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61. Taccuini Storici Translate this page Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798), Il più grande dei seduttori, brillante let-terato,instancabile viaggiatore, avventuriero, forse spia al ser-vizio dei dogi. http://www.taccuinistorici.it/ricetta.php?ricetta_id=55&ricetta_dove=3 |
62. (7328) Casanovay 20 by A. Mrkos at Klet. Giovanni Giacomo Casanova (17251798) wasa writer, spy and diplomat, the prince of Italian adventurers. http://www.klet.cz/utf/citation/07328.html | |
63. (7328) Casanova Kleti. Giovanni Giacomo Casanova (17251798)byl spisovatelem, spionem,diplomatem a kralem mezi italskymi dobrodruhy. Jeho autobiografie http://www.hvezcb.cz/citace/07328.html | |
64. Atlantisz Alapítvány és Könyvkiadó - Budapest Az 17251798 között élt Giacomo Casanova a halála elotti 8 évben írta megmajd négyezer kéziratoldalt kitevo emlékiratait, Életem története http://www.atlantiszkiado.hu/sajto/menyhert_anna_kalandorok_kimelete.htm | |
65. Italian Studies Intranet: The_Settecento/Literature/By_Author (Added 18Apr-2000 Hits 10). Il Mondo di Giacomo Casanova, 1725-1798 - Web pagefor the large-scale exhibition commemorating the bicentenary of Casanova's http://www.emory.edu/COLLEGE/ITALIAN/links/The_Settecento/Literature/By_Author/ | |
66. Arte E Cultura Translate this page 1011. 22% Casanova, Giacomo (1725-1798) Casanova, Giacomo (1725-1798) - Il seduttoreper antonomasia. Un instancabile avventuriero e un grande memorialista. http://medialab.di.unipi.it/Project/Theseus/Teseo/catalogs/teseo/catalogo/arte_e | |
67. Casanova Giacomo: Mostra A Venezia nel 1998 il secondo centenario della morte di Giacomo Casanova (1725 1798) e Venezia, sua città natale, ne celebra http://www.italica.rai.it/principali/argomenti/arte/casanova.htm | |
68. Casanova, Giacomo Giacomo Casanova. Geboren am 2.4.1725 in Venedig. Ab 1785 Bibliothekar des Grafen Waldstein in Dux. Casanova starb am 4.6.1798 in Dux (Böhmen). http://www.gutenberg2000.de/autoren/casanova.htm |
69. Giacomo Girolamo Casanova (1725 - 1798) http://www.abendblatt.de/daten/2003/02/15/124575.html | |
70. Ein Gnadenloser Verführer Translate this page zurück. weitere Artikel zum Thema Giacomo Girolamo Casanova(1725 - 1798) vom 15. Feb 2003 (Kultur / Medien). http://www.abendblatt.de/daten/2003/02/15/124574.html | |
71. Giacomo Casanova Giacomo Casanova was born in Venice. His father, Gaetano Casanovawas an actor, who also directed some plays. He had married in http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/casanova.htm | |
72. BDHL - Fiche Complète D'un écrivain Translate this page Grimm, Frédéric Melchior, baron de, 1723, 1807. Casanova, Giacomo, 1725, 1798.Epinay, Madame d', 1726, 1783. Galiani, Ferdinando, 1728, 1787. Lebrun-Pindare, Denis,1729, 1807. http://michel.bernard.online.fr/bdhl/auteurcomplet.php?recherche=717&tri=auteurs |
73. BDHL - Auteurs Ayant Exercé Un Métier Translate this page Calvin, Jean, 1509, 1564, clergé, Casanova, Giacomo, 1725, 1798, clergé,Charron, Pierre, 1541, 1603, clergé, Homme d'Eglise, Charron, Pierre, 1541,1603, clergé, http://michel.bernard.online.fr/bdhl/auteursmetier.php?recherche=clergé&tri=aut |
74. U. Of Western Ontario /All Locations Conditions Weldon 1992 1 Casamiento Enganoso Cervantes Saavedra Miguel De 15471616 2 Casanova 1725 1798 See Casanova Giacomo 1725 1798 1 Casanova De http://alpha.lib.uwo.ca:5701/search/dCasals, Pablo, 1876-1973./dcasals pablo 187 | |
75. Giacomo Casanova De Seingalt @ Catharton Authors Catharton Authors C Casanova de Seingalt, Giacomo. Giacomo Casanova deSeingalt. 1725 1798. Bored? Meet people at Café Catharton Websites http://www.catharton.com/authors/82.htm | |
76. FGC - Giacomo Casanova Calendario Translate this page 15.00 Visita alla mostra Il mondo di Giacomo Casanova Un veneziano inEuropa. 1725 - 1798 (Museo del Settecento Veneziano, Ca' Rezzonico). http://www.cini.it/fondazione/07.manifestazioni/08.calendario/1998/manif/casan2. | |
77. Dialogus / Giacomo Casanova Translate this page Giacomo Casanova 1725/1798. Lettre d'acceptation. L'unique amour. Don Juan.Toute la vérité. Votre réputation. Vérité. Je ne pouvais garder le silence. http://www.dialogus2.org/casanova.html | |
78. Www.zit.at - Die Große Zitate-Sammlung Translate this page Giacomo Casanova italienischer Abenteurer und Schriftsteller (1725- 1798). Die Liebe besteht zu drei Viertel aus Neugier. Einen http://www.zit.at/show_name.php3?name=390 |
79. Espionage - Spy - Casanova, Giovanni Giacomo Giovanni Giacomo Casanova AKA The Great Lover. Venetian Spy for France(1725 1798). Known to the world as the great lover, Giovanni http://www.angelfire.com/dc/1spy/Casanova.html | |
80. SciFan: Writer: Giovanni Giacomo Casanova (bibliography, Books, Series, Web Link home about links email. Writers Giovanni Giacomo Casanova(1725 - 1798, Italy), Bibliography, Get pricing and availability http://www.scifan.com/writers/cc/CasanovaGGiovanni.asp | |
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