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         Casanova Giacomo:     more books (79)
  1. Casanovas senare resor: Roman tillagnad minnet av Jacques Giacomo Casanova de Seingalt (1725-1798) (Swedish Edition) by Jacques Werup, 1979
  2. World of Giacomo Casanovaa Venetian in Europe1725-1798 by The Staff of Marsilio, 1998
  4. The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt, 1725-1798, Volume One (1) by Giacomo; Machen, Arthur, tr.; Blossom, F. A. (Frederick Augustus), ed. Casanova, 1961
  5. The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt, 1725-1798 by Giacomo; Machen, Arthur, tr.; Blossom, F. A. (Frederick Augustus), ed. Casanova, 1961
  6. The memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt, 1725-1798: Now fully annotated for the first time in English by Giacomo Casanova, 1940
  7. Memoirs of CasanovaVolume 02: a Cleric in Naples by Giacomo Casanova, 2004-12-10
  8. Memoirs of CasanovaVolume 09: the False Nun by Giacomo Casanova, 2004-12-10
  9. Memoirs of CasanovaVolume 06: Paris by Giacomo Casanova, 2004-12-10
  10. Memoirs of CasanovaVolume 08: Convent Affairs by Giacomo Casanova, 2004-12-10
  11. Memoirs of CasanovaVolume 04: Return to Venice by Giacomo Casanova, 2004-12-10
  12. Memoirs of CasanovaVolume 05: Milan and Mantua by Giacomo Casanova, 2004-12-10
  13. Memoirs of CasanovaVolume 11 : Paris and Holland by Giacomo Casanova, 2004-12-11
  14. Memoirs of Casanova Volume 10: under the Leads by Giacomo Casanova, 2004-12-11

21. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Authors > C
David Nunes, 18481925; Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798; Casson, HerbertNewton, 1869-; Castle, Egerton, 1858-1920; Cather, Willa Sibert

22. Casanova Links
KANE has recently put online a selection of images from the catalog of the exhibition Il mondo di Giacomo Casanova, un veneziano in Europa 1725-1798 held in

23. Casanova's Works
Prosopopea Ecaterina II und Istanza zwei unbekannte Texte von Giacomo Casanovade Seingalt (17251798) kritische Ausgabe der italienischen Handschriften

24. GIACOMO CASANOVA Tra Venezia E L'Europa
Translate this page in ambito di arti visive data nel pomeriggio dalla visita alla grande mostra «Ilmondo di Giacomo Casanova. Un veneziano in Europa 1725-1798» allestita dal

philosophes (Franco Fido), il frenetico girovagare per l'Europa (Gino Benzoni), il declino nell'isolamento senile del castello di Dux (Helmut Watzlawick). Una prospettiva che le relazioni previste per il pomeriggio arricchivano ulteriormente, puntando sulle varie forme del suo 'libertinismo', dall'adesione alla massoneria (Bruno Capaci) alle tematiche del suo scrivere (Lydia Flem), alle forme del suo erotismo (Massimo Ciavolella), al complesso della sua 'filosofia' (Federico Di Trocchio).

Giacomo Casanova

25. Giacomo Girolamo Casanova Ckv 1
Giacomo Girolamo Casanova, chevalier de Seingalt (17251798). GiacomoGirolamo Casanova, chevalier de Seingalt (1725-1798), staat
Giacomo Girolamo Casanova, chevalier de Seingalt (1725-1798) G iacomo Girolamo Casanova, chevalier de Seingalt (1725-1798), staat bij de meeste mensen alleen als een super-minnaar bekend. Dat is jammer, want deze zoon van Venetiaanse toneelspelers beschikte over veel meer talenten. Hij was doctor in het burgerlijk en kerkelijk recht, violist in een theaterorkest, avonturier, rozenkruiser, vrijmetselaar, gokker, bedrieger, waaghals, gelukbrenger voor menig markiezin, zakenman en geheim diplomaat - en dat is dan nog maar een verkorte opsomming. Zijn projecten variëren van de kolonisatie van de Sierra Morena tot de wijziging van de Russische kalender. Tijdens zijn leven was hij voornamelijk op reis of op de vlucht, waardoor hij Europa, Turkije en Rusland leerde kennen. In een periode waarin er bijna geen media bestonden en deze bovendien vaak gecensureerd werden, waren er maar weinig mensen volledig op de hoogte van alle gebeurtenissen. Hij was bijzonder trots op zijn grote kennis en kreeg daardoor steeds weer toegang tot de betere kringen. Hoewel hij pas op latere leeftijd begon te schrijven, publiceerde hij tijdens zijn leven meer dan veertig werken.

