1920 Blake, Theodore, W., b1221-1844; d3-28-1925 Block, Josephine, b?; d1-26-1882 Boatright, Arthur S., b1870; d1927 Boatright, Ida Kerr, b1869; d1919 Boden, C. Gustaf, b6-13-1889; d7-31-1961 Boden, Crest, b1l-13-1847; d5-9-1915 Boden, Enoch E., b6-29-1899; d2-13-1970 Boden, John Oscar, b1-16-1891; d5-9-1955 Boden, Kirt L., b3-2-1959 Boden, Lloyd A., b5-5-1925; dlO-11-1967 Boden, Oliva, b11-22-1861; d12-28-1929 Boden, Sigrid F., b3-14-1894; d11-6-1964 Bollinger, Wilma H., b1923; d1954 Bond, Earl 0., b8-29-1895- d7-8-1973 Bond, Henry Lamont, b2-26-l 874, d5-l 3-1936 Bond, Ivan K., b9-7-1923; d9-14-1973 Bond, Luella J., b6-4-1850; d6-29-1927 Bonner, Harlan, b10-23-1891; d10-4-1892 Bonner, Harlan L., b?; d? infant Bonner, Ida, b3-7-1858; d5-6-1944 Bonner, James Toy, b1 2-12-1847; d11-12-1920 Bonner, Josie, b3-6-1895; d5-19-1899 Bonner, Mary L. M..b7-2-1861;d7-2-1873 Borrall, Bertia, b6-6-1870; d7-26-1881 Bradbury, Anna M., b8-7-1875, d8-27-1940 Bradbury, George H., b11-30-1873; dlO-24-1953 Braithwait, Fred, b9-2-1871; d12-30-1943 Braithwait, Mae, b5-3-l875; d11-16-1953 Brandt, Albert J., b1-1-1867; d10-25-1917 Brandt, Rose E., b1885; d1969 Brandt, William F., bl869; dl946 Branting, Lawrence F., b11-9-1894; d1-11-1950 Brazee, Charles F., b6-3-1840; d3-12-1911 Brazee, Eddie B., b1867; d1908 Brazee, Julia F., b6-4-1840, d1-4-1908 Brazee, Kathryn, b1870; d1968 Brigham, Clarence E., b8-13-1853; d3-21-1904 Brigham, Delbert V., b5-12-1863; d3-12-1882 Brigham, Emmet C., b12-9-1889; d9-9-1891 Brigham, Infant daughter, b1899, d1899 Brigham, Marian I., b5-20-1867; d2-24-1879 Brigham, Martha Daniel, b8-11-1833; d6-15-1912 Brigham, Milan H., b4-9-1819, d4-11-1894 Brigham, Phoebe F., b5-22-1830; d4-24-1879 Brigham, Sarepta M., b1863; d1946 Brooks, George A., b12-19-1872; d7-3-1939 Brooks, Mabel E., b7-19-1873; d11-17-1954 Brown, Adac, b4-6-1868; d5-17-1919 Brown, Allen Hubbell, bi2-29-1865; d4-2-1891 Brown, Amanda H., b2-12-1841; d11-5-1892 Brown, Bernice H., b5-20-1895- d5-17-1946 Brown, B.F., b1844; d1916 Brown, Clarence Earl, b5-27-1887; d5-18-1888 Brown, Dennis S., b6-8-1866; d6-12-1888 Brown, Ed, b11-28-1881; d5-4-1946 Brown, Elizabeth Ann, b8-7-1833; d6-7-1889 Brown, Ernest J., b3-15-1863, d7-19-1954 Brown, Florence E., b7-24-1881; d3-10-1886 Brown, Leroy E., b1903; d1972 Brown, Libbie, b4-5-1861; d8-16-1886 Brown, Lucia M., b1843; d1927 Brown, Mary H., b1868; d1944 Brown, Melvin L., b6-29-1935; d5-18-1963 Brown, Myron J., b1843; d1928 Brown, Nelson D., b1880, d1942 Brown, Nelson 0., b2-2-1814; d10-6-1892 Bryan, Guildford D., b1902; d1963 Buchholz, DeLoss E., b1913; d1960 Buchholz, Nellie S., b10-13-1889; d1-9-1951 Buchholz, Walter D., b4-28-1885; d4-12-1957 Buchta, Hilbert, b1895; d1961 Buchta, John, b1860; d1946 Buchta, Sevilla, b1861; d1945 Buchta, Viola K., b7-1-1895; d12-13-1970 Buchta,William J.,b9-18-1895; dlO-23-1966 Buhl, Evelyn L., b9-25-1905; d4-27-1974 Bull, Elizabeth A.. b1855: d1912 Bull, Margaret, b1841, d1926 Bull, Minnie L., b1890; d? Bull, Peter, b1839, d1879 Bull, Pheobe Ann, b1876; d1879 Buresh, Emil, b1910; d1964 Buresh, Frank F., b1878; d1945 Buresh, Paulie, b1881; d1941 Burgess, Belle M., b7-6-1877; d4-30-1959 Burgess, Edd, b4-19-1872, d8-12-1940 Burgess, John, b8-18-1832; d7-26-1918 Burgess, John R., b11-9-1876; d7-1-1946 Burgess, Mertie, b1880, d1960 Burgess, Nancy A., b8-23-1842; d9-27-1924 Burley, Allison, b5-9-1833; d2-22-1892 Burley, Eliza, b12-5-1833; d11-3-1909 Burley, L. Annie, b1-11-1871; d1-11-1877 Burley, Noel Otis, b7-17-1878; d3-27-1879 Burley, Wm., b11-24-1828; d1-18-1910 Burley, Zelma L., b1-21-1882; d3-21-1889 Burns, Bert L., b11-30-1885; d7-17-1964 Burns, Dora, M., b11-28-1889; d1-24-1951 Burns, Glen 0., b1-9-1921; d1-24-1921 Burns, Hazel Brown, b3-3-1889; d1-7-1969 Burns, Lula, b1-1-1884; d12-28-1957 Burritt, Carl H., b9-21-1913; d5-8-1945 Byers, Cora May, b1893; d1898 Byers, Harper S., b1834; d1908 Byers, John T., b1830 d1915 Byers, Joyselan I., b9-12-1901; d1-9-1973 Byers, Luzena F., b1841; d19i8 Byers, Nancy, b1833; d1927 Byers, Sarah E., b12-12-1868; d8-26-1954 Cadwell, Hannah M., b6-20-1854; d11-14-1928 Cadwell, Minnie M., b5-17-1889; d4-15-1975 Cadwell, Samuel J., b4-28-1885; d7-8-1959 Cadwell, Willis, M., b7-26-1854 d1-31-1919 Calhoun, Jennie Jane, b1890; d1967 Calhoun, Samuel Walter, b1885; d1965 Campain, Jennie M., b1884; d1970 Campain, William, b1882; d1970 Campbell, Albert H., b4-16-1881; d5-10-1960 Campbell, Anna T., b2-21-1865; dll-26-1943 Campbell, Benjamin C., b1831; d1908 Campbell, Elizabeth, A., b1832; d1921 Campbell, George E., b1881; d1960 Campbell, Helen G., b1877, d1954 Campbell, Henry H., b12-2-1865; d9-21-1934 Campbell, Infant son, b1927; d1927 Campbell, John Ed., b1916, d1928 Campbell, John F., b1848; d1913 Campbell, John F., b April 1887; d Oct 1912 Campbell, Lucy C., b1846; d1927 Campbell, Mary, b1848; d1935 Campbell, Philip B., b9-7-1893; d4-14-1961 Campbell, W. Alvin, b10-1-1893; d5-23-1931 Campbell, Venus M., b1889; d1966 Campbell, William, b1842; d1918 Calkins, Fred L., b1867; d1964 Calkins, Maud, b1877; d1956 Carman, Arthur, b9-14-1900, d5-11-1971 Carman, Eugene L., 4-9-1921; d9-24-1952 Carman, Fred, b2-11-1875; d10-7-1957 Carman, Harry F., b2-10-1899, d12-22-1951 Carman, Lillie E., b5-7-1878; d1l-16-1933 Carman, Mildred, b5-26-1907; d? Carnine, b11-25-1876; d2-1-1961 Carnine, Alioe B., b1-13-1858; d11-26-1880 Carnine, George, H., b2-14-1848; d1-14-1914 Carnine, Infant, b?; d? Carnie (sic), Sarah, b9-12-1864; d3-10-1907 Carnine, Walter, b12-22-1876; d3-2-1943 Carlbom, Ernest L., b1878; d1961 Carlson, C.Rudolph, b1900; d1964 Carlson, E.C., b1-21-1881; d11-20-1967 Carlson, Helen, b1838; d1922 Carlson, Hettie Emaris, b4-6-1892; d7-20-l95O Carlson, John Arvin, b3-13-1891; dl226-l9SS . Carlson, Roger L., b1952: dl974 Carrol, John, b7-4-1894; d12-21-1967 Carson, Eunice I., b1868; dl941 Carson, Henry C.S., b3-15-1878;d5-30-1878 Carson, Samual T., b7-26-1919; d8-19-1919 Carson, William B., b1863; d1926 Carson, William H., b1840; d1897 Castle, Clara M., b?; d6-12-1910 Castle, Robert E., b8-10-1909; d9-16-1909 Chapmans Elsie B., bl898; d1937 Charters, Stanley Richard, b6-4-1912 d1-18-1942 Chauner, Frank, b5-21-1860; d5-5-1931 Chauner, Mary, b3-21-1862; d11-18-1938 Chenoweth, Edward L., b1-15-1861; d4-30-1902 Chenoweth, Hector L., b8-7-1892;d3-20-1893 Chenoweth, M. Carol, b10-3-1910; d4-25-1933 Christian, Bettie A., b1859; d1953 Christian, John W., b1847; dl923 Christenson, Evlricka, b12-7-1891; d12-15-1896 Cole, Albert, b1885; d1951 Cole, Alvan D., b1848: d1925 Cole, Mary A., bl874; dl900 Clark, Bernice, b3-17-1899; d? Clark, Bobby Dean, b1928; d1930 Clark, Burnice, b1-7-1902; d2-3-1902 Clark, Earl E.Sr., b1906; d1964 Clark, Earl Eugene, Jr., b1934; d1940 Clark, Eva May, b4-18-1895; d8-25-1895 Clark, Harold, b1882; d1919 Clark, Hattie B., b1864; d1946 Clark, Laoma, b1863; d1935 Clark, Lenice, b3-17-1899; d8-31-1899 Clark, Liberty, b1854; d1926 Clark, Martha W., b1869; d1947 Clark, Mary Etta, b1868; d1941 Clark, Ross Liberty, b10-6-1893; dll-22-1931 Clark, Russell M., b1896; dl925 Clark, Uriah F., b1868; d1952 Clark, Vincent H., b1861; d1945 Cline, Infant, b10-12-1886; d10-22-1886 Coleman, Minnie Belle, b5-20-1871; d3-27-1880 Combs, A. J., b?; d? Combs, Richard B., b9-6-36; d5-10-62 Conkling, Allan F., b5-19-1848; d5-28-1912 Conkling, Archie J., b6-11-1877; d12-3-1908 Conkling, Esa D., b1876; d1957 Conkling, George A.. b1875; d195O Conkling, Glenn Allen, b2-16-l909: dl-3-1939 Conkling, Mary R.. b8-21-1852; d5-23-1931 Conkling, Orley W., b6-1-1905: d6-9-1967 Conkling, William J., b12-30-1841; d6-19-1921 Corbett,Cassie, b1883; d1973 Corbett, Dave, b1871; d1957 Corbett, Jack, b1837; d1877 Corbett, Jim,b1874; d1913 Corbett, Lida,b1835; d1920 Corbett, Steve, b1871; d1958 Cornish, Arlie, b?; d12-15-1878 Cornish, Georgia A, b1857; d1947 Cornish, Roy A, b1883; d1930 Cornish, Walter A., b1853; d1943 Courtney, Clara, b1877; dl959 Courtney, Clyde, b1880; d1968 Cowan, Theo. S., b?; d? Cox, Linda Victoria, b1898; d1949 Cox, Pansy Fern, b1887; d1940 Cox, Robert Joseph, b1936; d1942 Cox, Robert Roy, b1887; dl961 Cox, Roscoe, b1909; d1910 Cox, Sarah Jean, b1911; d1942 Crabill, Ada B., b1878; dl923 Crabill, Joseph B., b1872; d1921 Crabill, S W, b10-4-1838: d1-8-1902 Craven, Anne A, b1-22-1880; d8-19-1964 Craven, George W., b10-27-1885; d12-20-1961 Crisp, Elizibeth, b9-30-1837; d4-30-1907 Crisp, William, b1834; d3-31-1925 Croisant, Drederick, b2-2-1855; d10-3-1927 Croisant, Raymond, b11-16-1900; d1-12-1929 Croisant, Sophia E., b7-27-1872;d10-10-1951 Crouse, Bertha G., b1886; d1914 Crouse, Charles W., b1857; d1900 Crouse, Elizabeth, b1862; d1942 Crouse, Lloyd J, b1897; d1953 Crouse, Samuel T, b1889; d1964 Crum, Elizabeth H., b8-22-1906; d4-6-1907 Cunningham, Carol, b6-17-1904; d6-23-1904 Cunningham, Earle, b6-12-1877; d2-18-l879 Cunningham, John R., b8-6-1873; d11-7-1874 Cunningham, Mae Louise, b6-17-1914; d6-22-1914 Cunningham, Ruby, b2-8-1881; d8-27-1899 Cummings, C. Rarlota, b?; d? Cummings, Lloyd, b1918; dl923 Cummings, Richard, b?: d6-10-1880 Curren, Blanch M.N., b4-10-1874; d2-ll-1879 Currcn, Isadora A.M., b8-18-1871; d8-18-1873 Curren, Robert, b3-19-1881; d11-21-1881 Daisy, M., b4-?