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61. FortuneCity Market Place AUTHOR Clough, Arthur Hugh, 18191861 (SUBJECT Greece Biography Rome Biography) (Gutenberg Text Zip) Gutenberg FTP UITXT 4145 Kb - ZIP1558 Kb http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/richmond/88/plutarch.htm&e=747 | |
62. North American Review. Papers, Ca.1842-1868 Guide. (unsigned); np, 1865 4s. (4p.) NAR 101.587. (18) Clough, Arthur Hugh, 18191861.Wordsworth MS. (unidentified hand); np, 1865 27s. (27p.) NAR 100.508. http://oasis.harvard.edu/html/hou00081.html&e=747 |
63. Stedman, Edmund Clarence, 1833-1908. Victorian Poets, Extra- ALs (HC) to Dante Gabriel Rossetti; np, 5 Mar 1881. 1l. (v.II,p. 439). (9) Clough, Arthur Hugh, 18191861. Amours de voyage. A http://oasis.harvard.edu/dfap/html/hou01523.html&e=747 |
64. At14.htm The view, often taken, is expressed neatly in a couplet by the humanist poet,Arthur Hugh Clough (18191861) Thou shalt not kill but needst not strive http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/stockton/at14.htm&e=747 |
65. Listing Of Authors Translator Christophe, Jules François, 1840 Clark, Walter, 1846-1924, TranslatorClontz, Timothy, Translator Clough, Arthur Hugh, 1819-1861 Colbron, Grace http://www.e-text.worldwide-library.org/editors_translators.htm&e=747 |
66. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Women's Issues, And Aurora Leigh including her husband in The Ring and the Book, The Inn Album (1875), and Red CottonNightcap Country (1873), and Arthur Hugh Clough (18191861) in Bothie of http://www.victorianweb.org/authors/ebb/al3.html&e=747 |
67. Atheist Thought No. 14 - July 1997 right to die' cases. The view, often taken, is expressed neatly ina couplet by the humanist poet, Arthur Hugh Clough (18191861) http://www.orknet.co.uk/godiva/at/at14.htm&e=747 |
68. Nonfiction NonFiction - Science Fiction Related What If? 24 Robert A. Metzger Vision101. That out of sight is out of mind - Arthur Hugh Clough (1819-1861). http://www.rametzger.com/whatif24.htm&e=747 |
69. DGH Reporter Vol. 2 - Issue 1 slow, how slowly! But westward, look, the land is bright! Excerptedfrom Say Not the Struggle, by Arthur Hugh Clough, 18191861. http://www.dghonline.org/nl2/arts.htm&e=747 |
70. Antiquarian Books Catalogue White cloth backed boards, a very good set, indeed. FF02410 \39,000. Clough, Arthur Hugh (1819-1861) 316 BISWAS, RK Arthur Hugh Clough. http://www.kitazawa.co.jp/ANTIQU/380/C02012E.htm&e=747 |
71. Smith_vic_list Sarah Stickney Ellis (?1872). The Poetry of Woman . Arthur Hugh Clough(1819-1861). The Latest Decalogue (1862). George Eliot (1819-1880). http://www.english.uga.edu/~msmith/smith_vic_list.htm&e=747 |
72. Historical Manuscripts Commission 1) Close, Thomas (17961881) Antiquary (1) Clough, Anne Jemima (1820-1892) Principalof Newnham College (2) Clough, Arthur Hugh (1819-1861) Poet (10) Clough http://www.hmc.gov.uk/nra/browser/person/page/personCL.htm&e=747 | |
73. Non-Fiction Writers, Publishers, English poet; Clough, Arthur Hugh (18191861) English poet; Coatsworth,Elizabeth (1893-1986) US poet, children's author; Cocteau, Jean http://www.areyoucreative.com/p-drama.htm&e=747 |
74. Poetic Advice THE LATEST DECALOGUE Arthur Hugh Clough (18191861) Thou shalt haveone God only; who Would be at the expense of two? No graven http://littlecalamity.tripod.com/Poetry/Advice.html&e=747 |
75. BookLoons 2nd Birthday bomb hung over us all, and of a poem that I quoted in a high school graduation speech,Say not the Struggle Nought Availeth by Arthur Hugh Clough (18191861). http://www.bookloons.com/HandHTML/Editorials/Editorial0211.html&e=747 |
76. Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor - Sandringham Sermon, 2002 It was taken from a poem by Arthur Clough (18191861) called 'Say not the struggle NoughtAvaileth, in The Poems and Prose Remains of Arthur Hugh Clough, 1869 http://www.rcdow.org.uk/archbishop/020113.htm&e=747 |
77. The San Antonio College LitWeb Arthur Hugh Clough Page The Arthur Hugh Clough Page. ( 1819 1861 ) Major Works Jim McCuehas edited Clough's Selected Poems, published by Penguin, 1991. http://www.accd.edu/sac/english/bailey/clough.htm&e=747 |
78. CLOUGH, ARTHUR HUGH (1897). Clough, Arthur Hugh (18191861), English poet, was bornat Liverpool on the 1st of January 1819. He came of a good Welsh http://15.1911encyclopedia.org/C/CL/CLOUGH_ARTHUR_HUGH.htm&e=747 |
79. Poet: Arthur Hugh Clough - All Poems Of Arthur Hugh Clough Subscribe. Unsubscribe. Arthur Hugh Clough (1819 1861) Arthur Hugh Clough's fatherwas a Liverpool cotton merchant who emigrated with his family to America. http://www.poemhunter.com/p/t/poet.asp?poet=6703&e=747 |
80. Passions In Poetry - Classical Poet Biography Arthur Hugh Clough Poems for the People Poems by the People. Arthur Hugh Clough 1819- 1861. Arthur Hugh Clough's father was a Liverpool cotton merchant http://www.netpoets.com/classic/biographies/015000.htm&e=747 |
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