26. Alessandro Peroni - "Storia Della Mia Vita" Di G. Casanova
Translate this page Il mondo di Giacomo Casanova un veneziano in Europa, 1725-1798. Catalogodella Mostra tenuta a Venezia nel 1998-1999, Venezia, Marsilio, 1998.
Home page La personal page di Alessandro Peroni
Sito di studi illuministici, rivoluzionari e romantici
Giacomo Casanova
Storia della mia vita

a cura di P. Bartalini Bigi,
trad. it. D. Bartalini Bigi e M. Grasso,
2 voll., Roma, Newton, 1999
Edizione integrale
Nota di Alessandro Peroni
"Sono convinto che la maggior parte
degli uomini muoia senza aver mai pensato". Giacomo Casanova Come ben sanno tutti coloro che hanno studiato il XVIII secolo con un certo rigore storico, uno dei più validi mezzi per raccogliere informazioni atte a comprendere appieno questo straordinario periodo è proprio il ripercorrere le autobiografie, i memoriali, i carteggi e le "confessioni". Ancor più delle cronache e delle gazzette, spesso soggette a censure e autocensure, questi scritti privati o semi-privati, destinati di norma ad una pubblicazione postuma, costituiscono autentiche miniere di notizie per tutti coloro che sono alla ricerca di elementi utili alla contestualizzazione storica di opere o di vicende biografiche, ma anche letture assai gradevoli per quei non pochi che desiderano semplicemente immergersi nello spirito di un'epoca, raccogliendo qua e là aneddoti curiosi o storielle saporite. Ciò che rende particolarmente appetibile la nuova edizione integrale italiana della Storia della mia vita È chiaro che questa pubblicazione non può competere con le edizioni più prestigiose: non ha il testo originale francese a fronte, l'apparato di note è ridotto al minimo indispensabile (o anche qualcosa di meno), l'introduzione è forse fin troppo agile. Tuttavia non mancano una bella cronologia ed un'esauriente bibliografia-filmografia ragionata. Inoltre, e ciò è fondamentale per lo studioso, in fondo al secondo volume si trova un completo "Indice dei nomi e dei luoghi notevoli" con informazioni sintetiche sui vari personaggi.

27. Stefano Accorsi Unofficial_Campana Un Viaggio Chiamato Amore
Translate this page 1725-1798 ed eccentrica che attraversa il Settecento el’Europa passando fra i tavolida gioco, le alcove delle dame e salotti, Giacomo Casanova incarna alla
Protagonista di una vita brillante, avventurosa ed eccentrica che attraversa il Settecento e l’Europa passando fra i tavoli da gioco, le alcove delle dame e salotti, Giacomo Casanova incarna alla perfezione il tipo settecentesco del beau esprit incline per definizione al piacere della vita e alla battuta arguta.
(1783) che il suo vero padre era il nobile veneziano Michele Grimani, la cui famiglia possedeva il teatro dove i suoi genitori lavoravano -.
"Histoire de ma vie" che, pubblicata postuma nel 1831, rappresenta il monumento romanzesco a se stesso e al suo stile di vita.
instant books , in quanto scritti nell’immediatezza delle circostanze di una polemica con un altro letterato avventuriero o filosofo come Voltaire e Cagliostro, destinatari rispettivamente dello "Scrutinio degli elogi di Voltaire" e del "Soliloquio di un pensatore" , o di un episodio avventuroso come quello della sua fuga dai Piombi, descritta nelle pagine dell’ "Histoire de ma fuite" best seller "Storia della mia fuga" "Storia della mia vita"
en philosophe
"Opuscoli miscellanei"
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28. Giacomo Casanova Fine Free Cooking And Seducing Women
Click here to go to Amazon. It seems that Giovanni Giacomo Casanova(17251798) wasn't really a Casanova after all or, rather casanova.html
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In a signal encounter with the famous French philosopher and writer Voltaire, Casanova explains that "I amuse myself by studying people as I travel . . . it is fun to study the world while passing through it." Indeed, Giacomo Casanova de Seingalt, traveller, adventurer, musician, lover, escaped convict, and avid reader, brings to his monumental The Story of My Life (Histoire de ma vie) an explicit relish-and aptitude-for intimate observations on human nature, customs, gastronomy, science, literature, economics, and religion. These selections serve not only as a catalogue of erotic exploits, for which Casanova's memoir has gained its notoriety, but also as a gazetteer of important Enlightenment-era locales. Casanova, under various circumstances, travels from decadent Venice (where he was born in 1725) to trendy Paris, artistically rich and morally puritanical Vienna, and wealthy, plague-ridden Constantinople. Indeed, Casanova's identity as a Venetian provides an interesting counterpoint to his encounters and digressions with various personalities. His travels underscore the richness and diversity of Italian and Continental identity in the eighteenth century. Throughout his adventures, Casanova is never less than an observant, personable guide. The deftly written sketches of those he encounters-including Catherine the Great of Russia, Pope Clement XIII, Voltaire, and the French dramatist Crebillon-show his formidable intelligence and curiosity. His descriptions of a host of others-including lower dignitaries, actresses and actors, inn-keepers, spies, and commoners-reveal his wit and his desire to unveil the broad scope of the eighteenth-century Continental world.

