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         Asquith Margot:     more detail
  1. An autobiography by Margot (1864-1945) Asquith, 1920-01-01
  2. More Memories, by Margot Oxford; with twelve plates by Margot (1864-1945) Asquith, 1933-01-01
  3. An autobiography ... by Asquith. Margot. 1864-1945, 1920-01-01
  4. An autobiography ... by Asquith. Margot. 1864-1945, 1920-01-01
  5. An autobiography ... by Asquith. Margot. 1864-1945, 1920-01-01
  6. The autobiography of Margot Asquith Margot Asquith. by Oxford and Asquith. Margot Asquith. countess of. 1864-1945., 1920-01-01

21. Historical Manuscripts Commission | National Register Of Archives | Search The N
GB/NNAF/P918, Explain this entry. Asquith, Emma Alice Margaret (18641945) neeTennant, generally known as Margot, wife of 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith,

1. Herbert Henry Asquith First Earl of Oxford and Asquith, Prime Minister* (18521928) Emma Margaret Margot TENNANT (1864-1945) 2. William Willans
ENGLAND: Saint Peter, Leeds, Yorkshire>Ramsden Street Independent, Huddersfield, Yorkshire - Circa 1730 to Present
MIDGELEY HOWARTH Elizabeth WILLANS* (1795-) GREENWOOD Doctor (1802-1862) PEARSON Helen May "Maisie" PEARSON DYER Brig. General (1861-1938) My direct ancestors appear in bold lettering.
*Indicates that this person was married more than once.
Howarth Family Genealogy Forum Our list of Willans wills abstracts from Yorkshire Thanks to Karen Turner! Return to Surnames Page Go to Genealogy Links Page Return to Homepage Researching the same name? Are you related? E-mail VAL! This page last updated May 3, 2001. This FREE homepage hosted by

Kelsall MELLAND (18541891) 1. Herbert Henry Asquith First Earl* (1852-1928) Emma Alice Margaret (Margot) TENNANT (1864-1945) 2. William Willans
Saint Peter, Leeds, Yorkshire>Ramsden Street Independent, Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England
Circa 1770 to Circa 1969
Elizabeth WILLANS* (1795-) My direct ancestors appear in bold lettering.
* Indicates that this person was married more than once. Return to Genealogy Page Return to Homepage This FREE homepage hosted by

24. Classic Literature, Titles, Authors, Birthdates
1568. Asquith, Margot,, Margot Asquith, An Autobiography,, 18641945.Astor, John Jacob,, Journey In Other Worlds, A,, 1763-1848. Atherton

25. The T Is Silent, As In Harlow
Photograph ©MMII Austin Burbridge. All rights reserved. The t is silent,as in Harlow. Margot Asquith (Countess of Oxford and Asquith) 18641945.
The t is silent, as in Harlow
Margot Asquith (Countess of Oxford and Asquith) 1864-1945. To Jean Harlow , who had been mispronouncing her name, quoted in T. S. Matthews in Great Tom chapter 7. 1973 September 2002 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Aug Oct The Pillow Book Shop Sprezzatura ... AUSTIN Tue, 01 Apr 2003 04:25:41 GMT ISSN Login GeoURL Search Now: When you shop Amazon through this link, you support

26. OUP USA: ToC: Women's Writing On The First World War
The War Begins 1. Three Ways Home, Sheila KayeSmith (1887-1956) 2. Fraülein Schwartz,Radclyffe Hall (1993-1943) 3. War, Margot Asquith (1864-1945) 4. Spies
Women's Writing on the First World War
Edited by Agnes Cardinal, Dorothy Goldman, and Judith Hattaway
Part I: The War Begins
1. Three Ways Home, Sheila Kaye-Smith (1887-1956)
Radclyffe Hall (1993-1943)

3. War, Margot Asquith (1864-1945)
4. Spies!, Lena Christ (1881-1920)
5. Katrin Becomes a Soldier, Adrienne Thomas (1897-1920)
6. In Germany, Hilda M. Freeman (born c.1890)
7. Christmas 1914, E. Sylvia Pankhurst (1882-1960) 8. Letter to William Butler Yeats, Maude Gonne (1866-1953) Part II: The War Observed 9. La Pharmacienne, Dorothy Canfield (1879-1958) 10. The Cordite Makers, Rebecca West (1892-1983) 11. A Woman in the Midst of War, M. A. St Clair Stobart (?-1954) 12. May Sinclair (1863-1946) 13. A Frenchwomans Notes on the War, Claire de Pratz (?-1916?) 14. Senlis, Cicely Mary Hamilton (1872-1952) 15. Travels in Wartime, 16. In Berlin, May Boyle O'Reilly (1873-1937) 17. A Night in a German Munitions Factory, 18. On the Edge of the War Zone, Mildred Aldrich (1853-1928) Part III: The War Comes Home 19. The Folk-Lore of the War