-1873; d6-21-1874 Dake, Bertha M., b9-6-1867; d7-9-1909 Dake, Charlotte J., b2-18-1880; d5-3-1973 Dake, Leora A, b1910; d1949 Dake, William B, b1-14-1880; d7-5-1965 Daniel, Chalmer Jr., b1-2-1923 d1-3-1923 Daniel, Charles H . b2-11-1855; d1-4-1915 Daniel, Dale D., b1904; d1924 Daniel, Earl E, b8-11-1894; d6-15-1909 Daniel, Grace M. b1892; d1930 Daniel, Iva Iona, b10-13-1879; d8-31-1961 Daniel, Lovella L., b1881; d1903 Daniel, Mary E., b1-28-1875; d5-24-1929 Danicl, Maud, b?; d? Daniel, Melvin E., b1869; dl923 Daniel, Millie A., b1969; d195l Danielson, Ellen, b1873; d1925 Danielson, Gust, b1859; d1928 Danielson, Mary Maud, b3-21-1882; d4-1-1906 Danielson, W A. (M D.), b2-20-1890; d6-29-1955 Davis, Alice M., b1872; dl928 Davis, Almira, b1847: d1923 Davis, A.May, b1885; d1910 Davis, Bethany, b1862; dl943 Davis, Cleo, b10-6-1906; d? Davis, Elva, b2-20-l903; d? Davis, Frank, b?; d? Davis, Harry, b1850; d1920 Davis, Harvey E., b1911; d1931 Davis, James, b6-16-1905; d? Davis, James A., b1874; d1927 Davis, John, b1898; d1949 Davis, John R., b1867; d1959 Davis, Kittie A., b1889; d? Davis, Martha M., b1876; d1958 Davis, Oris, b3-17-1909; d? Davis, Vinson P., b1848;dl902 Davison, Daniel, b1-14-1815; d10-1-1891 Davison, Harriet M., b4-17-1817;dl-2-1900 Dawes, Alvin E., b1879; dl917 Dawes, Chester A., b1881; d1972 Dawes, Clara R, b1895; di951 Dawes, Leona M., b1882; d1953 Dawes, Lloyd H., b1905;dl917 Dawes, McrwinC, b1911,dl911 Dawson, Jabez, b1820; d1898 Dawson, Susan A, bl825; dl900 Daymude, Earnest, b1-15-1880, d4-9-1889 Daymude, EElna, b1802; d4-10-1883 Daymude, Web, b1823; d3-20-1881 Dearborn, Howard, b5-20-1871; d1-30-1900 Dearborn, Mary E., b9-27-1848; d1-28-1923 Dearborn, Stephen E., b5-25-1839; d6-23-1913 Deay, Dora C., b1890; d1922 Deay, Verne, b1887; d1944 Debere, Frank (Dr.), b1863; dl902 Debere, Rosa Pearl, b1875: d1906 Deeds, Alberta Berck, b1924; d1948 Deeter, Howard E., b1871; d1947 Deeter, Jennies, b1878; d1917 Deeter, Maria B., b1866; d1943 Deland, Charles F., b1886; d1927 Deland, Clinton P., b1856; d1931 Deland, Edna, b1892; dl892 Deland, Ellen, b6-26-1826; d9-10-1892 Deland, Fredie, b1880, d1880 Deland, Fred J., b1854; d1931 Deland, George L., b10-26-1887; d12-6-1965 Deland, Glenn E., blO-5-1912; dlO-24-1942 Deland, Herbert N., b12-22-1916 d10-22-1917 Deland, Ida, b10-29-1890; d10-30-1892 Deland, Leona M., b5-30-1886, d11-17-1892 Deland, Lillie A.. b9-21-1892; d? Deland, Roann, b 1866; d1933 Deland, Sarah A., b1863; d1952 Denery, Harold H, b6-21-1917; d3-28-1945 Deturk, Clara B, b1-8-1867; d6-26-1892 Detweiler, Florence E, b1880: d1920 Detweiler, John W., b2-3-1823; d12-7-1895 Detweiler, Lucretia M., b1882; d1929 Detweiler, Rachel A., b1849; d1920 Detweiler, Susan, b9-26-1835; d5-7-1921 Detweiler, Thomas A., b1854; d1915 Dewitt, Elva, b1844; d1922 Dewitt, George, b1850; d1925 Dickhute, Charles, b12-41869; d6-1-1936 Dickhute, Ellen M., b1-14-1875; dl2-4-1916 Dimick, Chancy S., b8-27-1836; d8-21-1889 Dimick, Georgc E., b9-26-1860; d7-11-1914 Dimick, Mary L., b12-21-1850; d2-18-1916 Dimick, Sarah A., b3-12-1835; d7-16-1897 Dixon, Marshall Kendell, b3-11-1882; d5-10-1926 Dixon, Mary Kimball Anderson, b5-29-1882; d2-13-l934 Dodd, Ada L. Morgon, b8-6-1885; d8-13-1964 Dolan, Mollie A., b2-8-1871; d2-23-1920 Doremus, Victor M. b1914; d1972 Doty, Martha, bl855; dl923 Draubaugh, Charles, b1903; d1-1-1941 Drum, Harold Cutting, b1885; d1919 Drummond, Daisy M., b1-18-1884; d6-8-1946 Dugan, Elizabeth, b8-10-1838- d4-10-1909 Dugan, Thomas, b1l-20-1813, dl-7-1894 Dunmire, Howard R., b1-27-1879; d5-24-1879 Dunn, Calmar James, b6-20-1891; d6-19-1958 Dunn, Cassie, b4-24-1863; d9-22-1906 Dunn, Charles, b1850; d1926 Dunn, Elizabeth, b1852; d1926 Dunn, Eva M., b1885; d1975 Dunn, Frank L., b1-31-1856; dl2-18-1942 Dunn, James, b1864; d1949 Dunn, Lawrence, b1895; d1970 Dunn, Mary M., b1888; d1973 Dunn, Minnie M., b1869; d1948 Dunn, Myrtle E., b1885; d1951 Dunn, Robert C., b1882- d1946 Dunn, William F., b1881; d1958 Edgerton, Joseph W., b1892, d1933 Edgerton, Sarah T., b1850; d1922 Ehlers, William, b10-20-1866; d6-28-1935 Eklund, Mary Sue, b?; d2-24-1963 Elledge, Frank R., b1903; d1970 Elledge, Nathon, b9-26-1844; d10-23-1931 Elledge, Sarah R., b1-6-1854; d4-14-1929 Elmer, Rufus (DDS.) b6-24-1857: d1-10-1899 Emery, Minnie, b1866; d1944 Emery, Sarah, b1823; d1895 Emmons, Dennis Roy, b7-15-1945, d3-21-1968 Emmons, Floyd J., b1924; dl974 Emmons, Luella Fay, b5-22-1895; d2-9-1954 Engelhardt, George W., b8-27-1864; d4-4-1943 Engelhardt, Mary J., b4-14-1868; d4-26-1935 Ennis, Anna, b7-31-1870; d5-1-1912 Ennis, Elizabeth A., b1842; d1925 Ennis, James D., b1840, d1901 Ennis, John W., b7-13-1877; d4-23-1912 Erickson, Anna, b6-23-1850; d11-2-1921 Erickson, John, b8-23-1836; d9-9-1905 Everitt, Ella Rathbun, b4-4-1872; d10-6-1942 Everitt, Simeon E., b2-11-1907; d2-22-1963 Everitt, William, b6-28-1867; d3-7-1952 Faris, Debra Lea, b10-13-1958, d3-2-1959 Farris, James I., b1860; d1930 Farris, Phoebe J., b1857; d1935 Fellows, Bertha, b1885; d1974 Fellows, Orange, b1882; d1975 Fellows, Viola Tschauner, b1906; d1967 Fentress, Flora P., b1879; d1966 Fentress, Josiah, b4-15-1808; d2-24-1894 Fentress, Susana S., b11-11-1811;d2-24-1910 Fentress, William H., b1878; d1919 Fillman, Anna, b1847; d1939 Fillman, John, b1846; d1929 Fillman, John W., b10-15-1871; d1-7-1935 Fillman, Lowell R., b4-1907; d1-1908 Fillmon, Nattalye Viola, b7-1908; d1l-1919 Fillmon, Sylvia, b7-16-1884; d9-28-1962 Fincey, Effie M., b1880; d1954 Fincey, George W., b1879; dl954 Fincey, Joshua, b5-5-1844; d4-1-1930 Fincey, Susan, b7-17-1842; d5-25-1934 Fischer, August, b4-8-1892; d5-18-1950 Fischer, Harriet, b3-7-1898; d9-7-1969 Fleming, Howard E., b10-13-1861; d11-24-1941 Fleming, Jessie A., b1l-3-1867; d5-12-1948 Fleming, Melinda C., b7-17-1833; d10-5-1930 Fleming, Robert A., b6-22-1834; d7-12-1912 Fonda, Glen C. (DDS), b2-9-1901; d11-2-1956 Fornander, Anna L., b1854; d1928 Fornander, Carl V., b1850; d1942 Fornander, Emanuel V., b2-10-1893; d3-12-1949 Fosher,Roy, b6-25-1881; d6-25-1885 Fox, Floy V., b1882; d1956 Fox, Frank M, b 1869; d1929 Fox, S. Burk, b1877; d1956 Fox, S.P., b10-17-1837; d3-11-1914 Foy, Clara, b1866; d1913 Foy, David, b1835; d3-2-1918 Foy, .Myra, b8-24-1841; d6-22-1903 Francis, Albert P., b12-17-1918; d7-7-1964 Frerichs, Gretia, b1851; dl896 Fridenstine, Catherine, b1848; d1932 Fridenstine, Henry C., b1844; d1910 Fulwider, Emma M., b1882; d1970 Fulwider, William H., b1875; d1948 Gabel, Infant son, b?; d? Gaedeke, O.H., b11-15-1856; d7-18-1907 Garinger, Hattie, b5-2-1841; d5-24-1894 Garner, Magdalene Alice, b?; d? Gerdes, Nanno, b8-2-1891; d3-7-1952 Gibbins, James A., b1838; dl919 Gibbins, James J., b1897; d1953 Gibbins, Mary M., b1876; d1921 Gibson, .Mary, b1833: d? Gierhart, b1833: d1915 Gierhart, John, b1833; dl880 Gierhart, Margett, b1854; dl929 Gierhart, b1834; d1914 Gilbert, Anna M., b1861; d1946 Gilbert, James B., b1856; dl917 Gilbert, Jennie L., b1864; d1937 Gilbert, Richard