29. 4
Translate this page Il évoquera ce souvenir dans ses Confessions (1782-1789). Giacomo Casanova(1725-1798). Ecrivain italien de passage à Morat en 1760.
BCU FRIBOURG - MANIFESTATIONS Fribourg vu par les écrivains
Exposition au CO de Romont
(21 janvier - 8 février 2002)
et au CO du Belluard
(16 septembre - 11 octobre 2002)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798) Madame de La Briche (1755-1844) William Coxe (1747-1828) ... Marie-Claire Dewarrat (née en 1949)

Ecrivain genevois
de passage à Fribourg
en juillet 1730.
Il évoquera ce souvenir dans ses Confessions
Giacomo Casanova
Ecrivain italien de passage à Morat en 1760.
Madame de La Briche Aristocrate et femme de lettres française de passage à Fribourg en 1785.
William Coxe
Précepteur anglais, effectue trois voyages en Suisse (1776, 1785, 1787). Après une première édition en 1779, ses Travels in Switzerland seront traduits en français en 1790.
Etienne Pivert de Senancour
Ecrivain français, s’enfuit en Suisse, en 1789. Il s’installe

30. DINO - Kultur - Literatur - Autoren Und Autorinnen - C - Casanova, Giacomo
Translate this page Casanova, Giacomo, Sprache/Language. Websites, 1. Dieser 'externe' Link öffnetsich in einem neuen Fenster Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798) - Kurzbiographie.
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Sie befinden sich hier: DINO Kultur Literatur Autoren und Autorinnen ... C Casanova, Giacomo Casanova, Giacomo Sprache/Language
Websites Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798) - Kurzbiographie.
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31. Giacomo Casanova, Der Junge Verführer - Projekt
Translate this page Soldat, Spion, Diplomat, Abenteurer, Philosoph und Schriftsteller - Giacomo GirolamoCasanova de Seingalt (1725-1798) wurde durch seine Autobiografie bekannt
Der junge Casanova Giacomo Battiato
Stefano Accorsi Catherine Flemming ("Hunger - Sehnsucht nach Liebe") spielt Elena, eine seiner ersten Eroberungen. Katja Flint Thierry Lhermitte ("Le Placard") gespielt.

