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1. Roald Amundsen (1872-1928?) Roald Amundsen knew from a very young age that he wanted to be a polar explorer. Learn more about Amundsen as he prepared himself for such adventures as well as what it was like to be on them. The Life of Roald Amundsen. Why did Amundsen study medicine when Britannica.com Roald Amundsen. A very good, short overview of http://history1900s.about.com/cs/amundsenroald | |
2. Antarctic Explorers: Roald Amundsen De bekende poolonderzoeker Roald Engelbregt Amundsen (18721928) werd geboren in Borge in Noorwegen. Amundsen brak vroegtijdig zijn studie medicijnen af om mee te kunnen gaan met de Belgische zuidpoolexpeditie http://www.south-pole.com/p0000101.htm | |
3. Amundsen, Roald, 1872-1928. Correspondence With Fredrik Herman Gade: Guide. bMS Nor 2 Amundsen, Roald, 18721928. Correspondence with FredrikHerman Gade Guide. Container List. Amundsen, Roald, 1872-1928. http://oasis.harvard.edu/html/hou01243.html | |
4. Amundsen, Roald, 1872-1928. Correspondence With Fredrik Herman Gade: Guide. No Frames Version. http://oasis.harvard.edu/html/hou01243frames.html | |
5. AMUNDSEN, Roald (1872-1928):, Die Jagd Nach Dem Nordpol. Mit Dem Flugzeug Zum 88 Translate this page Harteveld Rare Books Ltd. Amundsen, Roald (1872-1928) Die Jagd nach dem Nordpol.Mit dem Flugzeug zum 88. Breitengrad. Berlin, Ullstein, 1928. gr. http://www.polybiblio.com/hrbchfr/32423.html | |
6. AMUNDSEN, Roald (1872-1928):, Au Pôle Sud. Expedition Du "FRAM" 1910-1912. Adap http://www.polybiblio.com/hrbchfr/44552.html | |
7. WIEM: Amundsen Roald Amundsen Roald (18721928), norweski badacz polarny, najwikszy odkrywca czasów nowoytnych. 1897-1899 uczestniczy w belgijskiej wyprawie http://www.encyklopedia.pl/wiem/000a4f.html | |
8. Loading L4U IPAC Subject(s), ART APPRECIATION STUDY AND TEACHING. Roald Amundsen (1872-1928)(V0301). Material Type, VIDEO TAPE. Grade Level, SECONDARY. http://drc.sd62.bc.ca/DT000130.HTM | |
9. Loading L4U IPAC V0303) NORTHWEST PASSAGE (JD0022) COLUMBUS AND THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA (JD0007)EXPLORERS Series (S0058) Roald Amundsen (1872-1928) (V0301) JEDEDIAH STRONG http://drc.sd62.bc.ca/BROWSE/31000004.HTM | |
10. Amundsen - Ses Différentes Expéditions Translate this page Roal Amundsen (1872-1928) C'est très exactement le 30 mai 1889 que naîtpour Roald Amundsen la vocation d'être explorateur polaire. http://www.transpolair.com/explorateurs/amundsen/ | |
11. Amundsen Roald Amundsen (18721928) poserer i fotograf Nyblins studio i KarlXIItes gate. 5 i Christiania iført fullt polarutstyr. Bildet http://www.nb.no/html/roald_amundsen.html | |
12. Miscellaneous Items In High Demand: Subjects: 20 Amulets19301940. Amundsen, Roald,1872-1928. Amundsen, Roald,1872-1928Animals pets. Amundsen, Roald,1872-1928Journeys. http://memory.loc.gov/pp/cphSubjects20.html | |
13. AbsoluteFacts.nl - Roald Engelbregt Amundsen (1872-1928) Roald Amundsen. De bekende poolonderzoeker Roald Engelbregt Amundsen(18721928) werd geboren in Borge in Noorwegen. Amundsen brak http://www.absofacts.com/wetenschap/data/amundsenroald.shtml | |
14. WIEM: Amundsen Roald (encyklopedia.pl)Category World Polska Leksykon Encyklopedia encyklopedia.pl A......wersja dla drukarki. Geografia, Norwegia Amundsen Roald (18721928),widok strony znajdz podobne pokaz powiazane. Amundsen Roald http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/000a4f.html | |
15. Kvasir: Amundsen Roald LEGG TIL FORFATTAR FORFATTARAR Forfattarsentrum Norsk Oversetterforening Amundsen,Roald 18721928 E-tekst Project Gutenberg Tekst.SØK ETTERAmundsen http://search.kvasir.no/query?q=Amundsen Roald |
16. Back To Main Page Button Treasures Of The NOAA Library Catalog Of of Images. 350. libr0350, The meteorological screen and Insidea dogtent. In The South Pole , by Roald Amundsen, 1872-1928. http://www.photolib.noaa.gov/library/libind8.htm | |
17. Back To Main Page Button Treasures Of The NOAA Library Catalog Of 339. libr0339, Cover of The South Pole by Roald Amundsen, 18721928. 340.libr0340, Frontispiece portrait of Roald Amundsen, 1872-1928. http://www.photolib.noaa.gov/library/libind7.htm | |
18. Wissen Unserer Zeit Berühmte Personen Entdecker Amundsen, Roald 1872 - 1928. NorwegenRoald Amundsen / Tromsø Roald Roald Amundsen (1872-1928?) Roald http://www.wissen-unserer-zeit.de/themen/biograf/php/amundsenroald.php | |
19. Roald Amundsen - Courtesy Of: The Antarctic Connection Roald Amundsen (18721928). http://www.antarcticconnection.com/antarctic/history/amundsen.shtml | |
20. Roald Amundsen, History Roald Amundsen (18721928). Roald Engebreth Gravning Amundsen enjoyedbeing referred to as the last of the Vikings. He is now considered http://www.framheim.com/Amundsen/RAMain.html | |
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