B., b6-9-1897; dl2-13-1972 Gilbert, Roy, b1895; d1968 Gillmor, F. Mabel, b1875; dl973 Gillmor, Ira C., b1876; d1953 Gissler, Douglas R., b1-22-1951; d5-12-1969 Gissler, Rudolf E., b1-8-1890; d8-23-1973 Gooden, Edwin S., b1 1-23-1857; d7-23-1946 Gooden, Glendora A., b3-24-1870, d9-2-1949 Gooden, Jessie, b1894; d1971 Gooden, Mellie, b10-20-1892; d2-14-1923 Goodrich, Mary Rathbun, b4-11-1858 d11-14-1937 Gray, Angustus A., b1861; d1940 Gray, Jennie M., b1863; d1935 Green, Fred W., b1874; d1945 Gregg, Amy, b1839; d1896 Gregg, Cassius M., b1851; d1894 Gregg, George W., b1839; d1921 Gregg, Harlie L. (Dr.), b1872; d1926 Gregg, Helene F. (Dr.), b1876; d1932 Gregg, John L., b1881; d1882 Griffin, George H., b1836; d1913 Griffin, Martha, b1836; d1904 Griffin, Oliver S., b1884; d1964 Griffin, Sophafenie C., b1879; d1963 Grossnicklaus, Adolph, bll-1-1890; dll-6-1972 Grossnicklaus, Albert, b8-14-1864; d1-7-1948 Grossnicklaus, Arnold, b12-22-1869; d1l-11-1931 Grossnicklaus, Christian, b4-22-1829; d5-10-1900 Grossnicklaus, Edward, b8-11-1862; d9-1-1901 Grossnicklaus, Ervin, b1893; dl974 Grossnicklaus, Katherine, b10-7-1866; d4-11-1928 Grossnicklaus, Mary A., b12-24-1966; d3-27-1943 Grossnicklaus, Rosa, b2-20-1872; d8-8-1934 Grossnicklaus, William A., b1924; d1972 Gubser, Etta Ennis, b1872; d1927 Gubser, Fred L., b8-15-1907; d2-22-1908 Gubser, Joseph N., b12-5-1869; d7-22-1918 Gubser, Mary E., b1877; d1907 Gunnell, Oliver, b6-15-1826; d3-14-1908 Gushee, Amos Llewellyn, b1836; d1911 Gushee, Mary Lucretta, b1842; d1919 Gushee, Samuel E., b1850; d1920 Gustafson, Axel V., b2-25-1892; d11-20-1966 Gustafson, Carl Arvid, b8-31-1890; d10-29-1915 Gustafson, Hedvig A., b1889; d1972 Gustafson, John H., b1881;dl971 Gustafson, Mark H., b1910; d1969 Gustafson, Naomi V., b1913, d1960 Gustafson, Patty Lou, b10-30-52; dlO-30-1952 Gustafson, Richard Mark, b12-l7-l95l; dl2-l5-195l Gustafson, Selma, b1864; d1922 Gylling, Charles G., b1855; d1932 Haas, Frank W., b9-12-1861; d9-12-1886 Hayeman, Ernest D., b1887;dl964 Hahn, Albert W., b1880; d1918 Hahn,Joiner Merle,bl911; dl911 Hanner, Darrel, b?; d2-12-1929 Hanshew, Dollie, b2-10-1878; d1-21-1969 Hanshew, Guy, b1876, d1965 Hanshew, Leslie, b12-13-1873; d1-31-1954 Hanshew, Majorie, b9-18-1920; d1-30-1921 Hanson, Andrew, b8-25-1888 d5-21-1966 Hanson,Grace L., b9-lX-1878; dlO-24-1942 Hanson, Joel, b8-21-1873 d3-10-1959 Hanson, Myron Lester, b12-9-1915; d7-8-1970 Harger, Anna R., b7-2-1855; d3-6-1878 Harmon, Susanna M., b1-25-1846; d2-25-1903 Harrison, Lucy J., b1890; d1963 Harrison, Will H., b1883; d1963 Hartel, Hazel S., b9-6-1895; d5-19-1969 Hartle, Easton, b1844; d4-27-1918 Hartman, John, b9-24-1828; d5-19-1888 Hartman, Josiah D., b1857; d1928 Hartman, Nancy J., b1865; d1951 Hartman, Susan, b9-26-1838: d4-13-1929 Hartson, David N., b3-16-1858; d9-16-1891 Hastings, Eva T., bS-18-1917; d1-13-1936 Hastings, Jay, bl874; dl939 Hastings, Russell, b5-9-1905; d11-11-1935 Hastings, Tilhe, b1867, d1946 Haxton, Wilber Clyde, b7-15-189l;d8-28-l971 Hayden, Kate E., b?; d1-12-1939 Hayden, Walter L., b1868; d2-10-1952 Hays, Ellen, b1886; d1941 Heald, Bessie, b1872; d1942 Heald, Carrie, (Dr.), b5-4-1887; d11-18-1903 Heald, James A., b1875; d1932 Heald, John P., b12-25-1848; d3-16-1922 Heald, Martha C., b7-27-1873; d6-20-1958 Heald, Orland, b4-11-1871; d2-15-1945 Heckman, Alice, b5-27-1899; d12-14-1916 Heckman, Alberta R., b1865; d1951 Heckman, Andrew F., b1866; dl934 Heckman, Ethel J., b4-9-1900; d4-27-1946 Hedberg, Caroline, b1870; d1949 Hedberg, Carl G., b1862; d1928 Hedlund, Anna Augusta, b10-3-1866; d8-24-1917 Hedlund, Edwin, b1-10-1890; d8-29-1971 Hedlund, Minnie, b4-12-1890; d4-28-1960 Hedlund, Olaf, b10-24-1856; d10-30-1934 Hefflebower, Edward W., b1840; d1940 Hefflebower, Harvey B., b2-12-1886; d12-9-1908 Hefflebower, Mable G., b1882; d1906 Hefflebower, Agnes Nelson, b1879; d1908 Hefflebower, Sarah A., b1844; d1924 Heinemeyer, Albert Henry, b1869; d1924 Heinemeyer, B1anch Sophia, b1876; d1958 Heinemeyer, Charles, b10-29-1837; d5-1-1906 Heinemeyer, F. Zella, b1881; d1968 Heinemeyer, George I., b1877; d1961 Heinemeyer, Lucinda, b9-9-1843; d3-3-1915 Heinemeyer, Josephine H., b9-2-1876; d8-4-1912 Heinemeyer, William H., b2-27-1872; d12-24-1922 Heins, Grace Leah, b7-20-1889; d2-28-1912 Heitzman, Alberta, bl880; dl954 Heitzman, Alvin, b1874; d1960 Heitzman, Clarence, b1877; d1949 Heitzman, Della M., b1884; d1965 Heitzman, Fanny, b5-27-1838; d3-23-1919 Heitzman, Robert, b1869; d1944 Heitzman, William, b10-27-1830; d2-20-1900 Heitzman, William S., b1871; d1967 Hendrickson, Frank D., b2-3-1887; d11-21-1938 Hendrickson, Gottleib, b8-21-1859; d8-18-1942 Hendrickson, Laura L., b6-29-1888; d2-10-1974 Hendrickson, Lulu Dell, b3-12-1885; d6-7-1974 Hendrickson, Mary E., b4-17-1854; d6-26-1924 Hennings, Bertha, b1890; d1925 Hennings, Catharina, b2-19-1854; d3-20-1917 Hennings, Eva, b8-26-1892; d10-11-1970 Hennings, Fred,b2-11-1884; d11-15-1922 Henninys, Harry, b1885; d1957 Hennings, Henry, b2-9-1834; d1-19-1905 Herger, Martha, b1891; d1965 Herrmann, Adam, b1850; d 1934 Herrmann, Adam J., b1874; d1950 Herrmann, Arvilla N., b1886; d1972 Herrmann, Hannah C., b1876; d1961 Herrmann, Harold J., b1901; d1919 Herrmann, Harry H., b1885; d1950 Herrmann, John M., b1845, d1913 Herrmann, John M., b1869, d1958 Herrmann, Julius P., b11-18-1894; d7-4-1970 Herrmann, Katharine, b1845; d1921 Herrmann, Katherine, b1868; d1955 Herrmann, Mary, b1849; d1999 Herrmann, Maud E., b1888; d1975 Herrmann, Will G. b1878; d1968 Herrmann, William J., b1880; d1968 Hester, Amelia M., b1858; d1953 Hester, Bentze, b1849; d1922 Hester, Daniel,b?; d10-12-1917 Hester, Edward, b1875; d1921 Hester, Louis O., b1881, d1952 Hewitt, Cora M., b1891, d? Hewitt, Frank H., b1884; d1961 Hewitt, Harold Jr., b1911; d1974 Hewitt, Harry E., b1877; d1951 Hewitt, Infant daughter, b5-1-1936; d5-1-1936 Hewitt, Jessie, b1879; d1963 Hibler, Ethel, b?; d? Hibler, Ida May, b?; d? Hibler, Lottie 0., b?; d? Hibler, Louisa M, b1845; d1929 Hibler, Verner V, b?; d? Hills, Benjamin, b4-17-1821; d5-15-1898 Hill, Georgie, b4-11-1877; d8-11-1878 Hiloebband, Henry, b1823; d1882 Hobson, A.B. (Dr.), b1875; d1922 Hoffer, Charles E., b1873; d1957 Hoffer, Maud B., b1879; d1947 Holcomb, b1850; d1906 Holcomb, Mary A. Bonar, b1826; d1916 Holcomb, b1850; d1943 Honnell, Andrew A., b1-14-1860; d9-30-1936 Honnell, Hattie Tindall, b1893; d1970 Honnell, Lillian, b5-24-1886; d9-18-1913 Honnell, Sophia M., b2-5-1857; d7-14-1948 Honnell, William 0., b5-15-1888; d8-23-1952 Hope, Charles A., b1-14-1857; d5-13-1928 Hope, Edith F., b12-23-1892; d12-28-1942 Hope, Phebe J., b12-16-1864; d1-31-1950 Hope, William, b1-8-1862; d9-13-1929 Horst, Amalia M., b8-26-l869; d4-6-1936 Horst, Elmer F, b5-6-1900; d7-25-1956 Horst, Emma, b1857; d1933 Horst, George, b5-13-1854; d1-3-1908 Horst, Hattie M., b3-28-1895; d1-28-1973 Horst, Oswald, b1882, d1954 Horst, Josephine H., b11-28-1915; d10-17-1916 Horst, Michael, b1852; d1934 Hosner, Emil, b1871; d1950 Hosner, Irwin G., b1918; d1920 Hotchkiss, Belle D., b8-19-1870; d5-26-1955 Hotchkiss, Bertha, b1900; d1900 Hotchkiss, Burt M., b1870; d1942 Hotchkiss, David (Rev.), b5-20-1831; d7-23-1900 Hotchkiss, George W., b1887; d1954 Hotchkiss, Gilbert, b1917; d1948 Hotchkiss, Gilbert B., b1860; d1940 Hotchkiss, Hubert A., b1866 d1931 Hotchkiss, H.F. Loyd, b3-2-1890; d4-30-1898 Hotchkiss, James C., b9-21-1868; d1-9-1934 Hotchkiss, Kenneth A., b4-17-1925; d5-10-1925 Hotchkiss, Lois Ann, b5-l5-1931; d5-30-1931 Hotchkiss, Mabel, b1895; d1949 Hotchkiss, Maria M., b11-10-1831; d4-27-1902 Hotchkiss, Minnie J., b1867; d1941 Hotchkiss, Pearl, b1-22-1881; d3-11-1881 Hotchkiss, Robert R., b1-15-1929; d9-12-1931 Hotchkiss, Sybella, b1879; d1951 Hotchkiss, Walter, b?; d1890 Houdersheldt, Almira, b9-5-1845; d4-27-1920 Houdersheldt, George H., b7-7-1877; d10-16-1885 Houdersheldt, J.D., b4-10-1839; d12-1-1921 Houdersheldt, John Lee, b1-14-1872; d2-29-1888 Houdersheldt, Maud A., b4-29-1885; d6-8-1906 Houtz, Gordon W., b1858; d1931 Houtz, Margaret G., b1863; d1931 Howland, Ada M, b11-8-1881; d4-21-1965 Howland, Ernest, b6-1-1874;d8-27-1943 