32. Project Gutenberg: Authors List
Casanova de Saingalt, Jacques, 17251798 AKA Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798.Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798 AKA Casanova de Saingalt, Jacques, 1725-1798.
This is Project Gutenberg. This list has been downloaded from: "The Official and Original Project Gutenberg Web Site and Home Page" PROJECT GUTENBERG ETEXTS AUTHORS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Last Updated: Monday 03 September 2001 by Pietro Di Miceli ( The following etext have been released by Project Gutenberg. This list serves as reference only. For downloading books, please use our catalogs or search at: Or check our FTP archive at: and etext subdirectories. For problems with the FTP archives (ONLY) email, be sure to include a description of what happened AND which mirror site you were using. THANKS for visiting Project Gutenberg. * (No Author Attributed) Abbott, David Phelps, 1863-1934 Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926 AKA: Square, A Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot), 1805-1877 Adams, Andy, 1859-1935 Adams, Henry, 1838-1918 Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848 Adams, Samuel, 1722-1803 Adams, William Taylor, 1822-1897 AKA: Optic, Oliver, 1822-1897

Giacomo Casanova 17251798 in full Giacomo Girolamo Casanova - byname JEAN-JACQUES CHEVALIER DE SEINGALT search biblion. Soldier
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in full Giacomo Girolamo Casanova - by name JEAN-JACQUES CHEVALIER DE SEINGALT

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Soldier, spy, diplomat, writer, adventurer, chiefly remembered from his autobiography, which has established his reputation as the most famous erotic hero. Casanova's memoirs are primarily an unreliable account of an extraordinary succession of sexual encounters, but they also are of great interest historically and provide an intimate portrait of the manners and life in the 18th century. Casanova was born in Venice as a son of an actor. He studied at the University of Padua and at the seminary of St. Cyprian from where he was expelled for scandalous conduct. In 1744 he became a secretary to Cardinal Acquaviva of Rome. A scandal again forced Casanova to leave the city and he travelled in Naples, Corfu, and Constantinople, settling in Venice. By 1750 he had worked as a clergyman, secretary, soldier, and violinist in several countries. Casanova's main work was his autobiography, first published in complete form in the 1960s. He also published verse, translation of the

34. Richard Chamberlain In Casanova Part 2
Tribute to Richard Chamberlain. Giacomo Casanova (17251798) - in full GiacomoGirolamo Casanova - byname JEAN-JACQUES CHEVALIER DE SEINGALT. 1725 Youth
Tribute to Richard Chamberlain

Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798) -
in full Giacomo Girolamo Casanova -
1725 Youth Giacomo Girolamo Casanova is born in Venice on April 2, in a house on the Calle della Commedia, near the Teatro San Samuele.
His parents are frequently absent, on tour or abroad, and Giacomo is raised almost entirely by his maternal grandmother, Marzia Farussi. Casanova is a sickly child. He will later describe the first years of his life as a nearly vegetative state that lasted until the age of eight.
Giacomo's chronic nosebleeds are cured by "magic";
his father dies.
Casanova is sent to board in Padua, where he studies with Dr. Gozzi. He falls in love with Gozzi's younger sister, Bettina, and learns his first lessons about women. He is a student of Law at the University of Padua. However, his studies do not require him to reside permanently in that city, and from 1739 he lives mostly in Venice, returning to Padua as necessary to take exams. NEXT CASANOVA PART 3

35. Richard Chamberlain In Casanova
WATCH THE TRAILOR CLICK HERE. Giacomo Casanova (17251798) - in full GiacomoGirolamo Casanova - byname JEAN-JACQUES CHEVALIER DE SEINGALT
Tribute to Richard Chamberlain

Directed by
Simon Langton Writing credits
George MacDonald Fraser
Richard Chamberlain .... Giacomo Casanova
Faye Dunaway .... Madame D'Urfe
Sylvia Kristel .... Maddalena
Ornella Muti .... Henriette Hanna Schygulla .... Casanova's Mother Sophie Ward .... Jacqueline Frank Finlay .... Razetta Roy Kinnear .... Balbi Kenneth Colley .... Le Duc Christopher Lee....Count Xavier Branicki Richard Griffiths .... Cardinal Patrick Ryecart .... De Bernis Jean-Pierre Cassel .... Louis XV Toby Rolt .... Young Giacomo Casanova Bruce Purchase .... Major Grandi Traci Lind .... Heidi Janis Lee Burns .... Louison Christopher Benjamin .... Massimo John Wells .... Judge Michael Balfour .... Jailer John Boswell .... Prosecutor Marina Baker .... Lucretia Eros De Simone .... Arresting Officer Chris Edmonds .... Austrian Sergeant Paul Geoffrey .... Dragoon Captain Jessica Moore .... Angelique Ivana Gianferdi .... Marton David Hart .... Dr. Gozzi Fernando Hilbeck .... Grimani William Job .... Tour Guide

36. Manuscritos . Com / E - Libro . Net Libros Electrónicos En
Translate this page Giacomo Casanova Mi fuga de las prisiones de Venecia (Novela) BIOGRAFÍA Casanova,Giovanni Giacomo (1725-1798), aventurero italiano, nacido en Venecia.

