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81. Confucius , Confucius Quotations, Confucius Sayings - Famous Quotes And Famous S Confucius Quotes, Confucius Quotations, Confucius Sayings Famous Quotesand Famous Sayings Network. Quotes . Quotations . http://home.att.net/~quotesabout/confucius.html | |
82. Untitled Redirecting to New Location in 5 seconds. http://home.att.net/~quotations/confucius.html | |
83. Confucius - Wikipedia Confucius. Virtue under Confucius is based upon harmony with others, very differentfrom the Aristotelian view of virtue being personal excellence. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confucius | |
84. Confucius, A Great Educator In Chinese History - With Picture Of Confucius, Conf Introcuce Confucius, with picture of Confucius, Confucius biography,the birthday of Confucius, Confucius analects, etc. http://www.chinavoc.com/history/dongzhou/confucius.htm | |
85. Who Is Confucius? Confucius lived from 551 BCE to 479 BCE during a time when imperial rule was breakingdown in China. Learn about his life and philosophy. Who is Confucius? http://dede.essortment.com/whoisconfucius_rtyr.htm | |
86. Confucius Quotes - The Quotations Page Quotations by Author. Confucius (551 BC 479 BC) Chinese philosopher reformermore author details. We have 2 book reviews related to Confucius. http://www.quotationspage.com/quotes/Confucius | |
87. The Best Confucius Jokes And Joke E-mail List JokeCenter Confucius Jokes where users vote on the best jokes to create the BestJokes database anywhere. Your E-mail Address Join Remove Confucius Jokes! http://www.jokecenter.com/jokes/Confucius/ | |
88. Confucius Confucius (551479 BC). Recommended Background Texts Confucius, The Analects. trans.with intro. by D. C. Lau (RAL) PL2478.L5 1979. Creel, Herrlee Glessner. http://mockingbird.creighton.edu/english/worldlit/wldocs/texts/confucius.htm | |
89. Confucius Confucius. by. Confucius was one of those thinkers who looked to the past for answers,and his great reverence for antiquity seems to have been shaped early. http://mockingbird.creighton.edu/english/worldlit/wldocs/churchill/confucius.htm | |
90. Chinatown Online - Legends: Confucius Stories about Confucius. Confucius (551479 BC) is remembered by Chinesefrom all levels of life for various reasons. One noticeable http://www.chinatown-online.co.uk/pages/culture/legends/confucius.html | |
91. CONFUCIUS Confucius c.551 479 BC Chinese Philosopher Confucius became famous as a sage,or wise man, of China during the so-called 'Age of Philosophers'. http://www.hyperhistory.com/online_n2/people_n2/persons1_n2/confucius.html | |
92. China News - Informations Sur La Chine [infos, Actus, Portail] Translate this page Confucius Publié par daweide , le May-20-2002 En chinois Kong Qiu, ditKongzi EFEO K'ong-tseu, ou Kongfuzi EFEO K'ong-fou-tseu, «maître Kong http://bethel-fr.com/china/modules/sections/index.php?op=viewarticle&artid=32 |
93. Confucius Quotations Confucius Quotations. Memorable Quotations Famous Teachers of thePast. Hold faithfulness and sincerity as first principles. When http://www.memorablequotations.com/confucius.htm | |
94. Who2 Profile: Confucius Confucius Philosopher. Also Known As Kong FuZi Confucius ConfuciusDetailed analysis of translation and philosophy, Confucius http://www.who2.com/confucius.html | |
95. Confucius encyclopediaEncyclopedia Confucius, kunfyOO'shus Pronunciation Key. Confucius, Chinese K'ung Ch'iu or K'ung Futzu Master K'ung, c. 551479? http://www.factmonster.com/cgi-bin/id/A0813210.html | |
96. Confucius Temple Of Beijing Photos Confucius Temple of Beijing photos and pictures online, includingDachengmen, Dachengdian, Confucius. Temple of Confucius, http://www.travelchinaguide.com/picture/beijing/confucius_temple/ | |
97. Confucius Biography And Teachings Confucius is today one of the most compelling teachers and sagesof China. Confucius biography and teachings. Confucius, the Man. http://allsands.com/History/People/confuciusbiogra_ryh_gn.htm | |
98. Aphorisms Galore! -- Authors: Confucius Confucius. Showing Results 1 through 5 of 5, Sorted Randomly. Resultsper Page 10 Sort Results Randomly. http://www.ag.wastholm.net/author/Confucius | |
99. The Jokery: Confucius Say Confucius Say 1.Man Who Stand On Toilet High On Pot. 2.Girl 2002. ConfuciusSay Man who stick his dick in peanutbuetter jar is http://www.jokery.com/search/Confucius_Say/ | |
100. Les Meilleures Citations De Confucius Translate this page Envoyez ce théma à un(e) ami(e), Confucius du haut des siècles vous contemple Confucius.Confucius, le message du bienveillant un livre de Tsaï Chih Chung. http://www.citationsdumonde.com/thema.asp?thema=confucius |
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