Howland, Lewis, b7-14-1811; d7-28-1901 Howland, Waterman L., b1872; d1902 Holf, John E., b9-1-1860; d7-7-1931 Holt, Julia M., b7-4-1858; d4-19-1938 Hubbard, Claude, b3-4-1886; d3-11-1900 Hubbard, Horace H., b7-24-1855; d11-7-1923 Hubbard, Jennie V., b3-11-1857; d11-15-1934 Huggler, Christ, b5-10-1863; d9-6-1955 Huggler, Fred, b9-12-1901; d2-26-1974 Huggler, Robin C., b1953; d1959 Hughes, Henry C., b1840; d1927 Hughes, Lucey £., b1853; d1926 Hunter, Doris C., b5-14-1910; d5-22-1975 Hurst, Alexander, b4-6-1895; d8-8-1898 Hurst, George, b3-3-1840; d6-22-1912 Hurst, Motte, b6-5-1865; d1O-23-1884 Huston, I. Donald, b1886; d1962 Huston, Julis A., b1889; d1962 Huston, Margaret E., b1909; d1974 Ienn, Jody E., b8-23-1965; d1-25-1966 Ienn, Morris August, b6-11-1918; d10-20-1972 Iler, Frederick George, b4-18-1921; d7-11-1927 Iler, Infant, b1892; d1892 Iler, Jessie, b1888; d1888 Iler, John, b1890; d1893 Iler, Leonard L., b9-6-1861; d4-11-1910 Iler, Maria V., b1849; d1921 Iler, Samuel, b1884; d1885 Inness, Alexa M., b1860; d1954 Inness, Andrew J., b9-23-1873; d6-13-1947 Inness, Annie, b4-16-1880; d11-14-1973 Inness, George J., b1900; d1900 Inness, James M., b1858; d1928 Inness, Mary M, b1887; d1890 Inness, Minnie E., b1895; d1901 Inness, Robert J., b1891; d1948 Irland, Harriet E., b1862, d1948 Irland, John L., b1854; d1924 Israel, Bess, b1900; d1963 Israel, Capitola, b1880; d1965 Israel, Lou R., b1877; d1948 Iwan, Rose, b4-1-1900; d5-25-1975 Jackson, Albert, b4-11-1894; d4-30-1905 Jackson, Carl N., b10-1857; d8-1909 Jackson, Dossie V., b1896; d1944 Jackson, Joseph A., b9-20-1857; d4-5-1918 Jackson, Lewis A, b6-14-1873; d9-12-1875 Jackson, Mary, b8-17-1859; d12-29-1916 Jackson, Richard, b?; d10-10-1883 Jackson, Wilbur F., b1891; d4-23-1938 Jaenicke, August C., b1876; d1954 Jaenicke, Elmer W., b1914; d1914 Jaenicke, Mina M., b1879; d? Jarman, B1anche, b2-18-1864; d8-27-1906 Jarmin, Charlotta E., b10-11-1879, d4-28-1966 Jarmin, Daniel, b6-24-1821; d12-5-1915 Jarmin, Edwin R., b11-5-1872; d4-4-1952 Jarmin, Elijah W., b4-3-1861; d8-l-1877 Jarmin, James N., b6-18-1855; d3-12-1934 Jarmin, Harold R., b2-11-1901; d2-20-1960 Jarmin, John H., b1-5-1859; d11-15-1939 Jarmin, Mary A., b10-20-1831; d5-9-1911 Jarmin, Osce B., b12-28-1905; d12-28-1933 Jarmin, Sadie J., b5-17-1876; d10-14-1959 Jay, Alexander, b1-3-1818; d9-5-1904 Jay, Amelia, b3-5-1828; d6-3-1895 Jay, Mary Jane, b7-1-1857; d9-2-1879 Jay, W. Clifford, b1850; d1936 Jeffrey, Annie, b1856; d1926 Jeffrey, Austin M., b?; d3-14-1906 Jeffrey, Charles W. (Dr.), b1883; d1974 Jeffrey, Garrett, b8-16-1880; d8-28-1880 Jeffrey, Hiram, b11-30-1823; d2-28-1908 Jeffrey, Jane, b4-20-1829; d11-17-1886 Johansen, Eugene, b1927; d1973 Johansen, Verner, b5-28-1890; d1-31-1972 Johnson, Anna, b11-22-1859; d5-10-1942 Johnson, Arthur N., b2-23-1886; d1-26-1937 Johnson, Axel J., b1884; d1913 Johnson, Bess H., b1-4-1885; d2-20-1944 Johnson, Camille K., b10-26-1942; d4-10-1972 Johnson, Carmi C., b1859; d1933 Johnson, Carolina C., b1849; d1932 Johnson, Carolina S., b6-14-1868, d8-12-1947 Johnson, Charles F., b10-2-1868; d1-10-1949 Johnson, Charles G., b1880; d1966 Johnson, Charles S., b1851; d1927 Johnson, Delmer K., b1905; d1973 Johnson, Dorothy Dean, b7-28-1913; d8-6-1913 Johnson, Edwin, b11-26-1879; d2-25-1945 Johnson, Ellen, b9-27-1871; d4-27-1947 Johnson, Emma, b1861; d1911 Johnson, Emma M., b1877; d1963 Johnson, Erma A., b1889 d1934 Johnson, Frank A., b1850: d1922 Johnson, Freda J., b1906: d1917 Johnson, Gilbert, b1874; d1953 Johnson, Gustaf F., b7-22-1879; d5-19-1959 Johnson, Hallie P., b1857; d1942 Johnson, Hanna, b1837; d1917 Johnson, Henry W, b1883; d1961 Johnson, Ida, b3-19-1886; d10-31-1942 Johnson, Iva, b1897; d1952 Johnson, John P., b2-27-1865; d2-11-1953 Johnson, Karrin, b9-19-1836; d1-19-1920 Johnson, Mabel L., b12-4-1885; d3-6-1974 Johnson, Maggie C., b6-16-1883; d9-9-1925 Johnson, Margie Maxine, b8-6-1924; d11-24-1924 Johnson, Martha Melin, b1818, d1907 Johnson, Maude, b1881; d1904 Johnson, 0. Charles, b2-4-1858, d5-26-1942 Johnson, Peter, b1834; d1928 Johnson, Winnie G., b1-25-1883; d3-12-1972 Johnston, Alice N., b9-8-1864; d11-29-1952 Johnston, Harvey M., b7-31-1899; d7-28-1960 Johnston, John A.C., b7-18-1860; d5-4-1936 Johnston, Rilma V., b1-17-1898; d10-20-1962 Johnston, Vera K., b1898; d1970 Johnston, Wilber M., b1876; d1937 Jones, Alta M., b1879; d1945 Jones, Alzyra, b1830; d1898 Jones, Carrie E., b1877; d1953 Jones, Charles E., b1871; d1958 Jones, Frederick H., b12-29-1871; d12-24-1898 Jones, Harold L., b1913; d1974 Jones, Jacob, b1824; d1904 Jones, James L., b1921; d1939 Jones, James S., b1876; d1966 Jones, J.H., b8-8-1836; d10-16-1892 Jones, Minnie E., b9-29-1877; d10-16-19_ Jones, Rolland H., b1909; d1929 Jones, Sanford M., bl-7-1860, d9-16-1886 Jones, Thomas J. b1-23-1867; d8-24-1939 Joy, Emma, b1-27-1889; d2-2-1968 Joy, Grace Maud, b11-29-1882; d7-26-1973 Joy, James M., b?,d? Joy, Lillie May, b5-30-1892; d8-16-1892 Joy, Mary, b2-6-1820; d8-6-1887 Joy, Milo, b1-1-1878; d12-27-1934 Joy, Solomon H., b7-11-1857; d5-27-1912 Joy, Tillman Franklin, b7-19-1874; d1-6-1961 Karrer, Elizabeth, b1858; d1935 Karrer, Herbert Leo Sr. (D.D.S.), b1888; d1965 Karrer, Joseph, b1848; d1928 Karrer, Mary, b1858; d1942 Keep, Helene, bl2-28-1899; d1-22-1919 Kelly, Alice P., b1880, d1881 Kelly, Vina L., b1884, d1885 Kelley, William H., b1877; d1969 Kenaston, Charles W, b5-31-1868: d9-2-1883 Kenaston, Laura M., b3-2-1880; d3-2-1880 Kennard, Hervey W., b12-10-1841; d8-9-1897 Kennard, Hervey (Mrs.), b4-30-1842, d6-22-1912 Kepner, Irvin S.. b2-18-1856: d9-7-1946 Kepner, Lydia S., b11-16-1858; d1-15-1945 Kepner, Mary H., b4-9-1854; d3-7-1930 Kepner, William 1.. b21-1861; d4-3-1931 Kimmell, Daisy, b2-15-1873; d2-15-1873 Kimmell, Lemme, b8-2-1865; d1-2-1867 King, Abby Fowle, b9-16-1854; d4-1-1925 King, Edwin L., b2-4-1855; d4-22-1921 Kingsolver, Dora M., b1865; d1883 Kinnan, Mattie Ellen, b5-4-1869: d6-26-1891 Kinney, Clark, b?; d10-7-1828 Kinney, Eliza, b12-11-1843; d11-1930 Kinney, J., b1-19-1820; d1-19-1878 Kinney, Milin, b12-27-1841; d8-24-1911 Klassy, Kari, b1852; d1922 Klassy, Thomas, b1844; d1917 Koehler, Anne C., b11-5-1850; d3-24-1923 Koehler, Eleanor Bertha, b1915; d1933 Koehler, Elton L., b10-18-1893; d10-10-1940 Koehler, Walter H., b1888; d1974 Koehler, Wesley, b1891; d1970 Koehler, William F., b7-1-1842; d1-12-1932 Klose, Charles A., b1874; d1937 Knapp, Lily, b1886; d1926 Knapp, Robert, b1888; d1972 Knerr, David, b1847; d1936 Knerr, Frances, b1853; d1912 Knerr, Rosetta, b1877; d1970 Knight, Inez Nea, b2-7-1906; d10-21-1906 Knight, Mary E., b9-23-1879; d11-25-1973 Knight, Maurice E., b1903; d1937 Knight, Percy L., b12-21-1875; d5-16-1941 Knight, Robert Lynn, b4-25-1915; d5-7-1917 Knight, Walter V., b1912; d1960 Kunkel, Agnus, b2-20-1828; d5-31-1879 Kunkel, Anna M., b11-9-1855; d8-29-1948 Kunkel, David H., b5-4-1854; d3-4-1943 Kunkel, Martin, b4-8-1828; d1-13-1918 Kuntzelman, Charles A., b1862; d1943 Kuntzelman, Ella M., b1866; d1934 Lahr, Anna M., b5-1895; d10-1918 Lahr, Lennie, b7-1897; d3-1898 Lahr, Tommie, b1-1903; d2-1903 LaMunyon, Nane C., b1887; d1926 Larimer, Charles A., b7-7-1862; d11-20-1882 Larimer, Sheldon, b?; d9-3-1921 Larson, Elma, b11-23-1836; d12-29-1906 Larson, Esther Lillian, b7-9-1911; d9-25-1958 Larson, Hannah, b12-22-1877; d5-8-1965 Larson, Lars, b10-19-1841; d1-15-1915 Larson, Margaret, b7-30-1909; d11-5-1932 Larson, Swan A, b12-6-1871; d1-26-1934 Lavelle, Nellie, b1881; d1968 Lavelle, William, b1876; d1956 Leander, Homer Odell, b?; d1894 Leatherbury, Carrie E., b8-26-1846; d2-28-1900 Leatherbury, Stephen, b2-19-1842; d12-2-1907 LeMar, Clair (Dr.), b11-20-1872; d1-22-1956 LeMar, Edith E., b6-23-1890; d12-29-1954 LeMar, Helen I., b9-17-1876; d9-11-1927 LeMar, Irvin B., b9-9-1851; d5-25-1920 LeMar, Sarah , b1-2-1851; d4-15- 1927 Lesuer, Ida, b2-18-1889: d12-22-1969 LeSuer, Noble E., b11-20-1876, d9-9-1949 Lewis, Albert E., b1881; d1960 Lewis, Basil W., b1903; d1954 Lewis, Etta, b1853; d1890 Lewis, Matilda C., b1885; d1973 Lewis, Pearl, b5-16-1883; d2-4-l915 Lieber, August 