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21. Welcome To Health Canada Online Welcome to Health Canada Online. Health Canada is the federal department responsiblefor helping the people of Canada maintain and improve their health. http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/english/ | |
22. Canadian Universities - Universities In Canada - Canadian University Programs Site that helps you to decide what to study and find a job. Ideal for high school, university and college students and professionals seeking employment. http://campusprogram.com/canada/ | |
23. Scouting On Line / BC-Yukon Program information, policies, volunteering information, training. http://www.bc.scouts.ca/ |
24. Environment Canada's Green Lane Canadian government entity's vision is to see a Canada where people make responsible decisions about Category Science Environment Sustainability Community Sustainability......Environment Canada's Internet resource for weather and environmentalinformation. The Green Lane TM helps connect Canadians, exchange http://www.ec.gc.ca/envhome.html | |
25. CANADADAILY.COM - Canada News Canadawide directory of online newspapers listed by province and territory and additional media services. http://www.canadadaily.com/ | |
26. Canada Post - Postes Canada Translate this page votre choix. Entrez en français. To Government of Canada website.Vers le site web du gouvernement du Canada. English Français. http://www.canadapost.ca/splash.asp | |
27. Szczep PODHALE Polishlanguage Scouting association founded in Canada during the Communist era in Poland. http://www.podhale.ca/ | |
28. Canada NewsWire Full-text news releases with searchable archives for Canadian businesses and organizations.Category News Breaking News Official Press Releases...... A calendar listing of upcoming and archived events. Canada's firstrealtime online media directory. The CNW Breakfast Series is http://www.newswire.ca/ | |
29. Canada's Joint Task Force Two A brief description and history of the Canadian counterterrorist unit. http://www.blarg.net/~whitet/jtf2.htm | |
30. Transport Canada - Transports Canada http://www.tc.gc.ca/ | |
31. Professional Office Services Virtual Assistant offering a variety of office services. Based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. http://www.freeyellow.com/members8/prfoffsrvs | |
32. Industry Canada/Industrie Canada http://www.ic.gc.ca/ | |
33. Andrews Travelogues, Diaries And Photo Galleries Of Canada, British Columbia, Va Photo gallery and diary of a 1998 vacation. Highlights include the Rockies, Victoria and Vancouver. http://www.steemar.demon.co.uk/canada/ | |
34. Canadiana -- The Canadian Resource Page O Canada! Telephone number lookup; Business telephone lookup ( Yellow Pages). Also Canadian Statistics, from Statistics Canada. Travel and Tourism. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/clamen/misc/Canadiana/README.html | |
35. BPAC | Book Promoters Association Of Canada Association of inhouse and freelance book promoters, publicists, sales reps and marketers. http://www.bpacanada.org | |
36. Library And Archives Of Canada / Bibliothèque Et Archives Du Canada Preserves Canada's archival heritage through a wide variety of means publications, exhibitions, Category Reference Archives Government Canada...... http://www.archives.ca/ | |
37. TD Canada Trust Fullservice bank acquired by Toronto-Dominion Bank in Feb. 2000. Includes latest rates and quotes.Category Business Financial Services North America Canada......TD Canada Trust offers a variety of financial products and services for both personaland business customers including information on interest rates, tools http://www.canadatrust.com/ | |
38. Www.girlguides.ca WAGGGS member association. Offers nonformal education to girls. http://www.girlguides.ca/ | |
39. William Morris Society Listings, and free postings of Canadian events pertaining to William Morris, the Arts and Crafts Movement. Includes numerous links to informative sites dealing with Morris. http://www.morrissociety.org/ | |
40. Strategis: Canada's Business And Consumer Site Welcome to Strategis. Canada's Innovation Strategy. This product provides lists ofthe companies (with their geographical locations) importing goods into Canada. http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/engdoc/main.html | |
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