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41. New Books 2503405010 Main Library 2219214X Go to catalogue record. BR 65.A8 Augustine,Saint, Bishop of Hippo. BR 65.A8 Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. http://www.bham.ac.uk/is/newbooks/mlnewbooks1.htm | |
42. Augustine Of Hippo - Wikipedia of the current Bishop), and remained as Bishop in Hippo led him to be designatedthe patron Saint of Regular Augustine died in 430 during the siege of Hippo http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augustine_of_Hippo | |
43. Augustine, Saint Augustine, Saint , Lat. Aurelius Augustinus, 354430, one of the four Latin Fathers,Bishop of Hippo (near presentday Annaba, Algeria), b. Tagaste (c. 40 mi http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0805328.html | |
44. Lives Of The Saints, August 28, Saint Augustine St. John 2029. Saint Augustine Bishop of Hippo and Doctor of the Church(354430). Saint Augustine was born in 354 at Tagaste in Africa. http://magnificat.ca/cal/engl/08-28.htm | |
45. Catalogue Of The Catholic Central Library Saint Augustine, Bishop and Doctor a historical study. BURTON, Philip, CM. ClassB. Shelf AUG HIP. xi, 424p., front. (map). Augustine OF Hippo, Saint. http://www.catholic-library.org.uk/catalogue/subject_title.asp?subject=AUGUSTINE |
46. Catalogue Of The Catholic Central Library The antiPelagian works of Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo Augustine OF Hippo,Saint. Class 281.1. Shelf AUG/ DOD. AcNo 10431. vol. 1 tr by Peter Holmes. http://www.catholic-library.org.uk/catalogue/subject_title.asp?subject=PELAGIANI |
47. Saint Augustine Of Hippo a priest in 391, and became Bishop of Hippo Regius in As a Bishop Augustine had manydebates with Donatists and followers Some wise words from Saint Augustine. http://www.geocities.com/augustineiscute/_Saint_Augustine.html | |
48. Accessions 1/31/03 Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. Saint Augustine's memory / introduction andcommentary by Garry Wills. (Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. Confessiones. http://www.mtholyoke.edu/lits/library/about/accessions/013103.shtml | |
49. LIFETEEN - SAINT OF THE WEEK He went on to become Bishop of Hippo in 395 AD and led the Augustine was one of manykilled. Factoids Not only was his mentor a Saint, but his mother as well http://www.lifeteen.org/SaintOfTheWeek.asp?Action=View&ID=51 |
50. BIO: Augustine Of Hippo August 28, Saint Day of After his conversion, Augustine went back to his nativeAfrica in 387 he was ordained a priest in 391 and consecrated Bishop of Hippo http://www.hillsdale.edu/dept/Phil&Rel/Biography/08/28.html | |
51. New Materials BR65.A5 E53 1990. Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. Works of Saint Augustine a. Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. St. Augustine on marriage and. sexuality. http://www.mtso.edu/library/newbooks.htm | |
52. HistoryCenter.net Augustine returned to Africa to become Bishop of Hippo. Saint Augustine was oneof the foremost philosophertheologians of early Christianity and the http://www.historycenter.net/religion-detail1.asp?ID=253&TimeZone=4 |
53. The College Of Saint Augustine Augustine became the patron Saint of brewers because of his Augustine was baptizedby Bishop Ambrose during easter vigil as an assistant to the Bishop of Hippo http://www.sca.org.au/st_augustine/history.html | |
54. Bibliography On St. Augustine's Moral Thought Augustine, Saint Bishop of Hippo, and RW Dyson. Meagher, Robert E., Augustine, Bishopof Hippo Saint, Selections, and English. An Introduction to Augustine. http://libnt2.lib.tcu.edu/staff/bellinger/60023/bib_on_st_augustine.htm | |
55. Saint Augustine - EBooks - Coming Soon! He experienced the reality of Christ living in his own soul.' Saint Augustine,the celebrated theologian who served as Bishop of Hippo from AD 396 until his http://www.ebookmall.com/alpha-authors/Saint-Augustine.htm | |
56. Directory :: Look.com CoptNet Saint Augustine Coptic Synexarion profile of St. Augustine,Bishop of Hippo, Doctor of the Church. Island of Freedom St. http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=101285 |
57. New Acquisitions List For Theology - July 2001 Augustine, Saint, Bishop OF Hippo. Augustine political writings / editedby EM Atkins and RJ Dodaro. Augustine, Saint, Bishop OF Hippo. http://www.nd.edu/~colldev/acqlist/theo/2001/theojul01.htm | |
58. Duc De Berry - Folio 37v Painting from the Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry. With commentary.Category Society Religion and Spirituality...... miter that symbolizes his future office of Bishop of Hippo miter of the archhishopof Milan, Saint Ambrose pours the haptismal water over Augustine's head http://www.christusrex.org/www2/berry/f37v.html | |
59. Encyclopædia Britannica also called Saint Augustine of Hippo, original Latin name Aurelius Augustinus feastday August 28, Bishop of Hippo from 396 to 430, one of the Latin Fathers of http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=117170 |
60. Journal Of Early Christian Studies, Volume 7 - Table Of Contents Subjects Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. Confessiones. ReviewerCavadini, John C. Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. Dolbeau http://www.press.jhu.edu/journals/earl/toc/earl7.1.html | |
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