0., b12-11-1880; d3-5-1949 Lieber, Nellie A., b4-5-1883;dl-3-1958 Lind, Christene, b12-21-1865, d4-7-1958 Lind, Fred, b9-12-1860; d5-20-1922 Lind, George E., b1-24-1907; d9-16-1931 Lindberg, Peter E., b1868, d1955 Lindgrin, Infant, b12-8-1920; d12-8-1920 Lindquist, Augusta, b1836; d1912 Lindquist, John A., b1875; d1921 Lindquist, Luther, b1878; d1934 Lindquist, Ruie, b1889; d1957 Lintner, G.M., b10-20-1848; d3-25-1926 Logan, Alta, b1905; d1957 Logan, Wallace I., b1895; d1964 Long, Arch, b1874; d1953 Long, Brown M., b6-9-l905; d2-11-1952 Long, Glen M., b4-5-1945; d7-21-1957 Long, Gusta M., b1886; d1927 Long, Harold, b1913; d1933 Long, Helen Louise, b10-22-1943; d10-22-1943 Long, Jon G., b6-5-1947; d7-21-1957 Lostroh, Wm. L., b4-5-1902; d2-26-1932 Lovell, Amelia S., b1888; d1921 Lowe, Charles, b1864; d1911 Lowe, George M., b1-31-1866; d11-26-1952 Lowe, L.A.F., b1864; d1911 Ludlow, Anna, b1872; d1947 Ludlow, John H., b1855; d1932 Luft, Adam A., b1-31-1892; d7-26-1971 Luft, Jacob, b1848; d1933 Lutt, Mary A., b1856;dl919 Luft, Violet R., b6-29-1901, d9-8-1968 Lund, Elma, b1896; d1925 Lund, Mary, b8-19-1872; d2-18-1911 Lybarger, Carlton, b8-16-1910, d11-19-1910 Lybarger, George W., b4-14-1838; dll-9-1911 McBeth, Cecil M., b2-24-1912; d2-24-1912 McBeth, Clinton 0., b12-15-1893; d8-16-1974 McBeth, Cora B., b1885; d1944 McBeth, E.L., b?; d? McBeth, Eleanor M., b12-2-1851; d11-6-1938 McBeth, Ella V., b1887; d? McBeth, Harvey J. (Dr.), b1876; d1917 McBeth, John A., b11-27-1853; d9-8-1908 McBeth, Mae L., b5-3-1879; d12-4-1942 McBeth, Mamie, M., b2-19-1890; d1-20-1906 McBeth, Marrion, b4-3-1897; d1-5-1968 McBeth, Nettie, b1871; d1947 McBeth, Olive M., b10-14-1884; d3-18-1960 McBeth, Ray J., b3-17-1886; d5-27-1973 McBeth, Rex R., b8-31-1920; d9-3-1920 McBeth, Robert H., b3-29-1874; d11-7-1953 McBeth, Ross R., b1877; d1964 McBeth, Sarah, b1-30-1848; d3-28-1905 McBeth, William, b12-25-1838; d11-10-1924 McBeth, William H., b1882; d1959 McCarty, Della, b4-24-1859; d4-24-1879 McChesney, M. Josephine, b1850; d1933 McCormick, Alexander, b1836; d1917 McCormick, Anna Mae, b1884; d1933 McCormick, Benjamin, b2-l5-1859; d3-3-1959 McCormick, Christopher C., b7-20-1850; d11-29-1934 McCormick, Dora, b9-24-1871; d1-5-1956 McCormick, Ethel E., b9-8-1881; d11-9-1954 McCormick, Fannie A., b3-25-1882; d4-14-l896 McCormick, Glen, b10-16-1894, d8-8-1895 McCormick, Jackie, b12-27-1935; d1-17-1944 McCormick, Jessie A., b11-20-1856; d4-23-1935 McCormick, John A., b1-11-1878, d9-12-1938 McCormick, John C., b1877; d1950 McCormick, Lydia, b1842, d1932 McCormick, Myrtle N.,b2-21-1907,d6-11-1918 McCormick, Willard L., b4-19-1888, d3-7-1959 McCoy, George R., b1858; d1918 McCoy, Mary E., b1861; d1942 McCray, A. Grant, b1863; d1935 McCray, Abbie W., b12-27-1841, d6-11-1921 McCray, Edna, b1880, d1957 McCray, Fay, b7-12-1888; d7-28-1889 McCray, Francelia, b1882; d1971 McCray, Lida E., b1870; d? McDermott, Nancy, b6-2-1813; d4-22-1903 McDonald, Minnie E., b1884; d1931 McDonald, Willie, b1871; d5-8-1879 McFadden, Delmar W., b1895; d1963 McGaw, Lee K., b1837; d1913 McGaw, Mary Park, b1840; d1917 McGaw, Nelle Lee, b 1880, d1964 McGaw, Vera Opal, b1867, d1938 McKeeman, Daisy M., b1894; dl951 McKeeman, Ernest A., b1889; d1957 McKeeman, Max M., b1923; d1974 McLean, J.M., b11-9-1820; d11-9-1877 McLean, Lorenzo, b11 -1854; d11 -1876 McKeag, Dorothy M., b1916; d1972 McWilliams, Eliza, b8-8-1815; d8-8-1879 Mace, David H., b2-6-1858; d8-10-1940 Mace, Evelyn P., b1891; d1960 Mace, Florence E., b9-9-1887, d2-9-1964 Mace, George P., b2-17-1862; d10-l5-l955 Mace, Matilda C., b8-13-1858; d12-11-1919 Mace, Rolla M., b1890; d1967 Mace, Russell H., b8-7-1892; d10-6-1949 Mace, Russell, b1925; dl925 Mace, Sidney A., b2-4-1864, d10-14-1944 Mace, Thomas H., b9-10-1928; d12-27-1962 Macken, Evelyn W., b2-15-1847; d3-5-1903 Macken, Margaret, b4-18-1882; d7-19-1899 Macken, Nicholas, b6-1-1843; d12-l4-l9l6 Mackie, Wilhe A., b9-7-1873; d4-26-1875 Malek, George, b1897; d1953 Marker, Charles S., b3-10-1886; d9-29-1892 Marker, Claire, b10-14-1884; d4-30-1906 Marker, Ethel, b7-4-1877; d1-25-1889 Marker, Lloyd, b6-22-?; d9-9-1876 Marquis, E.L., b1866; d1947 Marquis, Hattie, b1875; d1908 Marquis, Jessie C., b1863; d1938 Marquis, Vance W., b9-6-1891; d7-10-1948 Martin, B.E., b?; d5-25-1889 Martin, Frances A., b1855; d1944 Martin, Harry H., b1881; d1922 Martin, Mary H., b1881; d1922 Martin, Susan M., b1879; d1954 Martin, Wallace H., b1853; d1919 Massie, Pearle, b1-12-1893; d6-19-1939 Matheson, Alice G., b5-29-1874; d6-27-1970 Matheson, George F., b5-29-1858; d8-4-1944 Matheson, Richard R.,b4-9-1913; d7-30-1945 Matthews, Capitola P., b1859; d1916 Matthews, Georgie, b5-20-1879; d7-29-1880 Matthews, James F. , b1848; d1911 Matthews, Lillian, b3-21-1896; d10-16-1896 Matthews, W.M., b7-1-1817; d7-6-1885 Mattson, b1868; d1928 Mattson, Gust E., b1890; d1912 Mattson, Swan, b 1861; d1940 Meacham, Lawrence R., b9-30-1901; d2-26-1959 Meacham, Sarah Joy, b1881; d1964 Meacham, Thomas, b1876; d1961 Meacham, Vance D., b1910; d1934 Merrick, Belle, b1866; d1949 Merrick, C. R. " Dick", b l904; d1970 Merrick, Frederick, b1864; d1937 Merrick, Fredrick A., b1898; d1973 Merrick, Frederick K., b2-13-1932; d2-13-1932 Merrick, Isaac J., b1858; d1943 Merrick, Leon Moore, b1895; d1964 Merrick, Mary H., b1873; d1950 Miars, Pearl, b1898; d1960 Michener, Mellissa, b6-30-1848; d9-12-1914 Mickey, ?, b1858; d1919 Mickey, Bessie Detweiler, b6-22-1871; d7-15-1939 Mickey, Bobby L., b4-13-1931; d9-27-1973 Mickey, Clara Hartman, bll-16-1858; d8-20-1951 Mickey, Ethel M., b1901; d1958 Mickey, Flora C., b11-17-1861; d6-16-1938 Mickey, Henry Lee, b6-2-1901, d1-9-1929 Mickey, John, b1-2-1878; d7-19-1878 Mickey, John G., b4-3-1829, d5-11-1903 Mickey, John G., b1893; d1966 Mickey, John H., b9-30-1845; d6-2-1910 Mickey, Martha J., b1-6-1834, d9-14-1866 Mickey, Mary J., b7-8-1860; d12-26-1900 Mickey, Morinda, b4-8-1849; d12-23-1886 Mickey, Nancy J., b10-26-1834, d? Mickey, Olive, b1862; d1950 Mickey, Oliver Edwin, b1-16-1870; d1-6-1933 Mickey, Ralph D., b5-25-1893; d9-14-1893 Mickey, Warren H., b3-31-1885; d7-24-1885 Mickey, W.O., b1860; d1935 Miller, Anna M., b11-14-1871; d6-6-1950 Miller, Bertie, b6-2-1876; d9-13-1876 Miller, Carrie Hermon, b7-7-1867; d2-3-1898 Mlller, Cecile E., b10-15-1882, d5-6-1943 Miller, Curtie, b6-2-1876; d? Miller, Donald, b1906; d1969 Miller, Elmer, b2-18-1884; d8-12-1884 Miller, Frank L. b1871; d1957 Miller, Fred W., b10-20-1871; d3-9-1947 Miller, Fredric J, b6-7-i828; d6-23-1908 Miller, Isabella, b1903; d1914 Miller, Jane E., b1845; d1916 Miller, Jennie E., b1817; d1945 Miller, John, b1874; d1961 Miller, Lew E., b1875; d1956 Miller, Lottie, b1867; d1931 Miller, Lucy, b1874; d1946 Miller, Mary E., b1881; d1962 Miller, Remy, b10-1-1825; d12-12-1901 Miller, Robert C., b9-211902, d3-19-1970 Miller, Samuel L., b1837; d1903 Miller, Waldon, b9-12-1938; d9-12-1938 Miller, Wayne, b10-4-1918; d10-4-1918 Miller, Wilhelmene, b7-16-1828; d3-26-1909 Miller, William F., b5-23-1869, d11-28-1944 Mills, Almyra E., b1889; d1962 Mills, Augusta J., b7-23-1876; d3-19-1963 Mills, Emma J., b1854, d1934 Mills, Ermanna, b1-9-1880; d12-15-1881 Mills, Florence L., b1-13-1894; d5-24-1975 Mills, Frank D., b1874; d1953 Mills, Frederick A., b3-11-1895; d2-11-1956 Mills, H.M., b?; d? Mills, Infant Son, b12-27-1919 Mills, Irma Staples, b9-29-1899; d12-28-1972 Mills, Jane, b1838; d1-31-1894 Mills, Marion Smith, b12-24-1898, d12-2-1965 Mills, Michael A., b5-21-1948; d11-14-l955 Mills, Milton A. Jr., b1883; d1970 Mills, Milton Alexander, b1841; d1925 Mills, Nell Pheasant, b1881; d1942 Mills, Ralph, b1875; d1895 Mills, Reava Mae, b7-13-1900, d2-17-1920 Mills, Roland A., b12-31-1870; d5-30-1943 Mills, Thomas, b1-31-1880; d12-9-l955 Mills, Webster, b11-29-1885, d7-8-l959 Mitchell, b?; d? Mitchell, Sarah, b1804; d12-6-1883 Mittlemeyer, Irene Grace, b10-13-1896; d9-10-1962 Moffett, Charrilda J., b11-13-1853; d1-8-1888 Moffett, Ernest, b1-1-1880; d7-17-1880 Moffett, Hattie, b1879; d1901 Moffett, Infant daughter, b7-8-1886; d9-3-1886 Monk, Harm D., b1-1-1843; d9-28-1906 