37. 7328 Casanova
by Czech astronomer Antonin Mrkos at Klet Observatory in the Czech Republic, andnamed for Italian writer and adventurer Giacomo Casanova (17251798), who is
Asteroid 7328 Casanova was discovered on September 20, 1984, by Czech astronomer Antonin Mrkos at Klet Observatory in the Czech Republic, and named for Italian writer and adventurer Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798), who is best known for his bedroom acrobatics but who was also an accomplished author who wrote on a wide variety of topics, including mathematical and astronomical works, alchemical treatises, fantasy novels, and his memoirs, and invented the lottery. He ended his days as a librarianfunny but true. Asteroid Casanova has a period of 4 years, 41 days. Giacomo Casanova
Astrologically, Casanova gets much, if not all, of its influence from the reputation of its namesake as an accomplished tomcatter, perhaps also from his invention of the lottery, which as a form of gambling also has a certain amoral quality. I don't want to sound like a preacher or a Mrs. Grundy, but when you play the lottery, no one's stopping you from blowing literally your all on lottery tickets, for you're a grownup; if you then end up scrounging in Dumpsters for meals and living in your car, that's your problem. You had your fun(and enriched the state treasury to the tune of however much you plunked down). If it hurts you, too bad. Which is to say that Casanova indicates pleasure in its most self-centered, amoral and uncaring form.

38. Literatura
Translate this page Stefano Benni. I Classici della letteratura italiana. Casanova, Giacomo(1725-1798). Carlo Collodi racconti delle fate. Carlo Collodi Pinocchio.
La Divina Commedia on line Biblioteca Angelo Monteverdi Orlando Furioso on line ... Indice - I Canti di Castelvecchio - Giovanni Pascoli

39. Tiscali - TV
Translate this page Das Drehbuch basiert auf der Autobiografie des Giacomo Girolamo Casanova,Chevalier des Seingalt (1725-1798) «Storia della mia vita».
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Gitarren, Schlag-

40. New French & Italian Books
Translate this page Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798. Giacomo Casanova e le ostetriche un capitolo distoria della medicina del 18. secolo. Torino Centro scientifico, 2000.
Abrame-Battesti, Isabelle. La citation et la reecriture dans la Divine
comedie de Dante. Alessandria : Edizioni dell'Orso, 1999. LOCATION = mai.
Adler, Laure. Marguerite Duras :a life. Chicago : University of Chicago
Press, 2000. LOCATION = mai. PQ2607.U8245 Z8 A451 2000. Apollinaire, Guillaume, 1880-1918. Flesh unlimited. [London?] : Creation,
2000. LOCATION = mai. PQ1276.E75 A661 2000. Battisti, Cesare. L'ultimo sparo :un "delinquente comune" nella guerriglia
italiana. Roma : DeriveApprodi, 1998. LOCATION = mai. PQ4862.A7588 U4 1998. Ben Jelloun, Tahar, 1944-Cette aveuglante absence de lumiere :roman. Paris
: Editions du Seuil, c2001. LOCATION = mai. PQ3989.2.J4 C48 2001. Bobbio, Norberto, 1909-De senectute e altri scritti autobiografici. Torino
: Einaudi, c1996. LOCATION = mai. JC265 .B593 1996. Boine, Giovanni, 1887-1917. Esperienza religiosa. Torino : N. Aragno, 2000.
LOCATION = mai. PQ4807.O46 E67 2000. Boisdeffre, Pierre de. George Sand a Nohant :sa vie, sa maison, ses voyages,
ses demeures. Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire : C. Pirot, c2000. LOCATION = mai. PQ2415
Bompiani, Ginevra, 1939-L'amorosa avventura di una pelliccia e di

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