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101. Résultats De La Recherche Par Auteur Translate this page Voici les réponses 1 à 8. Voir aussi les thémas Confucius Proverbes chinois. Confucius.Confucius, le message du bienveillant un livre de Tsaï Chih Chung. http://www.citationsdumonde.com/top_home_auteur.asp?auteur=confucius |
102. America's T-Shirt Catalog - Confucius Confucius. http://www.historyshirt.com/shirt/cgi/t-shirt.cgi?cnf |
103. Confucius's Life And Views - Information - Http//maxpages.com/ Confucius's Life and Views. Calling All Girls! Free Cartoon Dolls!ECommerce $49.99/year! Click Here for Details. Graphics Gallery! http://www.maxpages.com/lisaliu/Confucius |
104. Culture Course Vol - IV - Confucius ( Page 1 ) Confucius. China is a great country. Many great and learned men have lived there.Foremost among these was Confucius.He lived in China 2,500 years ago. http://www.hindubooks.org/culture_course/book4/Confucius/page1.htm |
105. Temple Of Confucius New Era Art Partners Site Map TEMPLE OF Confucius Contributed by WuChiLiu. Images of Confucius. Photograph (c) 1998 by Keith Ammann. http://sangha.net/messengers/confucius.htm |
106. WWW.THE-JOKEBOX.COM - THE JOKEBOX - Probably The Best Jokes 8, Are his balls square? 9, Confucius says 10, The porch needs a paint. CLICK HERE! Confucius says * Man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day. http://www.the-jokebox.com/php_new/jokes.php?details_j=1&jokeid=1928 |
107. Confucius Confucius News News articles about Confucius from thousands of onlinenewspapers, magazines, periodicals, journals, and other news sources. http://confucius.newstrove.com/ |
108. Confucius K'ungfu-tzu 551-479 BC. Confucius is the dominant Chinese philosopher bothmorally and politically. If the dates Start your search on Confucius. http://www.virtualology.com/virtualmuseumofhistory/hallofspirituality/kungfu-tzu |
109. Powell's Books - Religion Eastern-Confucius Religion Eastern Confucius There are 207 books in this aisle. Browse aisle.Featured Titles in Religion EasternConfucius Page 1 of 4 next. http://www.powells.com/subsection/ReligionEasternConfucius.html |
110. Confucius Confucius was the greatest eastern philosopher of all time. His beliefs itdiffers. Confucius. Pat Zukeran. The Life of Confucius. http://www.probe.org/docs/confucius.html |
111. ? ? The summary for this Chinese (Simplified) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.chinakongzi.net/ |
112. Damo No Matter Where You Go, Here You Are ! WaltS Corner Of The Web. Quickway. Ifyou already know where you came from or where you want to go then go to it! http://www.dorsai.org/~walts/damo.html |
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