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Cellini Benvenuto: more books (21) | ||||||
21. Project Gutenberg Author Index Castle, Egerton, 18581920. Cather, Willa Sibert, 1873-1947. Cellini,Benvenuto, 1500-1571. Centennius, Ralph. Cerfberr, Anatole, 1835-1896. http://www.ibiblio.org/gutenberg/authors/author_index_C.html | |
22. CLT 1500 -- Classical Mythology (Art Gallery) Cellini, Benvenuto (1500-1571) Saltcellar of Francis I, (1540-5) Ganymedeon the Eagle, (1546-7) Perseus With the Head of Medusa, (1545-54). http://itech.pjc.cc.fl.us/cschuler/clt1500/gallery/cellini.htm | |
23. CLT 1500 -- Classical Mythology (Art Gallery) 15981680) BOTTICELLI, ALLESSANDRO - (1445-1510) CANOVA, ANTONIO - (1757-1822) CARAVAGGIO- (1573-1610) Cellini, Benvenuto - (1500-1571) CHAGALL, MARC - (1887 http://itech.pjc.cc.fl.us/cschuler/clt1500/gallery/ | |
24. FINE ARTS GALLERY Cellini,Benvenuto (15001571). Click to see enlarged view. CopyrightAFLO. All rights reserved. Email art@aflo.com TEL0120 http://www.topicfineart.com/J-A043.HTM |
25. Benvenuto Cellini New Hampshire Public Television, Benvenuto Cellini (15001571), Italian Sculptor,Gold- and Silversmith and Metalworker, ArtNet Biography of the artist. http://www.nhptv.org/kn/vs/artlabcellini.htm | |
26. Artists Translate this page di (1897-1976) Cavallini, Pietro (active 1273-1308) Cavallino, Bernardo (1616-1656)Cavedone, Giacomo (1577-1660) Cellini, Benvenuto (1500-1571) Cenni di http://www.nhptv.org/kn/vs/artlab7b.htm | |
27. Biographie über Benvenuto Cellini Translate this page Biographie, Kurzbeschreibung. Benvenuto Cellini lebte von 1500-1571. Er wurde imJahre 1500 in Florenz geboren. Er war Bildhauer, Goldschmied und Medailleur. http://www.univie.ac.at/igl.geschichte/ws2002-2003/ku_ws2002_homepages/Schoenhof | |
28. Blupete's Favorite Links Bentham, Jeremy (17481832) The English Utilitarians (McMaster) § By LeslieStephen. Cellini, Benvenuto (1500-1571) Cellini's Autobiography . http://www.blupete.com/Links/bksbio.htm | |
29. Hennepin County Library - Online Catalog 36. Chellew, RE, 1. Chellini, Benvenuto, 15001571, 0. See Cellini, Benvenuto,1500-1571. 2. Chellis, James, 3. Chellis, Marcia, 1940-, 1. Previous 10 Next10. http://www.hclib.org/pub/ipac/link2ipac.cfm?term=Chekhov Anton&index=AA |
30. Hennepin County Library - Online Catalog 36. Chellew, RE, 1. Chellini, Benvenuto, 15001571, 0. See Cellini, Benvenuto,1500-1571. 2. Chellis, James, 3. Chellis, Marcia, 1940-, 1. Chelminski, Rudolph,1. http://www.hclib.org/pub/ipac/link2ipac.cfm?term=Chekhov Anton Pavlovich&index=A |
31. Uffizi - Benvenuto Cellini Benvenuto Cellini. This famous Florentine goldsmith and sculptor (15001571),worked for a time in Rome for Pope Clement I, then at Fontainebleau for King http://www.televisual.it/uffizi/b_cellin.html | |
32. ARTINVEST2000® CELLINI ENGLISH Cellini. Cellini Benvenuto (15001571) was an Italian goldsmith andsculptor. The sculptor. He was not regarded as an outstanding http://www.artinvest2000.com/cellini_english.htm | |
33. - Great Books - Renaissance 23. Cellini, Benvenuto (1500-1571), Renaissance Art 24. http://www.malaspina.com/site/results_p18_page1.htm | |
34. - Great Books - Cavallini, Pietro (c. 12431308), Medieval Art 58. Cellini, Benvenuto (1500-1571),Renaissance Art 59. Cezanne, Paul (1839-1906), Romantic Art 60. http://www.malaspina.com/site/results_c4_page1.htm | |
35. New Albion Press Presents The Autobiography Of Benvenuto Cellini Benvenuto Cellini (15001571) led an adventurous life. At the ageof fifteen he became a goldsmith against the will of his father http://www.scorpiusdigital.com/newalbionpress/bookpages/cellini.html | |
36. Art History At Loggia | The Artist Benvenuto Cellini At A Glance Benvenuto Cellini at a Glance. Salt Cellar, by Benvenuto Cellini artist BenvenutoCellini lived 15001571 More about Benvenuto Cellini is coming soon. http://www.loggia.com/art/artists/cellini.html | |
37. ExibArt - Firenze, Ponte Vecchio - Benvenuto Cellini, Busto Eseguito Da Raffaele Translate this page Firenze - Ponte Vecchio. Benvenuto Cellini, Firenze (1500-1571) bustoeseguito da Raffaele Romanelli nel 1900. Ponte Vecchio Home Page. http://www.exibart.com/PonteVecchio/cellini.htm | |
38. Perseo Di Benvenuto Cellini Translate this page Autore/Periodo da Benvenuto Cellini (1500-1571). Materiale Bronzo, basemarmi giallo di Siena, Verde, Carrara. Dimensioni H 82, L 15 cm. http://www.bassorilievo.it/scheda.asp?scheda=247 |
39. Cariatide - Benvenuto Cellini Translate this page Tipologia Calco diretto da originale in marmo. Autore/Periodo Benvenuto Cellini(1500-1571). Materiale Gesso patinato. Dimensioni H 84, L 20, P 20 cm. http://www.bassorilievo.it/scheda.asp?scheda=59 |
40. Sapere.it - Accesso Area Pay Translate this page Benvenuto Cellini (attr.) (Firenze 1500-1571) Spilla da cappello con Leda eil cigno, 1528-1530 Lapislazzuli, oro sbalzato e cesellato, smalti e perle http://www.sapere.it/tca/minisite/arte/nonsolomostre/2002borgia/borgia12.html | |
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