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41. Recent Acquisitions In History Stroud, Gloucestershire Sutton, 2002. Casanova, Giacomo, 17251798. Casanova,Giacomo, 1725-1798. Socialites Italy Biography. D361 .E97 2001. http://www.lib.ohio-state.edu/hisweb/his5602.htm | |
42. CASANOVA QUOTATIONS 2. The Memoirs of Giacomo Casanova , written by the legendary loverhimself Giacomo (Jacques) Casanova de Seingalt (1725-1798). http://www.1freedom.com/classics/casanova-secrets.html | |
43. NothernItaly.com:Italy:Arts And Humanities:Humanities:History Byzantines in Renaissance Italy; Casanova, Giacomo Girolamo (17251798)@;Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy - by Jacob Burckhardt. http://www.northernitaly.com/682.htm | |
44. NothernItaly.com:Italy:Arts And Humanities:Humanities:Literature:Authors reviews, interviews (in Italian). Calvino, Italo; Casanova, Giacomo Girolamo(17251798)@; Covito, Carmen; Eco, Umberto@; Fo, Dario@; Gangemi http://www.northernitaly.com/1727.htm | |
45. Regionalni Muzeum V Teplicich Sbornik prispevku sesti autoru pojednava o dile a zivote proslule osobnosti osmnactehostoleti Giovanni Giacomo Casanova(1725-1798), podava nove poznatky http://www.muzeum-teplice.cz/anotace.htm | |
46. The Story Of My Life -- Giovanni Giacomo Gia Casanova Stephen Sartarelli Sophie volume. Author Biography Giacomo Casanova (17251798) was born in Venice,the son of actors who wanted him to become a priest. Author http://www.semcoop.com/detail/0140439153 | |
47. Dagospia.com - 14/02/2002 - PECCATI & PECCATORI - CULI PAZZI PER CHRISTIAN, DON Translate this page A quanto pare tale inconveniente capitò pure a Giacomo Casanova (FOTO 5 e FOTO 6)(1725-1798)in persona, il quale dopo un suo soggiorno a Cosenza, nel 1743 | |
48. Food Quotes: Casanova Casanova. Giovanni Giacomo, Casanova de Seingalt (17251798) was famous for hisromantic adventures. However at age 73 the Prince of Ligne described him as http://www.foodreference.com/html/qcasanova.html | |
49. Epublishers Weekly Book Reviews Casanova In Bohemia By Andrei Giacomo Casanova (17251798), born in Venice, spent most of his life rambling andgambling through Europe's splendid cities, falling in love (and rising in lust http://www.zorbapress.com/epweekly/reviews/casanova.htm |
50. Bios Di Casanova Translate this page Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798). Protagonista di una vita brillante avventurosaed eccentrica che attraversa il Settecento e lEuropa http://www.criad.unibo.it/galarico/narciso/bios/bio_casanova.htm | |
51. Casanova, Giacomo Girolamo, Chevalier De Seingalt (1725-1798), Translate this page Casanova, Giacomo Girolamo, Chevalier de Seingalt (1725-1798),. italienischerAbenteurer und Schriftsteller, geboren in Venedig. http://www.inkultura-online.de/biograf/casanova.htm | |
52. Chile: Qué Pasa: SOCIEDAD - La Otra Cara De Don Juan Translate this page Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798) es recordado como un célebre amante, pero fue muchomás que eso dramaturgo y empresario teatral, abate, doctor en derecho http://www.quepasa.cl/revista/1491/24.html | |
53. SonntagsZeitung Trend Translate this page Helmut Watzlawick, der Mann, der wie kein anderer über die Lust und die Freudendes Venezianers Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798) Bescheid weiss, über die Kniffs http://www.sonntagszeitung.ch/1998/sz22/263958.HTM | |
54. Infanzia, Vocazione E Prime Esperienze Di Giacomo Casanova, Veneziano Translate this page Film zeigt die Kindheit und Jugend Giacomo Casanovas (1725-1798) auf, dessen mit Zartgefühldarzustellen, zeigt einen ganz anderen Casanova als den http://www.xenix.ch/archiv/01aug/25899.html | |
55. LIBRIS OnLine carodejníctvo Carreras, José (spevák operný panielsky, 1946 ) cas casvolný Casanova, Giacomo (lachtic taliansky, 1725-1798) CASLIN (projekty http://proxy.kskls.sk:8080/perl/zvolen/libris.pl?tag=desk&str=C |
56. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : CAS Casanova (Francesco, frère de Giacomo Casanova) Sculpture1; Casanova (Giacomo Girolamo, chevalier de Seingalt)(1725-1798) http://www.onlipix.com/personnages/cas.htm | |
57. LETTERATURA Casanova, Giacomo(1725-1798)@; Collodi, Carlo (1826-1890)@; Covito, Carmen (1948 http://www.xtec.es/eoiesplugues/Italonet/letteratura.htm | |
58. KataLibri | Le Disavventure Di Casanova Translate this page Grama la vita a Dux, in Boemia, per Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798), nel castellodove trascorse i suoi ultimi 13 anni come bibliotecario del giovane conte di http://www.kwlibri.kataweb.it/romanzi/romanzi_190702.shtml | |
59. Books: Giacomo Casanova Prosopopea Ecaterina II und Istanza zwei unbekannte Texte von Giacomo Casanovade Seingalt (17251798) kritische Ausgabe der italienischen Handschriften http://www.designstore01.com/search/books/AuthorSearch/Giacomo Casanova/14/ | |
60. Casanova Giacomo Casanova. Un veneziano in Europa, 1725-1798 che il http://www.amicisciascia.it/LSW/Nuove/AFM4/Casanova.html | |
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