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Conkling Hilda: more detail | |||||
21. E-Book Subject Collections--Women Writers Conkling, Hilda. Poems by a Little Girl (1920) ebook Palm webversion Cristall, Ann Batten. Davis, Rebecca Harding, 1831-1910. http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/ebooks/subjects/subjects-women.html | |
22. Classic Book Author Index, Plays, Religious Manuscripts, Historic Documents, And Congreve, William, 16701729 Conkling, Hilda, 1910- BACK TO ORDER PAGE Conrad,Joseph, 1857-1924 Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924 AKA Korzeniowski, Josef Teodor http://classicscopy.com/authorindex.htm | |
23. POETRY CATALOGUE 19487 Conkling, Hilda. ffep, frontispiece with same small 1/2 stain as title pageaffecting Hilda's shoulder; still Grosset Dunlap, HC, 1910?, VG, 190 pgs http://www.charlesmckeebooks.com/poetry.htm | |
24. This List Has Been Downloaded From Congreve, William, 16701729. Conkling, Hilda, 1910-. Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924 http://www.discip.crdp.ac-caen.fr/anglais/Carim/teaching%20activities/gutenberg. | |
25. Census 1910 Index Shasta County Census Index for 1910 Anderson Township And} 27 Conkling, Ira JR {And}27 Conkling, James F And} 29 Jessen, Grace {And} 29 Jessen, Hilda {And} 29 http://myclouds.tripod.com/shasta/1910idx.html | |
27. EBooks (e-Books, EBook): Digital Book Index: Search By Author Conkling, Hilda, Poems by a Little Girl, 1920, MSReadr, n/c, UVaLib.Conkling, Hilda, Poems by a Little Girl, TxtG, n/c, GutenbergUS. Conkling http://www.digitalbookindex.com/_search/search002a.asp?AUTHOR=Conkling, Hild |
28. Genealogy Data Birth 2 JUL 1910 Baltimore, MD Death 17 APR Shipley, William Elbert Mother Davis,Hilda Family Marriage Dauphin Co, PA Spouse Conkling, Mildred Hastings http://bowersgenealogy.com/g2w_031b/html/dat1.html | |
29. Bowersgenealogy.com Family History Generation 5 N Miller Children of FRANK GOODYEAR and MILDRED Conkling are i SEBASTIAN2, AQUILLA1)1was born July 02, 1910 in Baltimore He married (2) Hilda REED Private. http://bowersgenealogy.com/fam_his5.htm | |
30. Index Translate this page Gutenberg Confucius Gutenberg Congreve, William, 1670-1729 Gutenberg Conkling,Hilda, 1910- Gutenberg Connor, Ralph, 1860-1937 Gutenberg Connor, Ralph, 1860 http://www.elbooks.sk/angautC.html | |
31. Index Poems And Tales From Romania, by Sumanaru, Simona Poems By The Way, by Morris, William,18341896 Poems By a Little Girl, by Conkling, Hilda, 1910- Poems Of http://www.elbooks.sk/angdieloP.html | |
32. Shaw Authors Notes Finding Aid (1 item) Cone, Helen Gray 18591934 (1 item) Conkling, Grace Hazard 1878-1958(2 items) Conkling, Hilda 1910-? (2 items) Conley, John Wesley 1852-? http://www.fsu.edu/~speccoll/shawnote.htm | |
33. Authors C-F Confucius Congreve, William, 16701729 Conkling, Hilda, 1910- Connor, Ralph, 1860-1937,Pseudonym AKA Gordon, Charles William, 1860-1937 Conrad, Joseph, 1857 http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/c-f.htm | |
34. Project Gutenberg: Authors List Congreve, William, 16701729. Conkling, Hilda, 1910-. Connor, Ralph, 1860-1937.Connor, Ralph, 1860-1937, Pseudonym AKA Gordon, Charles William, 1860-1937. http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
35. Tucson Pima Public Library /All Locations Conkling, Hilda, 1910. Richards, Laura Elizabeth Howe, 1850-1943. Turnbull,Alice Sligh. Kilmer, Joyce, 1886-1918. Bianco, Margery Williams, 1880-1944. http://infolynx.ci.tucson.az.us:90/kids/10,33/search/aCobb, Allan B/acobb allan | |
36. Oct 8 - Author Anniversaries Mrs WHITNEY 1907 Hugh Mackintosh FOOT, Baron CARADON 1907 Sir, Kenneth (Malcolm)McCAW 1909 Roy EVANS 1910 Gus HALL 1910 Hilda Conkling 1910 Sir, Nicolas http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/aa/oct8.htm | |
37. Co - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors jt ed) s 1953 Grace (nee?)Hazard Conkling {US} (F 1878 1958) Afternoons InApril p 1915 Wilderness Songs p 1920 Hilda Conkling {US} (F 1910 Oct 8 http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/co.htm | |
38. Gopher.quux.org70/Archives/gutenberg/authors.txt Congreve, William, 16701729 Conkling, Hilda, 1910- Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924 AKA Korzeniowski, Josef Teodor Konrad, 1857-1924 http://gopher.quux.org:70/Archives/gutenberg/authors.txt |
39. Ainsworth Hs Index 1919 Collins Mable 1900 Conkling Marian 1919 Cook Mattie 1903 WilliamsVera 1910 Wilson Edith 1894 Wyriel Hilda 1903 Zweible Inez http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/2236/ainsworthindex.html | |
40. Poets' Corner - Index Of Poets - Letters C,D Helen Gray Cone. (1859 1934) American Poet A Chant of Love for England(BB). Grace Hazard Conkling. (1878 HD (Hilda Doolittle). (1886 http://www.geocities.com/~spanoudi/poems/poem-cd.html |
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