27. Other
Katharine Bement Davis; Margot Asquith, 18641945 (Great Britain);Edith Bolling Galt Wilson, 1872-1961 (USA); Another profile; Another
Distinguished Women of Past and Present
First Page
Name Index Subject Index Related Sites ... Search Search: Books Popular Music Classical Music Video Enter keywords...
Born Before 20th Century:

28. Catalogue Of The Papers Of Emma Alice Margaret (Margot) Asquith,
Elizabeth) Asquith (Emma Alice Margaret) Countess of Oxford and Asquith, 18641945 153Asquith (Margot) see Asquith (Emma Alice Margaret) Asquith (Raymond) 1878
Catalogue of the papers of Emma Alice Margaret (Margot) Asquith, Countess of Oxford and Asquith, 1862-1945
University of Oxford, Bodleian Library
Elizabeth Turner
Department of Special Collections and Western Manuscripts Bodleian Library Broad Street Oxford United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 1865 277046 Fax: +44 (0) 1865 277182 E-mail:
Papers of Emma Alice Margaret (Margot) Asquith, Countess of Oxford and Asquith, 1862-1945
Correspondence and papers of Margot Asquith, Countess of Oxford and Asquith, with correspondence and papers of other members of her family, 1862-1945
Shelfmarks: MSS. Eng. c. 6665-6720, c. 6729; d. 3198-3218, d. 3262-3319; e. 3256-7, e. 3280-92; Photogr. c. 120-1, e. 11
Biographical History
Emma Alice Margaret (Margot) Asquith was born in 1864, the sixth daughter of Scots parents Emma and Charles Tennant. Her father 'an exceptionally enterprising and farseeing man of business' (DNB), became very wealthy, and developed a taste for collecting fine art and porcelain. He was a Member of Parliament from 1879 until 1886, and created a baronet in 1885. In 1853 he bought an estate in Peeblesshire, Scotland and enlarged the house The Glen, which was to become the family home in which Margot spent her youth. She received a very limited education from a governess, and recalled 'It was only because my father had a fine library and we were fond of reading that I learned anything before I was sixteen' (

29. Catalogue Of The Papers Of Elizabeth, Lady Lewis (1844-1931) And
Includes groups of letters from Margot Asquith, Sir James Barrie, Sir Max 14 Asquith(Emma Alice Margaret) Countess of Oxford and Asquith, 18641945 Letters to
Catalogue of the papers of Elizabeth, Lady Lewis (1844-1931) and the Lewis family, 1849-1982
University of Oxford, Bodleian Library
T.D. Rogers
Department of Special Collections and Western Manuscripts Bodleian Library Broad Street Oxford United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 1865 277152 Fax: +44 (0) 1865 277187 E-mail:
Conversion to EAD supported by the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation
Catalogue of the papers of Elizabeth, Lady Lewis (1844-1931) and the Lewis family, 1849-1982
Papers of the Lewis family, 19th-20th cent., mainly letters to Elizabeth, Lady Lewis (1844-1931)
Shelfmarks: Dep. c. 831-53, d. 840, e. 393
Scope and Content
Papers of the Lewis family, 19th-20th cent., mainly letters to: Elizabeth, Lady Lewis (1844-1931), with a few to her husband Sir George Lewis, 1st Bart. (1833-1911); to one of their daughters, Katherine Elizabeth Lewis (d. 1961), with a few to their son Sir George Lewis, 2nd Bart. (1868-1927); and to their grand-daughter Elizabeth Lewis, later Wansbrough (d. 1995). Many of the letters are undated; some can be dated from the postmark on the envelope, but several letters were kept in the wrong envelopes; most of Paderewski's and Whistler's letters had become separated from their envelopes. Bequeathed by Elizabeth Wansbrough to Ampleforth Abbey; deposited by Ampleforth Abbey, 1996.

