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81. Benvenuto Cellini Benvenuto Cellini ( Florenz 1500- 1571) Florenz 3.11.1500-13. 2.1571Florenz. Lehre bei einem Florentiner Goldschmied; tätig http://www.kunstwissen.de/fach/f-kuns/o_neu/cellini.htm | |
82. Índice De Pintores Contemporáneos Y Clásicos. Translate this page Cellini, Benvenuto (1500 - 1571). Cellini, Benvenuto - http//www.kfki.hu/~arthp/html/c/Cellini/index.htmlSu obra y su biografía. http://www.artenet-cb.es/pintura-maestros.html |
83. H2 Italian Renaissance Art /h2 Cellini Benvenuto, 1500, 1571, Perseus, Florence Piazza della Signoria Correggio,c.1489, 1534, Assumption of the Virgin, Parma Cathedral Correggio, c.1489 http://rubens.anu.edu.au/htdocs/surveys/italren/renart/index1.html | |
84. H2 Italian Renaissance Art /h2 Italian Renaissance Art. BIG. Cellini Benvenuto 1500 1500 Perseuscentury BIG. Cellini Benvenuto 1500 1500 Perseus century BIG. http://rubens.anu.edu.au/htdocs/surveys/italren/renart/display00016.html | |
85. International Paintings And Sculpture | Portrait Of Cardinal Pietro Bembo (obver attributed to Benvenuto Cellini. Italy 1500 1571. View Biography.Portrait of Cardinal Pietro Bembo (obverse); Pegasus on the fountain http://www.nga.gov.au/International/Detail.cfm?IRN=82783 |
86. Narcissus - Benvenuto Cellini Benvenuto Cellini (15001571). Narcissus (1548) Marblesculpture. Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence. http://www.androphile.org/preview/Museum/Europe/narcissusCellini.htm | |
87. Apollo And Hyakinthos - Benvenuto Cellini Benvenuto Cellini (15001571). Apollo and Hyakinthos (1547)Marble. Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence. http://www.androphile.org/preview/Museum/Europe/hyakinthos.htm | |
88. NothernItaly.com:Italy:Arts And Humanities:Artists Cellini, Benvenuto (1500 - 1571)@;Cha, Ettore - art of examining each and every aesthetic and relational http://www.northernitaly.com/579.htm | |
89. Thais - 1200 Anni Di Scultura Italiana - Benvenuto Cellini Translate this page Thais - 1200 anni di scultura italiana. Benvenuto Cellini. Busto di Cosimo I de'MediciFirenze, Museo Nazionale del Bargello Bronzo, particolare, h. cm 110. http://www.thais.it/scultura/cellini.htm | |
90. Maestros De La Pintura Translate this page WebMuseum Caravaggio, Cellini, Benvenuto, Cellini, Benvenuto (1500 - 1571),OCAIW Benvenuto Cellini, Artchive El Greco, El Greco (1541-1614), http://www.iespana.es/culturalink/maestros.html | |
91. Cellini Translate this page Seminario tenuto da Silvia Barbero, con integrazioni del Docente - anno 2001-2002BENVENUTO Cellini (Firenze 1500-1571). Orafo, scultore e scrittore. http://www.diras.unige.it/criticarte/ProgrammaDidattico2002-2003/cellini/Cellini | |
92. CELLINI In 1986, a German trained metallurgist, very much inspired by sculptor CelliniBenvenuto ( 15001571 ), crafted and engineered the first pieces of fine http://www.cellini.com.sg/companyProfile/ | |
93. Manierismus Translate this page Giulio Romano, C.1499-1546. Polidoro da Caravaggio, C.1500-1543. BenvenutoCellini, 1500-1571. Niccolo Tribolo, C.1500-1550. Perino del Vaga, C.1501-1547. http://www.artnews.de/themen/manerism.htm | |
94. Aurora B.cellini Fountain Pen The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://k-pen.inc.co.jp/catalogue/aurora/cellini.html | |
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