Monk, Montie, b8-11-1909; d8-11-1909 Monson, A.M., b2-9-1880; d7-3-1923 Monson, Alice, b1898; d1956 Monson, Andrew, b3-8-1848; d10-12-1878 Monson, Carrie, b 1841; d1915 Monson, Evelyn V., b12-21-1907; d1-28-1932 Monson, Johanna Mathilda, b12-27-1849; d12-10 1886 Monson, John, b1881; d1966 Monson, Kenneth R., b1912; d1972 Monson, Nils P., b10-26-1845; d4-24-l915 Monson, Peter, b1839; d1918 Monson, Ruby P., b7-13-1924; d8-26-1950 Monson, Wayne Ford, b9-28-1953; d9-30-1953 Moody, Josiah, b1854; d1901 Moody, b1-2-1891; d1-16-1892 Morgan, Alvana Leanna, b1920; d1958 Morgan, Caroline Cleo, b 1915; d1920 Morgan, Cynthia E., b10-20-1838; d10-6-1903 Morgan, George W., b1874; d1956 Morgan, Katherine H., b1873; d1936 Morgan, Merle I., b1889; d1908 Morgan, Oscar T.. b1868; d1945 Morgan, Thomas G., b1859; d1936 Morgan, Myrtle, b1878; d1952 Morse, b1855; d1913 Morse, b1833; d1923 Nantkes, Elizabeth J., b12-16-1861; d3-7-1939 Nantkes, Henry F., b3-12-1862; d5-30-1936 Nantkes, Leona M ., b5-16-1895; d? Nebosis, Anna M., b1887; d1970 Nebosis, Henry A., b1881; d1963 Need, Robert W., bS-21-1930; dl2-7-1953 Nelson, b?; d? Nelson, A.M., b1886; d1937 Nelson, Albert P., b1872; d1946 Nelson, Amanda V., b1882; d1930 Nelson, Andrew, b1874; d1969 Nelson, Anna F., b1-10-1880; d7-4-1958 Nelson, Arthur S., b1883; d1973 Nelson, Brita Stina, b8-4-1835; d9-14-1963 Nelson, Clara, b1879; d1950 Nelson, Effie N., b1885; d1939 Nelson, Ellen, b6-20-1844; d4-10-1918 Nelson, Ethel I, b8-4-1914; d2-4-1950 Nelson, Gustaf, b8-13-1826; d2-6-1912 Nelson, Hanna, b6-2-1867; d8-23-1955 Nelson, Hulda M., b1885; d1955 Nclson, Ida C., b1857; d1898 Nelson, John N., b10-27-1866; d9-29-1950 Nelson, Karna, b6-22-1841; d7-2-1926 Nelson, Laura E., b1-1-1884; d11-4-1918 Nelson, Marie, b1876; d1960 Nelson, Marion, b4-22-1906; d4-27-1906 Nelson, Mathilda, b1854; d1937 Nelson, M. B., b1849; d1924 Nelson, M. B. (Mrs.), b?; d11-8-1944 Nelson, Nels, b4-15-1837; d3-12-1918 Nelson, Nels G., b1879; d1930 Nelson, Nels, W., b1891; dl909 Nelson, Peter, b1846; d1928 Nelson, Roger H., b11-18-1948; d8-31-1952 Nelson, Swan, b1850; d1919 Newcomer, A.C., b8-24-1864; d4-24-1905 Newcomer, Alice A., b3-18-1869; d2-2-1896 Newcomer, Maud E., b1884; d1949 Newcomer, Victor A., b1879; d1970 Newton, Halle M., b1884; d1956 Newton, Henry E., b1878; d1962 Newton, Josephine A., b1906; d1936 Nickell, Emma M., b8-1-1881; d3-30-1956 Nickell, Lorance, b7-6-1876; d2-5-1959 Norton, William Wendell, b12-24-1900; d5-23-1969 Nuebel, Anna L., b1898; d? Nuebel, William J., b1893; d? Nuquist, Andrew F., b1872; d1946 Nuquist, Joseph E., b1910; d1964 Nuquist, Maud Edgerton, b1882; d1968 Nyquist, Ernest E., b1-26-1885; d12-12-1967 Oades, Edith A., b2-25-1866; d1-6-1950 Oades, Fredrick, J., b9-3-1862; d1-5-1929 Oberg, Hilma A., b11-9-1869; d6-7-1933 Oberg, John Walford, b10-12-l873; d3-30-1945 Odell, Mary Catherine Stump, b?; d1887 Ogden, Alfred M. Bell, b1876; d1919 Ogden, Infant daughter, b12-29-1938: d12-31-1928 Ogden, Eliza L.,bl864; d1952 Ogden, John E., b1851; d1928 Ogden, Walter Louis, b6-18-1895; d9-2-1957 Olson, Carl A., b1876; d1950 Olson, Josephine L., b1900; d1974 Olson, Laura M., b1-2-1881; d12-12-1901 Olson, Mattie W., b1876; d1965 Olson, Stanley T., b8-29-1923; d3-6-1974 Olson, Wilbur R.,b6-21-1900; d7-26-1958 Orr, Glendora, b 1886; d1889 Orr, Laura Stump, b?; d? Osborn, A. H., b1818; d1888 Palmer, Julia B., b3-15-1818; d3-20-1894 Palmer, B. B. (Rev.), b1818; d1908 Park, Almira, b1841; d1916 Park, George, b1869; d1885 Park, Lillian, b1876; d1961 Park, Stella, b1867; d1884 Parkhurst, Elizabeth, b6-24-1808; d2-23-1897 Pearce, D. Kline, b1848; d1942 Pearce, Mable E., b1889; dl930 Pearce, Mary C., b1854; d1932 Pearce, Norman A., b11-28-1896; d5-23-1969 Pearson, Anna E., b1881; d1962 Pearson, Aug. S., b11-14-1884; d9-7-1910 Pearson, Hannah, b4-26-1844; dS-11-1933 Pearson, James, b1870; d1970 Pehrson, Ansel, b1917; d1975 Pelton, Emma Cole, b?; d6-20-19? Peterson, b4-3-1949; d4-5-1949 Peterson, Aldie W., b7-26-1885; d2-3-1935 Peterson, Allie, b3-14-1892; d1 1-4-1900 Peterson, Andrew, b1831; d1921 Peterson, Andrew E., b1-3-1886; d9-13-1965 Peterson, August Medgren, b10-14-1858: d4-29-1937 Peterson, Barthol A.,b8-11-1884; d4-4-1914 Peterson, C.Raymond (D.D.S.), b1893, d1974 Peterson, Ernfred W., b12-19-1900; d2-l2-l960 Peterson, Gunnard, b6-30-1883; d4-1-1950 Peterson, Gustaf, b11-19-1854, d4-8-1930 Peterson, Jane, b7-23-1847; d1-20-1927 Peterson, John, b4-30-1832; d12-28-1906 Peterson, Louisa, b7-31-1862; d7-30-1918 Peterson, Milton V., b1916; d1974 Peterson, Selma S., b6-5-1884, d1l-lO-l964 Peterson, Sharon M., b4-1-1944; d6-17-1944 Peterson, Jennie, b1883; d1918 Peterson, Sophia, b1837; d1929 Pheasant, Alwilda, b1842; d1884 Pheasant, Charles R., b1876; d1879 Pheasant, Dale H., b1887; d1890 Pheasant, Josephine S., b1852; d1913 Pheasant, Ray L., b1879; d1910 Pheasant, Samuel G, b1846; d1922 Power, Amanda J., b1832; d1903 Powers, Harry M., b1857; d1921 Powers, J. A., b3-16-1831; d4-17-1888 Powers, Sarah A., b1861; d1938 Pratt, Carohne L., b9-4-1844; d12-24-1919 Pratt, Harry W., b4-4-1900; d12-12-1945 Pratt, Lyman M., b3-30-1840; d9-30-1925 Price, Giorcl E., b1870; d1919 Pulver, Guinieford, b5-19-1875; d7-5-1844 Pulver, Stella, b?; d? Pyle, Eleanor, b2-2-1831; d2-28-1921 Pyle, Josephus, b1860; d1930 Pyle, Mary M., b1856; d1941 Quart, Arthur W., b1l-1-1891; d11-23-1893 Query, Amy, b1-4-1854; d2-27-1906 Query, Canton O., b2-29-1878; d3-8-1884 Query, Cora A., b7-26-1863, d4-15-1923 Query, James, b6-28-1894; d10-11-1894 Query, James (Rev.), b1-5-1822; d1-5-1894 Query, Osee, b7-27-1825; d7-27-1897 Query, William J., b4-13-1863; d6-2-1933 Quillen Quillen, Esther, A., b1848; d1901 Quillen, George, b1876; d3-1-1919 Quillen, Georgie Pearl, b1875; d1919 Raeder, Ethel, b1885; d1938 Raeder, Ray, b1876; d1936 Randell, Fred G., b1880; d1960 Randell, Hazel, b1899; d1959 Randell, Loretta R., b1890; d1956 Randell, Louise, b9-14-1863; d2-11-1916 Randell, George A. (Rev.), b1887; d1955 Randell, Warren, b5-18-1863; d12-7-1943 Rathbun, Charles A., b11-26-1867; d7-22-1903 Rathbun, Cora C., b1863; d1938 Rathbun, Infant daughter, b9-18-1894; d9-20-1894 Rathbun, Jennie C., b4-21-1876; d7-14-1912 Rathbun, John Q., b1861; d1948 Rawles, Inez B., b1888; d1974 Ray, Glenn S ., b1890; d1963 Ray, Grant T., b1868; d1946 Ray, Lizzie B., b1868; d1920 Reagan, Arthur F., b11-16-1867; d10-28-1888 Reagan, Jane, b9-21-1836; d2-5-1903 Reagan, Thomas, b11-3-1822; d4-6-1893 Reckmeyer, Gladys N., b1-3-1891; d2-16-1893 Reckmeyer, Herman H., b2-4-1861; d3-1-1930 Reckmeyer, Maranda, b2-21-1864; d3-28-1947 Reckmeyer, Vera M., b5-10-1887; d4-24-l955 Reckmeyer, Vida E. b8-14-1895; d5-29-1971 Rein, Lee, b1907; d1972 Reeb, Clara E., b10-29-1910; d9-3-1929 Reeb, Edna A., b6-7-1888; d1-5-1975 Reeb, George K., b5-7-1885; d4-9-1960 Reeb, Orville F., b5-6-1912; d9-21-1931 Reece, Edna M., bS-3-1903; d7-11-1936 Reece, Thomas A., b12-12-1891; d8-16-1965 Reed, Irvin D., b1844; d1924 Reed, Sarah, b1849; d1934 Reitz, Ellamina, b8-6-1855; d2-19-1949 Reitz, Glen D., b10-24-1898; d10-25-1898 Retiz, Leonard B., b2-4-1853; d12-5-1926 Renner, Barbara, b1864; d1927 Renner, John, b1831; d1915 Renner, John, b1884; d1963 Renner, John M., b1862; d1934 Rhodes, John G., b7-18-1837; d6-18-l915 Rhodes, Leroy, b11-2-1890; d11-20-1960 Rhodes, Welthy A., b2-17-1840; d7-30-1921 Richards, Bellav, b9-4-1892; d5-20-1895 Richards, Clementina, b8-18-1890; d8-5-1974 Richards, Danny Ray, b 1951; d 1955 Richards, Earl R., b7-23-1911; d12-3-1972 Richards, Floyd R., b9-24-1913; d8-26-1917 Richards, Frances W., b5-27-1857; d1-25-1945 Richards, Ivan E., b5-10-1920; d1-20-1948 Richards, J.H. Ross, b1-19-1885; d1-22-1964 Richard (sic), Kenneth D., b11-8-1899; d10-21-l959 Richards, Lloyd Jay, b2-16-1883; d4-24-1928 Richards, Maude J., b1l-25-1887; dl2-24-1930 Richards, Roy D., b11-1-1878; d11-10-1929 Richards, Thomas D., b7-4-1854; d1-25-1931 Richmond, John W., b8-31-1865; d2-16-1934 Richmond, Lillian L., b9-5-1874; d4-15-1962 Richmond, Mabel C., b1874; d1934 Richmond, Richard J., b6-7-1863; d9-28-1935 Richmond, Thomas E., b1870; d1920 