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21. The Masters' Chamber Biographical information on horror movie directors John Carpenter, Peter Jackson and Wes Craven. http://houseofhorrors.com/masters.htm | |
22. AD HOC BIBLIO - INDEX AUTEURS LETTRE C Compilé Le 14/01/03 Carey, John C . Children and adolescents with neurofibromatosis Carlos, John Disabilitydue to restrictions in childhood epilepsy .a; Carpenter, Denise L http://www.cidg.com/~marienf/k/i/mia1c.htm | |
23. La Página De John Carpenter Biografa y completa infomaci³n de todas sus pelculas. http://members.tripod.com/~wazzo/Carp.html | |
24. The Definitive Film Resource: Directors: C: John Carpenter John Carpenter. (alphabetical order by last name) main A B C D E F G H IJ K L M NO PQ R S T UV W XZ. http://www.tdfilm.com/directors/dc/carpenter_john.html | |
25. My Genealogy William Ripley and John Carpenter descendants, message board, and links. http://www.ripsplace.net/123/ | |
26. The Definitive Film Resource: Directors: C Jack; Cardone, JS; Carle, Gilles; Carpenter, John; Carr, Steve; Bruno; Carroll, Willard;Carson, Christopher; Cassavetes, John; Cooper, Merian C. Coppola, Francis Ford; http://www.tdfilm.com/directors/dc/c-dir.html | |
27. Grace Hudson Museum, An Art, History, And Anthropology Museum Focuses on the work of artist Grace Carpenter Hudson and her ethnologist husband, Dr. John Hudson. http://www.gracehudsonmuseum.org | |
28. DVD > Carpenter John: Preise Und Angebote Bei Idealo Translate this page DVD-CHARTS - Carpenter John, Alle A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T UV W X Y Z. Platz, Bild, Film-Titel, Darsteller, Regie, Musik, Erschienen, Regio. http://www.dvd-idealo.de/DVD/_121R9L67_/Regie/Carpenter John.html | |
29. New Homes / Builders In Nashville, TN - John Carpenter Homes Company has selections of plans, but will build from submitted or modified plans. http://americanbuilders.com/jch/ | |
30. Boxoffice Magazine [BLOW Film Review] Show Biz Data, Results for the search 'John C'. THE HOURS ****. CHICAGO ***1/2.SONNY **. John Carpenter'S GHOSTS OF MARS ** Theatrical Release Date 8/24/2001. http://www.boxoff.com/scripts/getreviewhead.asp?terms=John C&where=Credits |
31. Halloween: O Site Brasileiro De Michael Myers Site inteiramente dedicado aos filmes da s©rie Halloween (de John Carpenter), capitaneados por Michael Myers! Artigos, trailers, entrevistas, fotos, informa§µes sobre todos os filmes. http://www.myers.cjb.net | |
32. Bomis: The Arts/Celebrities/C/Carpenter, John Ring Bomis The Arts/Celebrities/C/Carpenter, John ring. http://www.bomis.com/rings/Mc-carpenter_john-arts/ | |
33. Official Organious Home Page 3D Animated scifi adventure action movie by director John Carpenter. A film about a strange planet at the end of the universe and its inhabitants. http://www.organious.com | |
34. Bomis: The Arts/Celebrities/C/Carpenter, John Ring Welcome to the The Arts/Celebrities/C/Carpenter, John ring. The ring manager hasset these requirements for membership The links must be relevant to the topic! http://www.bomis.com/member/show_info?ring=Mc-carpenter_john-arts |
35. Infinite Coolness - They Live, Killer Klowns, 12 Monkeys, Hackers, Strange Days! Pictures, links, trailer and information about this John Carpenter cult classic. http://www.toptown.com/dorms/creedstonegate/movie/movie.htm | |
36. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Carpenter To Carper alternate). Burial location unknown. Carpenter, Ian C. Democrat. Delegateto 93. Burial location unknown. Carpenter, John, Jr. of Hunterdon http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/carpenter-carper.html | |
37. PROJECT GUTENBERG OFFICIAL HOME SITE -- Listing By AUTHOR John Carpenter. http://promo.net/cgi-promo/pg/cat.cgi?&label=ID&ftpsite=ftp://ibiblio.or |
38. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Authors > C Thomas, 17951881; Carpenter, Edward, 1844-; Carpenter, Edward, 1844-1929;Carpenter, John C. Carr, Annie Roe; Carrington, Hereward, 1880 http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat=Au |
39. HALLOWEEN Chat Transcripts Stars from the Halloween movies John Carpenter, Joe Chapelle, Daniel Farrands. http://www.halloweenmovies.com/ctrans.htm | |
40. Encyclopedia Titanica: Carpenter: John Maxwell Carpenter John Maxwell. Mr John Maxwell, 31, was born in Liverpool. He wason board the Titanic for her delivery trip from Belfast to Southampton. http://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/bio/c/d/maxwell.shtml | |
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