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Home - Book_Author - Brown William Wells |
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81. Slavery And Early African-American Contributions Through The Autobiography of William Wells Brown born and raised a slave but who when freed devotedhis life to the abolitionist movement (1815 1884). Winter, Jeannette. http://inquiryunlimited.org/stand/genres/slavecontrib.html | |
82. My STAGG Genealogical Database James Marvin Wells (19141960). Florence Day Brown (1937-), Ada Bird Ruth Esther CLIFTON(1893-1935). William Henry FOSTER (1931-), Mary Ann GRANBERRY (1856-1907). http://www.geocities.com/cr_stagg/database/famloc18.htm | |
83. I4657: Edward BAKER (____ - 16 MAR 1686/87) Jonathan Wells. Family 2 Samuel BELDEN MARRIAGE 25 Jun 1678. _William WILCOX+ _Amos WILCOX _ _Elizabeth Brown _ _Clarissa William PARSONS. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/3083/d0003/g0000058.html | |
84. Michaels Genealogy Hezekiah Brown Wife Rachael PRINDLE _ _Robert Wells _+ _PrudenceWells _ _Elizabeth Father William W. TRACY Mother Mary Bartlett http://www.shel.net/shel/genealogy/d0001/g0000016.html | |
85. A To Z List In $ 3 India General, 18111815, and South India Mission, 1815-1884 24 reels CLOTEL byWilliam Wells Brown An Electronic Scholarly Edition An On-Line publication http://www.adam-matthew-publications.co.uk/ATOZUS.HTM | |
86. INDEX Brown. Ada Wells (1870 ) Arthur Thomas Elizabeth (1852- ) Lillian Sarah Norah Emmeline StanleyArthur (1895-1933) Susannah Wilfred Laurence William (1836-1911) http://fp.raylong.plus.com/mills/fowndx.html | |
87. INDEX Brown. Wells. Arthur Clifford ( ) James E. (1844-1886) James J. ( - ) Luvica ( -) Marietta (1869- ) Squire (1866- ) William ( - ) Wetzel. Telia M. (1878-1930) http://www.familyorigins.com/users/o/s/k/Richard-D-Oskins/FAMO1-0001/fowndx.htm | |
88. Tulsa City-County Library /All Locations 1998 1 Brown V Board Of Education National Historic Site Topeka Kan 3 Brown W WellsWilliam Wells 1815 1884 See Brown William Wells 1815 1884 1 Brown http://opac.tulsalibrary.org:90/kids/6,992/search/dBrown, Warren, 1948-/dbrown w | |
89. Norwalk Public Library 1 Brown W Dean 2000 1 Brown W Norman William Norman 1892 1975 1972 1 Brown W WellsWilliam Wells 1815 1884 See Brown William Wells 1815 1884 1 Brown, William F. (William Ferdinand), 1 | |
90. INDEX Wells. 18581910) Robert B. (1824-1879) Sarah Bucklin (1849- ) William (1812-) William(1848-) Mary (1650-1663) Mary Frances (1874-1952) Phebe Brown (1843-1910) http://www.bucklinsociety.net/Web_jbs20920/fowndx2.htm |
91. History On-Line VI Missions to India Part 2 South India Mission, 18151884 20 reels of Clotel ByWilliam Wells Brown An Electronic Scholarly Edition An online publication. http://www.ihrinfo.ac.uk/ihr/Resources/Books/adammatthew4.html | |
92. The Golden Age Of Ironwork 1944) (1111), 206 Brooklyn Bridge IX Brown Day 1929) (6-1), 124, 169 Sellers,Horace Wells (1857-1933 7), (f-8), XVI, XVII Siemens, Sir William 57 Sigma http://www.bookmasters.com/skipjack/rr006.htm | |
93. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Index - Brown, William Copyright© 19711998 Project Gutenberg PROMO.NET - All rights reserved.Web Site Designed and Administered by Pietro Di Miceli http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_brown_william_wells_.ht |
94. African-American Authors Harriet E. Wilson c.18081870 Harriet Ann Jacobs, 1813-1897 William WellsBrown, 1815-1884 Frederick Douglass, 1818-1995 Alice Cary, 1820-1871 http://www.jochenbast.de/links/literature/minorities/african/african.htm | |
95. Journal 04-06-02 think Clotel certainly does display a complex depth. More about WilliamWells Brown, 18151884, and his history, writings, etc. http://www.reed.edu/~howenstd/journal11.html | |
96. Syllabus Builder, Version 2.0: Instructor's Guide For The Heath Anthology Of Ame Harriet Beecher Stowe (18111896). Herman Melville (1819-1891). William WellsBrown (1815-1884). Alice Cary (1820-1871). Elizabeth Stoddard (1823-1902). http://www.georgetown.edu/faculty/bassr/heath/syllabuild/iguide/home.html | |
97. Fayette County Kentucky Surname Resources These include Henry Clay and Lucretia Hart, James Erwin and Anne Brown Clay, ThomasHart and Susanna Gray, Samuel Hinds and Jane Francis, William Shepherd and http://www.rootsweb.com/~kyfayett/surname.htm | |
98. Fayette County Kentucky African-American Family History Resources Individuals Kate Dudley Baumont, ExSlave WPA Narrative Mary Britton William WellsBrown, 1815-1884 James McNeil, Emancipation of Slaves (Will 1864) Joseph http://www.rootsweb.com/~kyfayett/african.htm | |
99. Classic Book Title Index, Plays, Religious Manuscripts, Historic Documents, And Reilly, AJ (Augustine J.) Amateur Cracksman, The, by Hornung, EW (Ernest William),18661921 1860-1946 Ann Veronica, A Modern Love story, by Wells, HG (Herbert http://classicscopy.com/titlesindex.htm | |
100. Genealogy - Genealogy Search Ellen 1817 1881 Teacher 10 HMS 197 Brown Lydia 1 1795 1871 Teacher 1 1820 1834 1819Wells, Nancy 1791 3 HMS 199 Shipman William 1Vitals 1824 1861 Minister Ind http://www.genealogy.org/~jrd/j__haw.htm | |
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