30. Famous Borderers
Margot Asquith, NEE TENNENT (18641945) Born in Peeblesshire the 11th child of Sir Charles Tennant, MP. In 1894 she married Liberal
Clans Tartans History Travel ... Feedback Scottish Borders History
Famous Borderers
This listing acknowledges famous Borderers and lesser known names,
who nevertheless have made their mark nationally and internationally
JOHN AINSLIE (1745-1828)
Born in Jedburgh and was buried in Jedburgh Abbey. Notable Achievement: Described as Scotland's greatest cartographer. both for the quality and quantity of his work. He produced many maps of Scottish counties and private estates, and is chiefly known for his large map of Scotland on nine sheets published in 1789 for which he carried out extensive new surveys. His publications included "An Atlas of the World" (1782) and the text "Comprehensive treatise of Land Surveying Comprising the Theory and Practice of all its Branches" (1812). Plaque: marble tablet in the south transept of Jedburgh Abbey. JOHN ARMSTRONG (1709-1779)
Physician and Poet, bore in Liddesdale. The son of a minister, he took his MD in Edinburgh in 1732 and went and went into practice in London. Notable Achievement : In 1736 he published "Oeconomy of Love", a sex manual in blank verse for newly weds. In 1746 he was appointed physician to the London Soldiers Hospital and from 1760-1763 was physician to the forces in Germany.

Margot Asquith (18641945). In marriage there are no manners tokeep up, and beneath the wildest accusations no real criticism.
Some Humorous...Some Profound
"Fight Naked"
The Bride's Grandmother
"I have great hopes that we shall love each other all our lives as much as if we had never married at all."
Lord Byron (1788-1824)
"A man in love is incomplete until he has married-then he's finished."
Zsa Zsa Gabor
"To marry a man out of pity is folly; and, if you think you are going to influence the kind of fellow who has "never had a chance, poor devil," you are profoundly mistaken. One can only influence the strong characters in life, not the weak; and it is the height of vanity to suppose that you can make an honest man of anyone."
Margot Asquith (1864-1945)
"In marriage there are no manners to keep up, and beneath the wildest accusations no real criticism. Each is familiar with that ancient child in the other who may erupt again. . . . We are not ridiculous to ourselves. We are ageless. That is the luxury of the wedding ring."
Enid Bagnold (1889-1981)
"The curse, which lies upon marriage, is that too often the individuals are joined in their weakness rather than in their strength-each asking from the other instead of finding pleasure in giving."

32. William Butler Yeats Collection
Box 42, 133. Asquith, Margot, 18641945. Box 42. Asquith, Margot, Countess of Oxfordand Asquitha See Asquith, Margot, 1864-1945. Atkinson, George. Box 132.
State University of New York at Stony Brook
University Libraries
West Campus
William Butler Yeats Microfilmed Manuscripts Collection Bottom Library Homepage Yeats Guide Special Collections Index of Correspondents Numbers refer to box numbers ( not to page number). A box number followed by an asterisk (*) indicates that a letter by that particular correspondent has been attached to or is an enclosure with other correspondence. In addition, please consult the Index to Box List. Most of the order names and mottoes (in capitals) have been drawn from George Mills Harper, Yeats's Golden Dawn
  • [ ], Adda. Box 111.
  • [ ], Dause. Box 113.
  • [ ], Else. Box 120.
  • [ ], Michael. Box 118.
  • [ ], Olga. Box 111.
  • [ ], Rene. Box 120.
  • AE See Russell, George William, 1867-1935.
  • A.H. See Horniman, Annie Elizabeth Frederika, 1861-1937.
  • See
  • Abbey Theatre. Box 45*, 132, 133.
    • See also Blythe, Ernest; Ervine, St. John Grier; Gorman, Eric; Gregory, Lady; Higgins, F.R.; Keogh, J. Augustus; Monck, Nugent; O'Donovan] Donovan, Michael; Robinson, Lennox; Starkie, Walter; Wilson, A. Patrick; Wright, Udolphus; Yeats, William Butler.
  • Aberdeen and Temair, Marquis.

33. A Celebration Of Women Writers: 1901 - 2000
1966); Asquith, Margot (1864-1945) ; Papers Margot Asquith, An Autobiography(Gutenberg text; unofficial until 31 Aug 2003). Assaad

34. A Celebration Of Women Writers: A Listings
19081984); Ashur, Radwa (1946-); Askan, Katrin (1966-); Askew, Anne(1521-1546); Asquith, Margot (1864-1945) ; Papers Margot Asquith

35. Book People: Additions To The IPL Online Texts Collection 01-17-02;idno=Wright2-0150 Dewey Subjects248 Christian Experience, Practice, Life Asquith, Margot, 1864-1945.,2.html
Book People Archive
Additions to the IPL Online Texts Collection 01-17-02
  • From:
  • Subject: Additions to the IPL Online Texts Collection 01-17-02
  • Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 18:41:32 -0500

Riordan. 295 Oxford and Asquith, Margot Asquith, countess of, 18641945.ALS, France 1928 Mar 19 Parker, Garrett Co., firm, London.

