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121. Biognomen A Linnaean taxonomy arranged to show the evolutionary relationships among groups. One can navigate through the hierarchy vertically, or follow a lineage horizontally at a particular level of the hierarchy. http://members.aol.com/bafiler/ |
122. Teaching Using Bloom's Taxonomy Teaching using Bloom's taxonomy. 1.Knowledge (finding out). a. Use records, films, videos, models, events, media, diagrams, books http://www.kent.k12.wa.us/KSD/MA/resources/blooms/teachers_blooms.html |
123. Larissa's Bunny Guide A guide to educate people on rabbit care. Offers information on behavior, taxonomy, photos and related links. http://www.spacerad.com/lara/rabbit.html |
124. Student's Blooms Taxonomy Bloom's taxonomy. I. Knowledge remembering of previously learned material;recall (facts or whole theories); bringing to mind. Terms http://www.kent.k12.wa.us/KSD/MA/resources/blooms/student_blooms.html |
125. EuroBrachNet Directory of the specialists working on brachiopods, recent publications, and systematics and taxonomy of the Brachiopoda. http://www.com.univ-mrs.fr/EuroBrachNet/ |
126. Soil Classification Keys To Soil Taxonomy Keys to Soil taxonomy provides the taxonomic keys necessary for the classificationof soils in a form that can be sued easily in the field. http://soils.usda.gov/classification/keys/main.htm |
127. The APLACOPHORA HOMEPAGE Deep-Sea MollusksCategory Science Biology Animalia Mollusca Aplacophora......The taxonomy of the Aplacophora (Chaetodermomorpha or Caudofoveata Neomeniomorphaor Solenogastres), ScleriteBearing Deep-Sea Mollusks. http://www.whoi.edu/science/B/aplacophora/ |
128. Department Of Entomology At Volcani ARO s of the research undertaken in insect management, taxonomy, ecology, toxicology and control....... http://www.agri.gov.il/Depts/Entomology/Entactiv.html |
129. SN Taxonomy Supernova taxonomy. Michael Richmond May 12, 1996. Well, the splitters have been beating the lumpers in the SN classification http://www.chapman.edu/oca/benet/sntypes.htm |
130. Paleo Bytes Introduction to the brachiopods, with information about taxonomy, morphology, and ecology. http://members.cts.com/crash/b/brucem/ |
131. Pfam Taxonomy Query Enter your query. The taxonomy query requires the scientific latin denominationof organisms. For example Eukaryota, Metazoa , Arthropoda http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Software/Pfam/tql.shtml |
132. DELTA DEscription Language For TAxonomy A flexible format for encoding taxonomic descriptions for computer processing. It can be used to produce naturallanguage descriptions, keys, classifications, and information-retrieval systems. http://www.biodiversity.uno.edu/delta/ |
133. 1414 - BLOOM'S TAXONOMY'S MODEL QUESTIONS AND KEY WORDS http://www.utexas.edu/student/utlc/handouts/1414.html |
134. About Logistics Supply Chain Provides an extensive taxonomy of links, supply chain articles and other resources for logistics and supply chain professionals. http://logistics.about.com |
135. The Brachiopoda Introduction to the morphology and taxonomy of the Brachiopoda with detailed sections on each major group. http://www.kheper.auz.com/gaia/biosphere/brachiopoda/brachiopoda.htm |
136. Biology4Kids.comTaxonomy taxonomy The TAXONOMETRIC way of organizing organisms is based on similaritiesbetween different organisms. taxonomy used to be called SYSTEMATICS. http://www.biology4kids.com/files/studies_taxonomy.html |
137. The Morning News - An Extremely Incomplete Taxonomy Of Cinematic An Extremely Incomplete taxonomy of Cinematic New Yorks Paul Ford,3 February 2003. Looking for New York over the last 7 years, I http://www.themorningnews.org/archives/new_york_new_york/an_extremely_incomplete |
138. ContextualAnalysis Information architecture consulting, specializing in content analysis and organization, taxonomy/thesaurus design, website indexing and backof-book indexes in the humanities. http://www.contextualanalysis.com |
139. Soil Orders The Twelve Soil Orders Soil taxonomy, In 1975, Soil taxonomy was publishedby the United States Department of Agriculture's Soil Survey Staff. http://soils.ag.uidaho.edu/soilorders/ |
140. Names In Current Use For Extant Plant Genera International Association for Plant taxonomy searchable database. http://www.bgbm.fu-berlin.de/iapt/ncu/genera/NCUGQuery.htm |
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