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Clay Berta M: more detail |
21. I1170: Loucinda ADKINS (1833 - ____) 2435 S13 MAXINE Clay. _ _Susan CAWLEY (1830 1850) m 1848 _ RoBerta Nanette Berta STRATTON. http://www.thenamecenter.com/users/james/ged2html/d0000/g0000994.html | |
22. Www.cedarseed.com/germanicnames.txt Berthe, Bertille, Bertil (fra), Berta, Bertina (it neighborhood) Chelsey, ChelsieClaiborne (M) From a surname, german Kleiber builder Clay (M) USA, from http://www.cedarseed.com/germanicnames.txt |
23. Index Translate this page Gutenberg Clarke, Marcus Andrew Hislop, 1846-1881 Gutenberg Clausewitz, Carl von,1780-1831 Gutenberg Claxton, William J. Gutenberg Clay, Berta M. (pseud.) AKA http://www.elbooks.sk/angautC.html | |
24. Index Translate this page Boz AKA Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870 Gutenberg Bramah, Ernest, 1869?-1942 GutenbergBrame, Charlotte M., 1836-1884 AKA Clay, Berta M. (pseud.) Gutenberg Brand http://www.elbooks.sk/angautB.html | |
25. Scioto County Cemeteries: Mershon Cemetery SHEPHERD, Berta M. 1907, 1971. SWORDS, Albert C. SOWRDS, Anna M. 1885 1892, 1958 1971. COBURN,Mayme COBURN, Clay, 1899 1899, 1966 1976. COBURN, Henry Clay, 1926, 1994. http://www.scioto.org/Scioto/Cemeteries/Union/mershoncem.html | |
26. Genealogy Data VA, (Henry) By James N. Bell Spouse STULTZ, Henry Clay Birth Abt STULTZ, Ann M.STULTZ, Edward Townes STULTZ, Berta G. STULTZ, Bessie M. STULTZ, Henry http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~stultz/dat17.html | |
27. Genealogy Data Page 92 (Family Pages) Father Russell, Marvon Richard Mother Hallman, Berta Lee Children County TN SpouseJudy, Henry Clay b. ABT 1823 Male Family Spouse Kelton, Jane M. b. ABT http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~lynn/family/f_5b.html | |
28. All Saints Braddock Catholic Cemetery Section K Tombstone Inscriptions 1874 1936 Father Berta JOHN 1886 1954 Father Berta MARY 1890 W. 30 Aug 1917 9 Jan1981 M/SGT, US BRESSI VINCENZO 1872 1916 Father BRICKER LOUISE Clay 1916 1939 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~tandnmca/allsaints/bradcathseck.html | |
29. (Mary CLAY? CREWES? CRISP? - HENRY De CLIFFORD Earl Of Cumberland) My Southern Family. Index of Persons. Mary Clay? James Marshall CLEMENT. Samuel MCLEMENT III. Samuel M. CLEMENT II. Berta de CLIFFORD (ABT 1115 1167), Res Wales. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~mysouthernfamily/myff/index/ind0140.htm | |
30. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Berryhill To Betz Berta, Jerry of Rockford, Kent County, Mich. Best, Archland M. (d. 1933) of Hudson,Columbia County Betts, HD of Vermillion, Clay County, Dakota Territory (now S http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/berryhill-betz.html | |
31. Upshaw Database A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q Sallie Maude (1887 1968) Sarah Louise (1880 -1948) Tabitha (1851 - ) Will Berta (1903 - 1987) William Clay Buren (1906 http://www.upshaw.org/familytree/upshaws/wc_idx/idx013.html | |
32. Authors C-F Clacy, Ellen Claretie, Jules, 18401913 Clarke, Marcus Andrew Hislop, 1846-1881 Clausewitz,Carl von, 1780-1831 Claxton, William J. Clay, Berta M. (pseud.) AKA http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/c-f.htm | |
33. I49179: Richard Lowell BAREFOOT (____ - ____) _ Berta Clay EPPERSON _ _Thomas P LAWSON _ (1813 1854) m 1843 _ http://www.culpepper.net/foshee/d0031/g0000014.html | |
34. Glaire10 it. So, my name is Swift, and as rightly guessed the noble dwarf whose name, tomy regret, I don't know yet, I'm bard, who Berta crushed a Clay mug with http://gobbo.caves.lv/~morlot/glaire10.htm | |
35. Volunteers to lend a hand in whatever the Clay Center needs Berta L. Campbell Margot Clark MatthewL. Cummings Floyd Ellis for Wheat First Union Jerry M. Huffman, Resident http://www.theclaycenter.org/volunteers.htm | |
36. Arnett & Cullars Genealogy - Pafg45 - Generated By Personal Ancestral File Stacie Lea ARNETT Parents was born in May 1890 in Clay Co., Ala.. M, vi,Charles A. DEAN. Charles Don YARBOROUGH married Berta Irene ARNETT. http://cullars.tripod.com/PAF4/pafg45.htm | |
37. Durham County Literacy Council, Inc. - Schedule Berta Riley 5497190. Berta Riley. ongoing. Githens Middle School 4800 ChapelHill Rd. 27707. M,W. 7-9pm. Kathy Colville 560-3966. Elda Borges. Janine Clay.TBA. http://www.durhamlit.org/schedules.htm | |
38. Obituaries She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Berta L. Oliver of South Boston Ms. PatriciaJacox of South Boston; one son, Mr. John M. Sydnor of Ms. Ellen Inez Clay. http://www.thenewsrecord.com/obits.htm | |
40. Pottawatomie Co. KS Cemetery Project Genealogy CLARK, James E. 1834, 1899. CLARK, James M. 1891, 1941. Clay, Ross, 12/07/1919, 11/11/1941.Clay, Thomas L. 7/12/1893, 11/02/1956. DALE, Berta Child, 4/14/1876, 8/06/1959. http://skyways.lib.ks.us/kansas/genweb/pottawat/potcem9.html | |
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