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61. F&P Browning, Robert all. Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Robert Browning (1812-1889). (Englishliterature). This file not available in English language. Please http://www.friends-partners.ru/literature/forlit/english/browning.html(opt,mozil | |
62. F&P Browning, Robert fiction. William Faulkner. Robert Browning (1812-1889). (Englishliterature). This file not available in English language. Please http://www.friends-partners.ru/literature/forlit/english/browning.html(opt,mozil | |
63. Poetry 1861) Beban, Richard Belfiore, M. Blake, William (17571827) Bliss, Curtis NehringBrinck, Tom Bromige, David Browning, Robert (1812-1889) Bukowski, Charles http://www.csh.rit.edu/~cyke/poetry.html |
64. LBCC Library--Poetry the screen for words like works, selected works, collected works or completeworks following the name of the author as in, Browning, Robert, 18121889. http://lib.lbcc.edu/handouts/POETRY.html | |
65. Teoma Search: Robert Browning Robert Browning 18121889 www.english114.com/ Credits and feedback. Robert Browning(1812-1889) English poet, noted for his mastery of dramatic monologue. http://s.teoma.com/search?q=Robert Browning |
66. LitSearch: An Online Literary Database Browning, Robert (18121889) Works by this author Blot In The 'Scutcheon,A Introduction To The Study Of Robert Browning's Poetry, An. http://daily.stanford.edu/litsearch/servlet/DescribeAuthor?name=Browning, Robert |
67. ORTHOPEDICS Robert Browning (18121889). Robert Browning, who achieved burial in WestminsterAbbey, was the son of a London bank clerk and a Scottish mother. http://www.orthobluejournal.com/0900/9blue.asp | |
68. Classic Poetry Selection 1855) BronteEmily Jane (1818-1848) Bronte-Anne (1820-1849) Brooke-Rupert (1887-1915)Browning-Elizabeth (1806-1861) Browning-Robert (1812-1889) Bunyon-John http://www.merelake.com/luscombe/poets/ |
69. Robert Browning Robert Browning (18121889), A nagy romantikus angol nemzedék költoinek- Byron, Shelley, Keats - halálától a XIX. század http://www.hmg.hu/irok/real/browning.htm | |
70. Literary Links: Beyond The MLA Biography Brooks, Gwendolyn, 1917. Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 1806-1861. Browning,Robert, 1812-1889. Burroughs, John, 1837-1921. Byron, George Gordon, 1788-1824. http://fb14.uni-mainz.de/author/biobib.html | |
71. Aaron Kramer Audiotapes Collection Mickiewicz, Adam, 17981855. Kramer, Aaron, b.1921. 184. Browning, Robert, 1812-1889. 3.75ips. mono. Rebroadcast May 3, 1967. Browning, Robert, 1812-1889. http://www.sunysb.edu/library/mc326.htm | |
72. The Pied Piper Of Hamelin By Robert Browning: Bibliographical Record The Pied Piper of Hamelin Bibliographical Record. From OCLC WorldCatACCESSION 5005935 AUTHOR Browning, Robert, 18121889. TITLE http://www.indiana.edu/~librcsd/etext/piper/bib.html | |
73. Digtere - Kalliope B Blake, William (17571827) Brooke, Rupert (1887-1915) Browning, Elizabeth Barrett(1806-1861) Browning, Robert (1812-1889) Burns, Robert (1759-1796) Byron http://www.kalliope.org/poets.cgi?list=az&sprog=uk |
74. ¿µ¹®ÇÐ Browning, Elizabeth Barrett ( 1806 1861 ). Browning, Robert ( 1812- 1889 ). Buck, Pearl ( 1892 - 1973 ). Bunyan, John ( 1628 - 1688 ). http://www.english114.com/eds/edseli/ | |
75. ELibrary.com - The Hutchinson Dictionary Of The Arts 01-01-1998, ELibrary Is The Provides a biography and a guide to the author's works in relation to politics, religion, science, politics and gender. http://redirect-west.inktomi.com/click?u=http://ask.elibrary.com/getdoc.asp%3Fpu |
76. Author : Robert Browning @ Alto Poetry poetry. All's Right With The World (by Robert Browning (1812 1889)) The yearsat the spring; The day's at the morn; Morning's at seven continue reading. http://www.altopoetry.com/author/robert-browning/index-1.html | |
77. Robert & Elizabeth Barrett Browning (in MARION) Robert Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Title Robert ElizabethBarrett Browning audio cassette how do I love thee? Author http://www.ccpl.org/MARION/ABV-9763 | |
78. Crouse Autograph Collection - Search Results Browning, Robert (1812 1889) English Poet. Born in Camberwell(a suburb of London) England. He is most noted for his Sonnets http://crouse.cromaine.org/SearchResults.asp?termID=3 |
79. Robert Browning Annotated profile.Category Arts Literature Authors B Browning, Robert......Robert The Obscure Browning 1. (1812 1889). Robert Browning was born 7 May 1812,first child and only son of Robert Browning and Sarah Wiedemann Browning. http://www.incompetech.com/authors/rbrowning/ | |
80. Robert Browning's The Pied Piper Of Hamelin (in MARION) Robert Browning's The Pied Piper of Hamelin. Title Robert Browning'sThe Pied Piper of Hamelin / illustrations by Bud Peen. Uniform http://js-catalog.cpl.org:60100/MARION/AHL-8134 | |
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