37. National Portrait Gallery A-Z Of Portrait Sitters (O)
28 portraits. Emma (Margot), Countess of Oxford and Asquith (18641945), Societyhostess. 22 portraits. Robert Dickinson Oxland (1889-1959), Air vice-marshal.
Sitter Artist Portrait
Sitters A to Z A B C D ... N O P Q R S ...
Sir Charles John Oakeley, 5th Bt
(1862-1938), Justice of the Peace. 7 portraits.
(died 1839), Artist; wife of Sir Charles Oakeley, Bt. 1 portrait.
Sir Herbert Stanley Oakeley
(1830-1903), Composer. 1 portrait.
Sir Hildebrand Oakes
(1754-1822), Lieutenant-General. 3 portraits.
Philip Oakey
(1955-), Pop musician; member of 'The Human League'. 1 portrait.
Alfred James Oakley
(1880-1959), Sculptor. 3 portraits.
Sylvia Oakley
, Actress. 7 portraits.
Thomas Oakley
(1879-1936), MP. 1 portrait.
Brian Robertson, 1st Baron Robertson of Oakridge
(1869-1974), General. 2 portraits. Richard Oastler (1789-1861), Reformer. 1 portrait. Lawrence Edward Grace Oates (1880-1912), Antarctic explorer. 1 portrait. Simon Oates , Actor. 1 portrait. Titus Oates (1649-1705), Informer. 5 portraits. Thomas Lewis O'Beirne (1748-1823), Bishop of Meath. 1 portrait. Merle Oberon (Estelle Merle O'Brien Thompson) (1917-1979), Film actress. 2 portraits. Patrick O'Brian (Richard Patrick Russ) (1914-2000), Novelist. 1 portrait.

38. ƒƒŒƒ“ƒX‚Ɠǂޏ—«ì‰ÆEŽ™“¶•¶ŠwEƒLƒŠƒXƒg‹�
1928) Margot Asquith(Emma Alice Margaret Asquith/Countessof Oxford and Asquith/?·? 18641945)?4
INDEX ‰p‘ ¢ŠE •§E‰¢B —«EŽ™“¶E
”ª–Ø’J—ÁŽq Last Updated 17 OCT. 2001
¦u‘ ‘ƒŠƒXƒgv‚Ƃ́A T. E. LAWRENCE BY HIS FRIENDS ‚ÉŒfÚ‚³‚ꂽ "BOOKS AT CLOUDS HILL" ‚ðŽw‚µ‚Ü‚·B ƒOƒŒƒCƒ”ƒY‚̘_•] ‰p‘—« ‚kEƒ‰ƒCƒfƒBƒ“ƒO ƒAƒƒŠƒJ—« ... ŽQl•¶Œ£
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ƒI[ƒhƒD[ 1911”N‚É“Ç‚ñ‚¾ì•i‚Í Marguerite Audouxi ƒI[ƒhƒD[ 1863-1937j‚Ì (1910)‚ƁA‚»‚Ì‘±•Ò
Doughty ‚̍ì•i‚Æ“¯ŽžŠú‚É“Ç‚ñ‚¾ƒƒŒƒ“ƒX‚́Ai“–‘R‚È‚ª‚çHjuDoughty ‚Æ‚Í“¯—ñ‚É’u‚¯‚È‚¢v(DG, p.125) ‚ƃRƒƒ“ƒg‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚éB ‰p‘
ƒ”ƒ@ƒCƒIƒŒƒbƒgEƒNƒŠƒtƒgƒ“ Žl Christina Georgina Rossettii ƒNƒŠƒXƒeƒBƒiEƒƒZƒbƒeƒB 1830-94j‚ÌŽW‚Qû‚ªƒƒŒƒ“ƒX‚Ì‘ ‘ƒŠƒXƒg‚É‚ ‚éB‚Pû‚Í1906”N”Å‚Ì Verses, reprinted from G. Polidori's edition of 1847

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simple steps easily. w Lord Birkenhead is very clever butsometimes his brains go to his head. Margot Asquith(1864-1945)

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