Richmond, Wm., b10-12-1824; d10-25-1910 Richmond, William H., b1861; d1937 Rickly, Blance Mills, b1878; d1971 Rickly, Milton Alexander, b1905; d1974 Rickly, William J., b1875; dl916 Riggs, Mary E., b10-6-1860; d9-27-1945 Robinson, James C., b2-22-1873; d11-6-1902 Robinson, Rollin Roy, b?; d9-21-1893 Roberts, Charles, b9-30-1828; dS-13-1906 Roberts, Edgar T., b1868; d1943 Roberts, Lena J., b1877; d1974 Roberts, Martin E., b12-16-1915; d4-25-1973 Roberts, Verner E., b1896; d1918 Roseberry, James H., b1858; d1918 Roseberry, Royal, b4-24-1915; d4-25-1915 Roslund, Anna C., b1872; d1947 Roslund, Charles J., b1866, d1940 Roslund, Elvera D., b1900; d1949 Roslund, Gilbert W., b1897; d1918 Roslund, Wendell, b1-30-1907; d5-1-1908 Ross, Infant, b?; d? Ruff, Lenore C., b1898; d1972 Rushing, Allen E., b1965; d1965 Rutter, Everett R., b5-7-1891; d2-18-1926 Rutter, Theodore W., b1892; d1924 Rutter, Tillie L., b1859; d1933 Ryan, Elizabeth A., b1886; d1933 Ryan, Minnie, b 1877; d1939 Ryan, M. J., b1856; d1924 Samuel, Samual (Rev.), b1 1-1-1790; d2-27-1878 Sanford, Vena F., b8-17-1898; d3-4-1974 Sapp, Lela H., b9-15-1907; d4-8-1955 Sapp, Perry N., b7-3-1905; d2-27-1965 Sargent, Isaac H., b9-29-1860; d3-4-1918 Sargent, Jacob, b2-18-1856; d12-26-1924 Sargent, Rachel Agnes, b6-29-1887 Sarow, Fredrick D., b1-25-1848; d11-9-1923 Sarow, Herman A., b7-9-1878; d6-17-1934 Sarow, Martha J., b4-4-1883; d9-7-1922 Sarow, William F, b2-22-1877; d1-1-1922 Sauter, Caria E., b1908; d1963 Schinzel, Doris L., b1912; d1966 Schinzel, Edward H., b1900; d? Schmoker, Albert, b1893; d1972 Schmoker, Ben B., b8-30-1895; d12-22-1973 Schmoker, Elizabeth, b10-15-1868; d11-2-1942 Schmoker, Fern A., b2-20-1905; d? Schmoker, Fredrich, b7-24-1834; d1l-26-1908 Schmoker, Fredrick J., b3-28-1875; d2-28-1966 Schmoker, Goldie S., b1-30-1894; d1-12-1968 Schmoker, Henry, b11-17-1863; d5-6-1951 Schmoker, Lena, b7-20-1879; d3-22-1957 Schmoker, Margritha, b7-23-1839; d6-1-1912 Schmoker, Norma B., b1908; d1936 Schmoker, Thomas M., b5-2-1899; d6-3-1973 Schnasse, Edward A., b1888; d1956 Scholz, Anna, b12-20-1874; d6-7-1946 Scholz, Louis, b7-25-1870; d7-30-1966 Scholz, Martin, b7-14-1892; d1-11-1973 Scholz, Robert L., b8-26-1928; d10-9-1948 Schoolcraft, Corian, b1844; d1912 Schuman, Fred W., b12-9-1895; d9-1-1964 Schuman, Shelia Jo, b4-19-1932; d6-3-1936 Schwab, Clara E., b5-1-1887; d8-27-1887 Schwab, Fred, b6-28-1856; d3-16-1938 Schwab, Louise, b12-11-1862; d1-1-1939 Scott, Alexander, b1831; d1891 Scott, Alice B., b1882; d1886 Scott, Benjamin F., b9-4-1854; d12-23-1926 Scott, Cassie Sweenie, b1871; d1922 Scott, Clarissa M., b1831; d1915 Scott, Ellen Corbett, b1880; d1939 Scott, Emma A., b1867; d1920 Scott, Emma A., b8-28-1859; d8-25-1944 Scott, James D., b2-13-1875; d9-291948 Scott, Jannet Logan, b1881; d1883 Scott, John C., b1866; d1925 Scott, Laura M., b11-30-1880; d10-17-1972 Scott, Margaret Logan, b1862; d1908 Scott, Mary Ann, b1839; d1925 Scott, Robert, b1864; d1931 Scott, Walter W., b1877; d1935 Seaman, Edward H., b7-29-1869; d7-18-1889 Seaman, James H., b8-14-1874; d1-15-1879 Seaman, Peter H., b5-4-1844; d7-16-1877 Seger, Nellie, b1-20-1888; d1-20-1888 Seger, Wilber Roy, b3-23-1882; d9-22-1937 Sergent, Charles C., b1868; d1941 Sergent, Clarence E., b1874; d1943 Sergent, Daniel, b1 1-22-1862; d4-20-1922 Sergent, Frances J., b1852; d1940 Sergent, Vernie Parkis, b1888; d1964 Seward, Charles N., b1844; d1937 Seward, James N., b1850; d1928 Seward, Lucinda, b1820; d1894 Sharritt, Bernard E., b1928; d1928 Shaw, Arrilla, b1-10-1854; d3-20-1902 Shaw, Etta M., b1866; d1949 Shaw, Hazel Fern, b1-2-1892; d5-2-1897 Shaw, Lanson, b1840; d1920 Shaw, Lawrence M. (Dr.), b1868; d1932 Shaw, Mary E., b1848; d1930 Shelmadine, Berdella M., b1871; d1953 Shelmadine, Esther V., b1898; d1967 Shelmadine, Glenn G., b1895; d1954 Shelmadine, Glenn Max, b1924; d1925 Shelmadine, Frank P., b1863; d1946 Shelmadine, Perry E., b1849; d1922 Shelmadine, William D., b1834; d1911 Sherwood, Elizabethe, b1854; d1916 Sherwood, Robert M., b1883; d1918 Sherwood, Pearl, b4-8-1895; d3-13-1911 Shockey, Chester A., b8-30-1881; d3-16-1972 Shockey, Fern, b8-28-1903; d9-9-1973 Shoemaker, Elmo, b1840; d1912 Shoemaker, Fred, b1834; d1908 Shoemaker, Martha U., b2-22-1857; d11-26-1888 Shore, Benjamine F., b10-61859; d1-15-1888 Shore, H.P., b3-17-1833; d2-19-1921 Shore, Jessie, b4-22-1847; d3-16-1915 Shore, Otis A., b11-20-1878; d12-4-1878 Shore, Sarah A., b8-9-1838; d4-19-1890 Shore, William O., b8-11-1875; d8-11-1877 Siegenthaler, Mary H., b1872; d1916 Sigler, Dewey M., b7-18-1898; d1l-24-1970 Sigler, Dianne K., b1953; d1964 Sigler, Douglas Allen, b6-16-1931; d7-28-1931 Sigler, Robert R., b5-7-1897; d11-6-1971 Sigler, Robert R. Jr., b10-12-1928; d8-10-1972 Silverstrand, Matilda, b1864; d1943 Silverstrand, William, b1859; d1937 Sipherd, J. Webb, b8-18-1893; d12-15-l842 Sipherd, Mary Martha Hoyt, b7-23-1849; d1-27-1938 Sliva, Michael A., b1960; d1972 Smelser, C.W., b1851; d1933 Smelser, Dorothy, b1820; d1909 Smelser, Ephraim F., b1821; d1889 Smith, Anna E., b1869; d1921 Smith, Clyde E., b1900; d1968 Smith, David J. (Dr.), b1864; d1946 Smith, Elizabeth, b1877; d1966 Smith, John S., b?; d? Smith, Lissa J., b1853; d1940 Smith, Mary A., b1842; d5-17-1920 Smith, Milton Wisdom, b1827; d7-24-1885 Smith, Owen L., b1866; d1927 Smith, Rose E., b1873; d1922 Smith, Wilbert H., b1877; d1962 Smith, William T., b1853; d1917 Snell, Delbert, b?; d? Snell, Jane E., b1840; d1919 Snell, Samuel S., b1832; d1904 Snider, Amelia J., b1842; d1921 Snider, Eunice Foy, b1882; d1958 Snider, Harriet, b9-28-1808; d11-11-1888 Snider, Henry, b1835; d1920 Snider, John H., b3-2-1872: d4-17-1872 Snider, Levi L., b1842; d1921 Snider, Lewis W., b9-9-1873; d6-1-1874 Snider, Lydia E., b1839; d1919 Snider, Marguerite G., b10-1-1866; d9-15-1955 Snider, Manon E., b1910; d1961 Snider, Samuel A., b1-30-1864; d3-5-1935 Snider, Sarah J., b2-23-1835; d8-23-1884 Snider, S. Lynn, b5-26-1896; d9-18-1970 Snider, Wesley Eugene, b1880; d1949 Snider, William A., b4-18-1826; d5-10-1884 Snyder, Emma, b9-5-1835; d5-30-1903 Snyder, Leopold, b5-25-1835; d11-30-1895 Sock, Winifred E., b1904; d1947 Solomon, Everette L., b6-24-1918; d7-22-1934 Soulp, Floyd, b1-l-l890; d8-1-1890 Soulp, Gracie, b11-5-1886; d8-5-1887 Spain, Theodrick, b1-19-1868; d8-23-1889 Spint, Irene, b1903; d1904 Stanton, Veda Smith, b1898; d1937 Steeple, John E., b1889; d1973 Stever, Myrtle I., b9-26-1918; d9-30-1918 Stever, Walter R., b9-8-1919; d9-20-1919 Stewart, Annie, b1-13-1859; d7-13-1885 Stewart, Charles L. b1887; d1967 Stewart, E.W., b1854; d1923 Stewart, Harry M., b1885; d1888 Stewart, James, b10-26-1818; d8-7-1902 Stewart, John, b?; d2-10-1889 Stewart, Lottie, b1859; d1903 Stewart, Louisa, b12-21-1822; d12-21-1893 Stewart, Monroe, b1856; d1925 Stokes, Ethel, b4-1-1885; d5-22-1886 Stokes, Katie, b1-2-1884; d4-2-1884 Stokes, Kittie, b1-2-1884; d3-22-1884 Stokes, Sarah A., b10-3-1865; d9-13-1904 Stone, Dudly R., b5-21-1850; d9-17-1894 Stone, Emily Moore, b2-28-1812; d1-2-1898 Stone, Maggie L., b2-17-1860; d12-11-1889 Stone, Sidney, b3-6-1812; d11-9-1886 Stoner, Abbie Carnine, b1878; d1922 Stoner, Alice Elzina Seger, b8-28-1843; d12-17-1923 Stoner, Andrew Grant, b12-7-1873; d4-12-1918 Stoner, Christian Arthur, b9-10-1882; d2-12-1948 Stoner, Christian Drawbaugh, 9-2-1838; d3-13-1917 Stoner, John Hayes, b5-22-1876; d4-6-1884 Stoner, Leighton Laird, b7-14-1870; d11-16-1922 Stoner, Lillie Adale, b1-5-1874; d11-19-1925 Stoner, Lillian Una, b5-22-1868; d2-9-1960 Stoner, Roscoe Conkling, b5-12-1881; d4-3-1884 Stoner, Thelma Irine, b3-21-1916; d2-16-1923 Stoner, Wallace Dale, b7-30-1894; d11-5-1918 Storm, Mary E., b4-22-1851; d10-2-1905 Strang, Lydia A., b9-9-1821; d6-14-1902 Strauss, Infant, b2-19-1893; d5-1-1893 Stump, J.L., b?; d? Stump, Josiah A., b9-28-1848; d2-28-1876 Stump, Moena (Mrs.), b?; dl902 Sturdevant, Edward P., b1862; d1919 Sturdevant, Melissa E., b1863; d1946 Swanson, b?; d? Swanson, Bothilda, b7-19-1830; d4-19-1914 Swanson, Charlie, b1863; d1930 Swanson, John G., b1868; d1915 Swanson, Lillie A., b2-9-1870; d11-22-1952 