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Christie Agatha: more detail |
61. Agatha Christie Translate this page Agatha Christie LA REINA DEL CRIMEN Christie, Agatha (1891-1976), novelistainglesa, prolífica escritora de novelas policiacas. Nació en Torquay. http://biografias.hypermart.net/agatha_christie.htm | |
62. Milan Kundera: Biografia Translate this page Pseudonimo di Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller, scrittrice inglese (1891-1976). oppurel'anziana signorina Jane Marple, ai quali la Christie fa risolvere http://www.ilnodo.com/Spettacoli/TRAPPOLA/biografia_Christie.html | |
63. U¶pione Morderstwo - Ksi±¿ki - Prószyñski I S-ka Agatha Christie (18911976), na calym swiecie znana jako KrólowaKryminalów. Autorka kilkudziesieciu niezwykle poczytnych http://www.proszynski.pl/ksiazki/fiszki/176.html | |
64. Godzina Zero - Ksi±¿ki - Prószyñski I S-ka Agatha Christie (18911976) na calym swiecie znana jako Królowa Kryminalów.Tylko Biblia i dziela Szekspira osiagnely wieksze http://www.proszynski.pl/ksiazki/fiszki/74.html | |
65. Kuukauden Kirja Tietoa kirjailijasta Agatha Christie. Christe, Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa(18911976), engl. kirjailija. Christien maailmankuulujen, psykol. http://www.edu.espoo.fi/~matilda/kuukirj3.htm | |
66. MYSZO£AP - PROFESJONALISTA MYSZOLAP PROFESJONALISTA. Agatha Christie (1891-1976) jest znanaprzede wszystkim jako autorka wspanialych powiesci kryminalnych. http://koty.nowiny.pl/literatura/litera108.html | |
67. LYDBØKER FOR VAKSNE (Bibliotekenes lydbker) lb Christie, Agatha, eng., 18911976 Poirot løsergåten lydopptak / Agatha Christie. - Melhus Lydbokforl., 1998. http://www.hordaland.org/ullensvang/Bibliotek/Lydboker_vaksne.htm | |
68. Electronic Books From SPSCC # C Cliges; a romance. Four Arthurian Romances. Christie, Agatha, 18911976, TheMysterious Affair at Styles. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, http://www.library.spscc.ctc.edu/electronicbooks/lmcelectbksauthorC.htm |
69. Mìstská Knihovna V Jablonci N.N. - Katalog LANius Troyes Christ,Richard Christenberry,Judy Christiane,F. Christiansen,Arthur Christie,AgathaChristie,Agatha,18901976 Christie,Agatha,1891-1976 Christie,Amanda | |
70. BOOKSAMILLION.COM (BAMM.COM) - Features Agatha Christie Agatha Christie, 18911976 Known as the First Lady of Crime, DameAgatha Mary Clarissa Christie's books have sold over 100 million copies and http://www.proxyone.com/cgi-bin/nph-srch.cgi/000000A/687474702f7777772e626f6f6b7 | |
71. Royal Tombs Of Ur Mystery novelist Agatha Christie (18911976), who spent time with Woolley andhis wife and later married Woolley's assistant, MEL Mallowan, melded her http://www.clevelandart.org/exhibit/ur/ | |
72. Handango - add to cart. Secret Adversary LearningToGo eBook. by Christie, Agatha (1891-1976).Available in PalmDoc, Isilo, and PalmReader ebook formats. Special Offer! http://www.handango.com/PlatformTopSoftware.jsp?siteId=1&posit=550 |
73. Kleines Theater Garmisch-Partenkirchen Agatha Christie (1891-1976).Personen Mollie Ralston, Gerda Kiml, Giles Ralston, Werner Wiesler, http://www.kleinestheater.de/index.php?page=programm&stueck=mausefalle |
74. Agatha Christie Collection At Bartleby.com Christie, Agatha. Bartleby.com Authors Fiction Agatha Christie. An Agatha. Christie. Agatha Christie. 18911976, English detective story Affair at Styles. Agatha Christie begins the illustrious career http://www.bartleby.com/people/ChristieA.html | |
75. 12331. Christie, Agatha. The Columbia World Of Quotations. 1996 ATTRIBUTION Agatha Christie (18911976), British mystery writer.Quoted in news report (March 9, 1954). Christie later denied http://www.bartleby.com/66/31/12331.html | |
76. Portada Translate this page .. Continua.gif (530 bytes). En el 25 Anviersario de la muerte de AgathaChristie (1891-1976) La Voz de la Reina del Misterio. Agatha http://www.grupoese.com.ni/2001/bn/bc/ed174/ | |
77. Marmot Library Network /Marmot Sven Ake 1992 1 Christides Vassilios 1980 1 Christie Agatha 75 Christie Agatha 18901975 2 Christie Agatha 1890 1976 739 Christie Agatha 1891 1976 17 Christie http://www.millennium.marmot.org:90/kids/1899,1901/search/aChristie, Agatha, 189 | |
78. Poemas Y Relatos Translate this page Christie , Agatha Llamada Mary Clarissa Miller, Agatha (1891 - 1976)Novelista británica. Nacida en el año 1891 en Torquay . Su http://www.ciudadfutura.com/poemas/biografias/chistie_agatha.htm | |
79. Agatha CHRISTIE Translate this page Agatha Christie. (1891 1976). Agatha Christie, de son nom dejeune fille Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller romancière anglaise est http://perso.wanadoo.fr/biographies-litteraires/auteurs/CHRISTIE.htm | |
80. Christie, Dame Agatha encyclopediaEncyclopedia Christie, Dame Agatha. Christie, Dame Agatha,18911976, English detective story writer. Christie was http://www.factmonster.com/ce5/CE010990.html | |
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