Swanson, Mauritz A., b1905; d1971 Swanson, Nels L., b6-30-1860; d12-18-1935 Swanson, Peter, b4-24-1830; d8-30-1970 Sweenie, Hobart D., b1900; d1973 Tarble, M. Adelaide Cole, b5-26-1845; d5-3-1906 Tarble, Daughter, b?; d3-18-1895 Thomas, George P., b9-19-1857; d2-24-1900 Thomas, John, b1-23-1822; d11-19-1892 Thomas, Elmer J., b1861; d1934 Thomas, Margaret Jane, b1831; d1908 Thompson, John Ansgar, b1883; d1964 Thompson, John A.,Jr., b5-25-1921; d5-24-1944 Thompson, Mabel L., b1889; d1969 Throckmorton, J. Carder, b1892; d1958 Timm, Anna, b7-18-1870; d11-6-1901 Timm, Arthur S., b4-12-1894; d11-20-1894 Timm, Bertha E., b4-16-1872; d12-17-1959 Timm, Bradley Paul, b5-31-1947; d6-1-1947 Timm, Carl L., b1916; d1961 Timm, Caroline, b1857; d1942 Timm, Charles, b1876; d1961 Timm, Charles M., b10-6-1931; d12-19-1931 Timm, Christopher, b1846; d1928 Timm, Claude C., b1893; d1930 Timm, David C., b1876; d1959 Timm, Frederick, b1840; d1926 Timm, F.J., b5-4-1869; d9-28-1900 Timm, Harriet, b1871; d1971 Timm, Joachim, b11-7-1831; d7-26-1913 Timm, Lillian B., b1896; d1974 Timm, Lloyd, b2-19-1903; d9-5-1965 Timm, Margaret, b3-38-1875; d10-27-1968 Timm, Maria, b7-7-1839; d2-16-1920 Timm, Markus, b2-25-1866; d5-8-1942 Timm, Minnie, b1845; d1929 Timm, Myrtle, b8-14-1890; d9-3-1890 Timm, Nettie F., b1883; d1961 Timm, Paul C., b6-22-1873; d11-26-1963 Timm, Paul C. Jr., b2-4-1917; d4-19-1917 Timm, Philip P., b3-2-1901; d6-5-1963 Timm, Roka, b1878; d1919 Timm, Rosa N., b12-27-1897; d7-25-1898 Tracy, Jesse A., b5-17-1873; d6-5-1881 Treadway, Bertha A., b1884; d1961 Treadway, Edgar B., b1877; d1955 Trotter, Charley, b4-16-1887; d6-28-1888 Trotter, Elirabeth, b2-4-1867; d2-13-1889 Trotter, Johnny M., b5-8-1885; d7-12-1888 Trotter, Willie J., b10-14-1888; d1-2-1889 Tschauner, Adella A., b10-5-1867; d8-8-1958 Tschauner, Joseph H., b9-22-1867; d10-11-1939 Turner, James L., b1904; d1969 Tyler, Allan Walter, b1870; d1936 Tyler, Grace Ethel, b1877; d1928 Umstead, Leslie E., b3-3-1944; d9-26-1944 VanHoosen, Byron Stanley, b1878; d1953 VanHoosen, C. Arthur, b1870; d1953 VanHoosen, Charles H., b1881; d1921 VanHoosen, Emma J., b1849; d1930 VanHoosen, Georgia, b9-12-1872, d3-18-1928 VanHoose, Hattie J. Stone, b8-1-1843; d6-8-1918 VanHoosen, Jessie, b1884; d1975 Van Hoosen, John A., b 10-1846; d? Van Hoosen, John L., b2-16-1887; d4-10-1967 VanHoosen, Louis L., b1876; d1920 VanHoosen, Luman J., b1842; d1908 VanHoosen, Nellie, blO-18-1885; d3-22-1904 VanHoosen, Pearl H., b11-1-1896; d6-7-1956 VanHoosen, Roy W., b1-1-1889; d3-15-1972 VanHoosen, Sheridan P., b9-28-1894; d9-18-1969 VanHoosen, William, b?; d? Vanwey, Charles C., b2-29-1872; d4-18-1930 Vanwey, Lillie Mae, b4-28-1911; d9-14-1916 Vanwey, Mattie, b12-31-1870; d7-6-1945 Verner, J.Rush, b1897; d1927 Vincent, Edmond, b4-1-1832; d1-17-1888 Vincent, George, b3-6-1870; d4-17-1887 Vincent, Sarah A., b1-15-1888; d3-18-1919 Waite, Amanda G., b1873; d1955 Waite, Roy H., b1869; d1951 Walgreen, Charles O., b1859; d1943 Walgreen, Mary, b1861; d1933 Walgreen, Vesta R., b1889; d1943 Walker, Howard, b4-18-1889; d8-25-1889 Walker, Jessie, b10-14-1887; d8-25-1888 Walkington, John F., b3-3-1854; d11-19-1932 Walkington, Mary, b5-17-1860; d5-11-1928 Walrath, Birdie L., b1868; d1959 Walrath, Elizabeth Jane, b1848; d1939 Walrath, Eugene A., b1867; d1944 Walrath, J., b1829; d1919 Walstrom, Charles O., b10-10-1853; d5-6-1929 Walstrom, Hilda C., b2-22-1868; d5-10-1944 Wanker, Ina, b1889; d1915 Ward, Della, b1l-5-1875; d10-5-1885 Ward, Mary, b1858; d1902 Ward, Wesley M., b1892; d1941 Ward, William P., b1888; d1889 Ware, Edward R., b12-26-1860; d1l-24-1949 Ware, Eliza W., b1854; d1934 Ware, Frank F., b1853; d1935 Ware, Louise M., b9-12-1871; d6-6-1935 Watkins, Howard Laverne, b9-9-1906; d7-12-1909 Watkins, lnfant son, b1914; d1914 Watkins, Joseph F., b9-10-1924; d10-7-1925 Watts, Edward M., b1875; d1942 Watts, Lawrence Lee, b1900; d1902 Watts, Maurice S., b1907; d1971 Watts, Nellie M., b1879; d1956 Weaver, Charles Clifford, b2-28-1935; d3-1-1935 Weaver, Clifford E., b1886; d1940 Weber, Elenera A., b3-23-1894; d5-21-1922 Webster, Charles, b1859; d1929 Webster, Luella, b1863; d1928 Weeden, Alvine, b?; d? Weeden, Maria E., b1855; d1913 Weeden, Minnie G., b1875; d1961 Weeden, Rachel J., b1824; d1920 Weeden, Sylva V., b1882; d1898 Weeden, William A., b1915; d1917 Weeden, William H., b1851; d1919 Weeden,William W., b1819; d1913 Weiser, Mildred H., b1913; d1957 Welch, Adaline, b2-11-1817; d5-28-1909 Welch, Anna, b1852; d1929 Welch, Emily T., b1847; d1935 Welch, Harvey R., b1893; d1972 Welch, Jennie, b1877; d1963 Welch, John Ross, b1852; d1937 Welch, Margaret E., b1837; d1909 Welch, Pearl G., b1894; d1969 Welch, Percy Gray, b1876; d1884 Welch, Ralph D., b2-15-1879; d7-31-1890 Welch, William, b1841; d1929 Welch, William B., b1872; d1959 Wescoat, Fred, b1889; d1962 Wescoat, Inona J., b1920; d1920 Wescoat, Iona D., b1851; d1933 Wescoat, Wm. Alfred, b1858; d1924 West, Clarence F., b1856; d1922 West, Eliza M., b1858; d1893 West, Mary E., b1874; d1947 Whaley, Eva Amelia, b1l-28-1859; d2-25-1950 Whaley, Miner H., b12-15-1888; d6-15-1961 Whaley, Myron H., b1-5-1847; d7-28-1936 Whaley, Simeon O. (Dr.), b1842; d1920 Whaley, Susan C., b1850; d1930 Wheeler, Nellie R., b1878; d1880 White, Alf D.M., b?; d? White, Alfred M., b1843; d1918 White, Mary O., b1850; d1921 Whitehead, Alexander, b1859; d1928 Whitehead, Susapne, b1857; d1935 Wieseman, Amos A., b9-12-1862; d8-7-1929 Wieseman, Arthur P., b1890; d1944 Wieseman, Caroline, b1864; d1944 Wieseman, Christ F., b1894; d1952 Wieseman, Dean G., b1921; d1921 Wieseman, Emma, b3-7-1868; d11-27-1929 Wieseman, Fred E., b1910; d1971 Wieseman, George A., b1887; d1948 Wieseman, Helen, b1890; d1974 Wieseman, John, b1855; d1919 Wieseman, Joseph, b1865; d1937 Wieseman, Leonard J., b1888; d1962 Wieseman, Lydia H., b1889; d1960 Wieseman, Margaret A., b3-16-1875; d5-ll-l971 Wieseman, Matilda, b1873; d1951 Wieseman, Philip C., b12-30-1873; d4-25-1946 Wieseman, Richard C., b1900; d1936 Wieseman, Vera, b1897; d1973 Wikoff, Ida May, b5-4-1867; d1-1-1888 Wikoff, Maud M, b12-1-1884; d12-6-1884 Wilcox, Elizabeth, b1883; d1930 Williams, Franklin L., b1885; d1962 Williams, Hazel, b1894; d1973 Williams, Joseph K, b1847; d1924 Williams, Nancy A., b1854; d1937 Williams, Oscar J., b1878; d1948 Wilson, Allison T., b6-16-1867; d7-30-1967 Wilson, David H., b1879; d1956 Wilson, Emma C., b4-22-1872; d9-l2-l972 Wilson, Emily C., b1876; d1956 Wilson, John W., b5-16-1843; d12-8-1871 Wilson, Mary E. McDermott, b7-29-1837; d2-1-1918 Wilson, Myrtle Whaley, b1879; d1913 Wilson, Ora D., b1-18-1891; d7-2-1892 Wilson, Sarah A., b4-15-1845; d10-28-1923 Wilson, William C., b1-9-1888; d2-4-1891 Windham, Benjamin, b?; d4-21-1936 Winslow, David M., b1927; d1974 Wisely, Albert, b4-25-1871; d4-18-1917 Wisely, John A., b2-16-1879; d9-25-1909 Wisely, Keziah Green, b1879; d1948 Wisely, Mae, b1901, d? Wisely, Marjorie, b7-2-1925; d7-2-1925 Wisely, Paul, b1893, d1963 Woberg, Andrew, b1861; d1937 Woberg, Carl, b1888; d1974 Woberg, Ednel, b1890; d1904 Woberg, Matilda C., b1866; d1946 Wolf, George S., b1860; d1946 Wolf, Mary E., b11-1-1865; d7-3-1910 Wolf, Joseph B., b6-14-1860; d1l-13-1928 Wolfe, Lulu B., b8-16-1866; d12-23-1949 Wolfe, William R., b9-19-1891; d1-27-1918 Worrest, Ruth E., b3-1902; d9-1902 Wright, Mary E., b5-25-1822; d3-12-1910 Wurst, Adam J. (Rev.), b1876; d1934 Wurst, Edna M., b1883; d1966 Wurst, Walden W. b8-26-1907; d5-5-1913 Yeltman, Alex E., b1879; d1914 Youmans, Annetta, b12-2-1873; d1-11-1884 Youmans, Cleora, b8-6-1877; d1-15-1881 Youmans, Infant, b?; d3-12-1882 Youngdahl, Elizabeth, b3-13-1874; d5-5-1953 Yungdahl, Olaf, b11-25-1867; d2-18-1941 Yungdahl, Steven A., b1-5-1942; d12-15-1948 Zang, Abigail, b8-30-1884; d2-4-1969 Zang, Albert J., b1873; d1943 Zang, Daisy E., b1875; d1953 Zang, Edward B., b6-1-1877; d11-27-1935 Zang, Henry W., b1874; d1949 Zang, Minnie, b1844; d1924 Zang, Nicholas, b1826; d1899 Zang, Paul E., b1911; d1912 Zedicher, Benjamin T., b6-12-1893; d5-7-1971 Zimmerman, Alice M., b1890; d1941 Zimmerman, William H., b1880; d1951 | |